
meet with造句

meet with造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:34:37


meet with造句

  • 1、We shallmeet with this child again later on.(我們以后還會見到這個孩子。) hAo86.com
  • 2、Anyone will help you when youmeet with difficulties.(你有困難時誰都會幫助你。)
  • 3、Will Chinese officialsmeet with him?(中方官員是否會與他接觸?)
  • 4、A dishonest person is bound tomeet with setbacks sooner or later.(不老實的人非碰釘子不可。)
  • 5、Do the plansmeet with your approval ?(這些計劃你贊成嗎?)
  • 6、Teachersmeet with students in groups of 25, five mornings a week, for open-ended discussions of everything from homework problems to bad Saturday-night dates.(每周老師們會在5個上午里,與25人一組的學(xué)生見面,就各種問題展開開放式討論,內(nèi)容包括家庭作業(yè)問題以至周六晚上糟糕的約會等。)
  • 7、Here comes your chance! Here is a three-day summer program! You can take part in many activities andmeet with animals, such as giraffes, pandas tigers, and so on!(你的機(jī)會來了!這是一個為期三天的暑期項目!你可以參加許多活動,與動物見面,如長頸鹿,熊貓,老虎等!)
  • 8、Which Chinese official will hemeet with?(他將與哪位中方官員會見?)
  • 9、Which Chinese leaders willmeet with him?(中方哪些領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人將與他會見?)
  • 10、Sherry goes down tomeet with Palmer privately.(雪莉下樓與帕默私下地會面。)
  • 11、Nice eaters seldommeet with a good dinner.(好的吃客很少吃好的晚餐。)
  • 12、As part of the interview process, we have themmeet with a committee of professors and students in our department.(作為面試過程的一部分,我們讓他們與我們系的教授和學(xué)生組成的委員會見面。)
  • 13、I've been invited tomeet with the ambassador.(我已經(jīng)被邀請和大使會晤。)
  • 14、meet with them. Talk with them.(和他們見面,與他們交談。)
  • 15、Their plan will probablymeet with little success.(他們的計劃大概難有所成。)
  • 16、Will hemeet with Hamas leaders?(他是否計劃會見哈馬斯領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人?)
  • 17、I could arrange tomeet with you any day next week.(我可以安排在下周的任何一天和你見一面。)
  • 18、Mr. Ban did notmeet with Hamas officials.(潘基文并沒有與哈馬斯官員見面。)
  • 19、My schedule is quite flexible. I could arrange tomeet with you any day next week.(我的時間表很靈活,我可以安排在下周的任何一天與你見面。)
  • 20、Because a besom looks cooler then the other and if someonemeet with a stronger, he can hide himself as a cleaner.(因為掃帚看起來比另一個更酷,如果有人遇到一個強(qiáng)者,他可以隱藏自己作為一個清潔工。)
  • 21、Don't be discouraged when youmeet with difficulties.(碰到困難不要?dú)怵H。)
  • 22、Now Imeet with fewer difficulties in my work.(現(xiàn)在我工作中困難少些了。)
  • 23、We hope today's offer willmeet with your approval too.(我們希望今天的提議也將會得到您的批準(zhǔn)。)
  • 24、The childrenmeet with shouts and dances.(孩子們相聚、叫著、跳著。)
  • 25、The advisers alsomeet with students privately and stay in touch with parents, so they are deeply invested in the students' success.(顧問們還會私下與學(xué)生見面,并與家長保持聯(lián)系,因此他們對學(xué)生的成功投入了眾多的精力。)
  • 26、I didn't want tomeet with him.(我開始并沒有想過要用他。)
  • 27、On the seashore of endless worlds the childrenmeet with shouts and dances.(在無邊無際的世界的海濱,孩子們歡聲笑語,手舞足蹈。)
  • 28、Let'smeet with her early.(我想早點(diǎn)跟她會面。)
  • 29、Who did hemeet with?(中方哪些官員與他會見?)
  • 30、The center's "Shop with Your Doc" program sends doctors to the grocery store tomeet with any patients who sign up for the service, plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions.(該中心的“與你的醫(yī)生一起購物”計劃將醫(yī)生派到雜貨店,與注冊該服務(wù)的病人見面,并與帶著疑問又碰巧在附近的顧客見面。)

meet with基本釋義

meet with

英 [mi:t wie] 美 [mit w?e] 