Me too造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:34:44


Me too造句

  • 1、Wow! That's interesting.Me too.(哇!真有意思。我也是。)
  • 2、It scared the hell out of her, if you must know. And me, too.(這把她的魂都嚇飛了,如果你一定要知道的話。而且我也被嚇壞了。)
  • 3、My rheumatics has madeMe too stiff in the joints.(我的風(fēng)濕病使我的關(guān)節(jié)太僵硬了。)
  • 4、Me, too. Do you enjoy skateboarding?(我也是。你喜歡玩滑板嗎?)
  • 5、It's happened toMe too.(因?yàn)樵谖疑砩希惨粯影l(fā)生著。)
  • 6、Me too,my dad gives me much help.(我也是,我爸爸給了我很多幫助。)
  • 7、And they are shining forMe too.(他們也為我而閃亮。)
  • 8、Let's keep to the subject, or you'll getMe too confused.(咱們不要離題,否則你會把我弄得很糊涂。)
  • 9、Being diagnosed has helpedMe too.(被確診這事兒也幫助了我。)
  • 10、The clerk at the counter gaveMe too little change.(柜臺的售貨員少給我找了零錢。)
  • 11、Pearl punishesMe too!(也是珠兒叫我受著懲罰!)
  • 12、You giveMe too much.(你們給我太多了。)
  • 13、Maria:Me too.(瑪麗亞:我也是。)
  • 14、I must say that rather shocked me, too.(我得說那件事也讓我頗為震驚。)
  • 15、Granddaughter: Did God makeMe too?(孫女:上帝也創(chuàng)造了我嗎?)
  • 16、It tiresMe too much.(它讓我太累了。)
  • 17、Yeah, I say,Me too.(是啊,我說,我也這么想。)
  • 18、She calledMe too.(??!她也給我打電話了!)
  • 19、People don’t mobMe too bad.(人們對我還不算太過分。)
  • 20、A: Yes - forMe too, with Chinese!(是的——對我來說,漢語的發(fā)音也難。)
  • 21、"I've got a great feeling about it."—"Me too."(“我對此感覺棒極了?!薄拔乙惨粯??!?
  • 22、He savedMe too.(他也救了我。)
  • 23、But I'm used to that so it doesn't botherMe too much.(但我已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了,所以這不會太困擾我。)
  • 24、They're workingMe too hard. I'm too old for this.(他們讓我干得太苦。我干這個(gè)年紀(jì)太大了。)
  • 25、BlessMe too, my father!(我父啊,求你也為我祝福!)

Me too基本釋義