
mess about造句

mess about造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:34:29


mess about造句

  • 1、You really need to spend some time thinking about what you are doing and, if you mess something up, you can be in big trouble.(您確實需要花一些時間來考慮您正在做什么,如果您把某些事情搞糟了,就可能會惹來大麻煩。)
  • 2、Come on, you guys, -start doing some work, don't justmess about all day!(來吧,伙計們做點正經(jīng)事吧,不要整天胡混!)
  • 3、If you're gaining weight and discovering a mess in the kitchen every morning, talk to your doctor about whether or not you might have SRED.(如果你的體重在增加,而且每天早上都發(fā)現(xiàn)廚房一片狼藉,就去和醫(yī)生談?wù)劊茨闶欠竦昧伺c睡眠相關(guān)的飲食失調(diào)癥。)
  • 4、Our founders knew about this, they advised us and we have ignored it and we're in a mess.(我們的國父們深知這點,他們建議了我們,卻被我們所忽視了,并且現(xiàn)在我們的處境一團糟。)
  • 5、Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.(規(guī)則6:你的一敗涂地與父母無尤,不要喋喋不休的抱怨個不停,應(yīng)該汲取教訓(xùn),從中獲益。)
  • 6、Jack warned him not tomess about with married women.(杰克警告他不要和已婚婦女亂搞。)
  • 7、Before I get to that, a word about the current state of the mortgage mess.(在論述這個問題之前,先說說抵押貸款混亂的現(xiàn)狀。)
  • 8、In late October 1947, oppressed with "wretched health", Orwell recognised that his novel was still "a most dreadful mess and about two-thirds of it will have to be retyped entirely".(1947年十月下旬,煩于“糟透的病況”,奧威爾承認他的小說依然陷于“最艱難的困境以及還有三分之二的內(nèi)容需要完全重新打過”。)
  • 9、My gut feeling is terrible, I’m always getting in a mess by listening to myself, what can I do about it?(有這么種說法,“我本能的感覺是可怕的。我總是因為自己的直覺而使自己陷入窘境,我該怎么辦?”)
  • 10、Even if Lamentations about the British economy are overdone, there is no miraculous way out of the mess.(即使對英國經(jīng)濟的哀悼有些過火,也確實沒有奇跡的方法令其走出泥沼。)
  • 11、If you're gaining weight and discovering a mess in the kitchen every morning, talk to your doctor about whether or not you might have Sleep-Related Eating Disorder.(如果你的體重在增加,而且每天早上都發(fā)現(xiàn)廚房一片狼藉,你應(yīng)該去和醫(yī)生談?wù)劊纯茨闶欠窕加信c睡眠相關(guān)的飲食紊亂癥。)
  • 12、When a morning presents difficult challenges, like this morning when I cleaned up a mess that is too gross to tell you about, it's easy to feel sabotaged.(當早晨就出現(xiàn)麻煩事時,總是讓人感覺像是被整一樣,像是今天早上,我就清理了一堆污物,惡心的我都不想再提了。)
  • 13、They don't worry about climate change, because they cannot imagine how mankind could have in its power to mess up what God created.(他們并不擔心氣候變暖,因為他們無法想象人類如何能夠憑一己之力攪合上帝創(chuàng)造的東西。)
  • 14、Kids always cause a mess, but the parents refuse to do anything about their kids' behaviors.(孩子們總是把事情弄得一團糟,但是父母們拒絕對他們孩子的行為做任何事情。) Hao86.com
  • 15、Don'tmess about with sharp knives.(不要擺弄鋒利的刀子。)
  • 16、I'm talking here about basic cooking skills, allowing them to mess the kitchen up a little, eating together as a family - seems like fundamentals to me.(我在這里談?wù)摰挠嘘P(guān)基本的烹飪方法,允許孩子們和家人一起吃飯,雖然會把廚房弄得有點亂—可能就是我要說的原則。)
  • 17、Last week when we talked about undoing the mess and putting things away, one topic we discussed in the comments was how hard it is to put things away when your home has little to no storage space.(上周我們談?wù)撊绾问帐半s物并將他們收起來,談話中我們討論的一個話題是在一個小到?jīng)]有儲存空間的家庭要收拾起來有多么困難。)
  • 18、You can't reallymess about too much with organs that people need to live.(你不能對人們賴于生活的器官做太多的手腳。)
  • 19、Don'tmess about with those hooligans.(不要跟那些流氓搞在一起。)
  • 20、Theymess about with everything, don't they?(他們搞砸了一切,不是嗎?)
  • 21、There is no question he can play, there is not a doubt about it. But he doesn'tmess about in terms of clearing the ball. He acts like a defender.(沒有疑問的是維帝奇確實是能夠踢球,但他并沒有在清理球時復(fù)雜化,他表現(xiàn)出真正的中后衛(wèi)。)
  • 22、Like a kid on the playground, you want your own sandbox to play in, where you can make a mess and not worry about picking up.(就像玩耍的小孩子一樣,您希望擁有一個屬于自己的沙盒,在那里您可以隨意做任何事情。)
  • 23、Friend stay friends because they don'tmess about in each other's lives.(朋友們因為互不干擾對方的生活而保持朋友關(guān)系。)
  • 24、He was explaining what happens to mess it up and what you can do about it.(他解釋了如果睡眠混亂將會造成什么后果,還有你可以做些什么。)

mess about基本釋義

mess about

英 [mes ??baut] 美 [m?s ??ba?t] 
閑逛; 胡鬧; 浪費時間