
Monkey King造句

Monkey King造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:33:57


Monkey King造句

  • 1、The stone monkey called himself the HandsomeMonkey King.(這石頭猴子稱呼它自己叫做美猴王。)
  • 2、However, yesterday, he said he was the Red Boy, not theMonkey King.(但是昨天,他卻說改口說他是紅孩兒,不是孫悟空了。)
  • 3、In the movie, there was a debate about theMonkey King in the court.(電影中,在法庭上有一段關(guān)于孫悟空的辯論。)
  • 4、Now he is performing a Beijing Opera that is about theMonkey King in two languages, Chinese and English.(現(xiàn)在他用兩種語言——中文和英文表演關(guān)于孫悟空的京劇。) haO86.com
  • 5、What follows is three stories ofMonkey King.(接下來的是關(guān)于猴王的三個相連的故事。)
  • 6、But theMonkey King with the well trained mind remained calm.(但是國王受過良好訓(xùn)練的大腦依然保持著冷靜。)
  • 7、Four years later, he began to learn to perform theMonkey King, a traditional character from the Chinese classic story Journey to the West.(四年后,他開始學(xué)習(xí)表演中國經(jīng)典故事《西游記》中的傳統(tǒng)角色美猴王。)
  • 8、TheMonkey King has a magic stick.(齊天大圣有一根魔杖。)
  • 9、In comparison, theMonkey King is a lone ranger.(相比較而言,孫悟空是一個孤膽英雄。)
  • 10、He once got a top international prize for performing theMonkey King.(他曾因表演美猴王而獲得國際頂級獎項。)
  • 11、He dresses up asMonkey King in the film.(在這部影片中他裝扮成美猴王的模樣。)
  • 12、TheMonkey King is my favorite character.(“猴王”是我最喜歡的角色。)
  • 13、TheMonkey King is from a 16th Century fantasy epic by Wu Cheng en.(猴王是16世紀(jì)吳承恩寫的一部神話傳奇。)
  • 14、TheMonkey King follows Mr. Fox to a cave.(猴子國王跟著狐貍先生來到了一個山洞前。)
  • 15、"Please take me to Kansas," said Dorothy. But theMonkey King shook his head.(“請帶我去堪薩斯吧?!倍嗵}西說??墒呛锿鯎u了搖頭。)
  • 16、TheMonkey King is not just any normal monkey.(美猴王不是普通的猴子。)
  • 17、I'll dress up asMonkey King.(我要裝扮成猴王。)
  • 18、TheMonkey King was very special, and that is why so many followed him.(猴子國王畢竟是與眾不同的,這也是他為甚么會有這么多追隨者的原因。)
  • 19、Don't think you jumped out from a stone becameMonkey King.(別以為你從石頭里蹦出來就成了美猴王了。)
  • 20、Fox:Monkey King, how are you today?(狐貍:猴子國王,你今天還好嗎?)

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