
mean business造句

mean business造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:34:44


mean business造句

  • 1、For women, wear skirts or tailored pants with blouses, blazers, and accessories thatmean business yet convey a more casual look than your standard business attire.(女士應(yīng)穿裙子或裁剪得體的便裝褲、襯衫、外套和飾物,整體裝束既正式又比標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的職業(yè)裝隨意。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 2、I know many of you Cappy's and truth be known, I would want you on my team in battle. You peoplemean business.(我知道許多摩羯知道這完全屬實(shí),我愿與你們共同戰(zhàn)斗,你們是認(rèn)真之人。)
  • 3、I'm not joking; Imean business.(我不是在開玩笑,我是認(rèn)真的。)
  • 4、It might stand outside the door, listening in, but it will know youmean business, because you're all about the business of making meaning.(它也許會(huì)在門外逗留,側(cè)耳聽聽里面的動(dòng)靜。但是它會(huì)漸漸明白,你不是說說而已,因?yàn)槟阋呀?jīng)完全投入工作當(dāng)中了。)
  • 5、You better believe that Imean business .(你最好相信我是認(rèn)真的。)
  • 6、For Israelis it means "later" — only after they are incrementally and fully convinced that this time the Palestinians (and the rest of the Arab world)mean business and can handle business.(對于以色列人來說,則需要時(shí)間——使他們逐步并充分相信,巴勒斯坦人(以及阿拉伯世界的其他地區(qū))懂得經(jīng)商,并能夠處理業(yè)務(wù)。)
  • 7、Don't be fooled, though, these turbinesmean business.(不要被愚弄,不過,這些渦輪機(jī)平均業(yè)務(wù)。)
  • 8、Claimed synergies have rarely materialised in past pharmaceutical deals, but this time Pfizer seems tomean business: it plans to shed nearly 20,000 jobs.(過去的藥品公司收購交易很少能真正實(shí)現(xiàn)所謂的協(xié)同增效,但這次輝瑞似乎要說到做到:公司計(jì)劃削減20000個(gè)崗位。)
  • 9、Through it all, the concept of e-business -- once a brand name closely associated with IBM -- has come to simplymean business.(經(jīng)過這個(gè)過程,電子商務(wù)的概念--一度是和IBM緊密相連的一個(gè)品牌--已經(jīng)逐漸只意味著商務(wù)。)
  • 10、Don't think I am joking; Imean business.(不要以為我是在開玩笑,我可是當(dāng)真的。)
  • 11、Our country soon carries out whether the new accounting standards system doesmean business accounting the system soon completes the historical mission?(我國即將履行的新會(huì)計(jì)準(zhǔn)則體系是否意味著企業(yè)會(huì)計(jì)制度即將完成使命?)
  • 12、Theymean business. Otherwise, they wouldn't have come here.(他們來辦事。要不然他們不會(huì)來的。)
  • 13、Provided you demonstrate, by your behaviour, by your attitude, and by the way you spend your time, that youmean business, others will get the message.(通過你的行為和你的態(tài)度去擺明你的觀點(diǎn),通過你當(dāng)真花費(fèi)的時(shí)間,別人會(huì)明白你要表達(dá)的信息。)
  • 14、Did youmean business about what we talked yesterday?(我們昨天談的事你是當(dāng)真的嗎?。)
  • 15、I'm not joking with you. Imean business...(我不是在跟你開玩笑,我是認(rèn)真的。)
  • 16、Then there are search engines thatmean business.(接下來介紹一些和商業(yè)相關(guān)的搜索引擎。)
  • 17、I think I made a hit with the boss. My idea knocked him dead. Now he knows Imean business.(我想,我這次和老板配合得很成功。他中意我的點(diǎn)子,而且知道我是認(rèn)真的。)
  • 18、Suddenly youmean business, and you want your time to count, which is why it will!(突然你考慮商業(yè)的問題,開始計(jì)算你時(shí)間的價(jià)值,怎么去安排和合理利用它。)
  • 19、They have now well and truly come to the realisation that wemean business.(他們現(xiàn)在徹底認(rèn)識到,我們是認(rèn)真的。)
  • 20、You don't have to look like a man but you do have to look like youmean business.(“你不必看起來像某個(gè)人,但你必須看起來是認(rèn)真的”。)
  • 21、That doesn'tmean business development as a skill requirement has gone away.(這并不是說企業(yè)不再需要業(yè)務(wù)開發(fā)這項(xiàng)技能。)
  • 22、David: Energy saving and environmentally products are not only a commitment, they alsomean business.(馬大衛(wèi):生產(chǎn)節(jié)能環(huán)保產(chǎn)品不僅僅是責(zé)任問題,同時(shí)也是適應(yīng)市場的需要。)
  • 23、Imean business, so you must be careful.(我是認(rèn)真的,所以你得小心。)

mean business基本釋義

mean business

英 [mi:n ?biznis] 美 [min ?b?zn?s] 
