
motor center造句

motor center造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:33:46


motor center造句

  • 1、The National Center for Learning Disabilities says people with dyspraxia have trouble planning and completing fine motor tasks.(國家學(xué)習(xí)障礙研究中心表示,有運(yùn)動(dòng)困難癥狀的人在計(jì)劃和完成精細(xì)動(dòng)作時(shí)有障礙。)
  • 2、A slip frequency control system of asynchronous motor used DSP as control center is presented, which apply to the electric tourist car.(介紹一種以dsp為控制核心的異步電動(dòng)機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)差頻率控制系統(tǒng)在電動(dòng)游覽車中的應(yīng)用。)
  • 3、Ferrari put the motor, batteries and related electronics as low as possible in the car to keep the center of gravity low and preserve interior space.(法拉利公司盡可能讓發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)、動(dòng)力電池和相關(guān)電子設(shè)備重量減輕,使汽車保持低重心,車內(nèi)的空間也不會(huì)減少。)
  • 4、HVC formerly known as the high vocal center is the highest nucleus of vocal motor pathway.(高級(jí)發(fā)聲中樞(HVC)是鳴禽鳴唱控制系統(tǒng)中,處于發(fā)聲運(yùn)動(dòng)通路最高級(jí)的控制核團(tuán)。)
  • 5、The DMV together with the solitary tract nucleus and the area postrema form the so-called vagal sensory andmotor center.(DMV和孤束核、最后區(qū)一起構(gòu)成了“迷走感覺運(yùn)動(dòng)中樞”。)
  • 6、During the subsequent clearing of the motor-spindle after collision, the safety system is restored back to its initial center position precisely through springs and a self-centering separator.(在碰撞后的電機(jī)主軸的后續(xù)結(jié)算,安全系統(tǒng)恢復(fù)到其初始中心的地位,正是通過彈簧和自定心分隔。)
  • 7、DCS system has two sets field devices control Units. One sets on the motor control room, the other sets on the center control room.(DCS系統(tǒng)設(shè)有兩套現(xiàn)場裝置控制單元,一套設(shè)在電機(jī)控制間,一套設(shè)在中心控制室。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 8、The three-seater is lightweight with a low center of gravity and features a powerful electric motor that helps it deliver supercar performance.(這部三個(gè)座位的汽車很輕,重心較低,并有強(qiáng)大的電動(dòng)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),有助于它發(fā)揮超級(jí)汽車的性能。)
  • 9、The SELLER shall limit its scope of supply up to Motor control Center (MCC) but to include all necessary field devices or instrumentation for control and data measurements.(賣方應(yīng)限制它的供應(yīng)范圍到馬達(dá)控制中心(MCC),但是要包含所有必須的控制和數(shù)據(jù)測(cè)量用的現(xiàn)場設(shè)備或儀器。)
  • 10、The parameter of height of the center of gravity of motor vehicle is an important parameter in designing calculation and final approving testing of the vehicle.(在汽車的設(shè)計(jì)計(jì)算和定型試驗(yàn)中,汽車的質(zhì)心高度是一個(gè)重要的參數(shù)。)
  • 11、Motor position has been shifted 1mm to center for optimum chassis balance.(馬達(dá)位置往中間移動(dòng)1MM,優(yōu)化車架平衡性。)
  • 12、Poles mixed-division synchronous motor excitation structure of the concept on a proposed international community and major electrical company research the center of great concern.(轉(zhuǎn)子磁極分割型混合勵(lì)磁結(jié)構(gòu)同步電機(jī)這一概念一提出就引起國際電工界和各大汽車公司研發(fā)中心的極大關(guān)注。)
  • 13、The Motor Control Center (MCC) will be of indoor use, vertical self-stand, sheet metal enclosed, single-front cubicle type.(電機(jī)控制中心(MCC)是戶內(nèi)型、離墻安裝(垂直自立)、金屬封閉、單面組合式?)
  • 14、The rotary rod (18) on the turntable (2) is connected with a motor (5) through a round hole on the center of the chassis (3).(轉(zhuǎn)盤(2)上的轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)桿(18)通過底盤(3)中心的圓孔與電機(jī)(5)相連。)
  • 15、The method includes sensing an arc flash corresponding to the motor control center (420).(一種消除電動(dòng)機(jī)控制中心(420)中的電弧閃光的方法。)
  • 16、Appropriate pitch curve designing is a key of regularly working for non-circular planetary gear mechanism with variable center distance which can be used in low speed high torque hydraulic motor.(合理的節(jié)曲線設(shè)計(jì)是可用于低速大扭矩液壓馬達(dá)的變中心距非圓行星齒輪機(jī)構(gòu)正常工作的關(guān)鍵。)
  • 17、The motor scooter chase alone, in which Audrey and Peck are pursued by the police through the center of town, was a miracle of logistics.(影片中有一場戲是警察追捕奧黛麗和派克,能在羅馬市中心拍出黃蜂摩托車橫沖直撞的場面,簡直就是一個(gè)奇跡。)
  • 18、Honda Motor Co. recently opened a development center in Guangzhou with one of its Chinese partners.(本田汽車公司(HondaMotorCo。)最近也與其中國合作伙伴在廣州開設(shè)了研發(fā)中心。)
  • 19、The MSP430F149 MCU is selected as the control center of elevator door motor control system.(系統(tǒng)選擇MSP430F149單片機(jī)作為電梯門機(jī)控制系統(tǒng)的核心,兼顧性能與成本等因素。)
  • 20、The center motor drives the fuel pump and the small one at the right the oil pump.(該中心電機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng)器的燃料泵和在適當(dāng)?shù)挠捅眯≈弧?
  • 21、The results show that measuring the center of gravity position of motor vehicle by using the mass reaction method is undoubtedly applicable.(結(jié)果表明,采用質(zhì)量反應(yīng)法測(cè)定汽車質(zhì)心位置是完全可行的。)
  • 22、For example, the motor 24 can be located closer to the bottom 12b of the housing 12 to provide a lower center of gravity to the air purifier 10.(例如,馬達(dá)24可以位于靠近外殼12的底部12b的地方,以便為空氣清潔器提供更低的重心。)
  • 23、The two variable resistors in the center are for controlling motor speed and trigger level.(兩個(gè)可變電阻的中心控制電機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)速和觸發(fā)電平。)
  • 24、The aging mechanism for motor control center (MCC) of nuclear plant was analysed.(分析了核電站電動(dòng)機(jī)控制中心(MCC)的老化機(jī)理。)
  • 25、Use special motor to drive the rolling center shaft to rotate, to achieve the shutter switch, when the motor is set to the upper and lower limits automatically stop.(用專用電機(jī)帶動(dòng)卷簾中心軸轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),達(dá)到卷簾開關(guān),當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)到電機(jī)設(shè)定的上下限位時(shí)自動(dòng)停止。)
  • 26、In this paper, the wiring procedures, power supply mode, testing methods and the power supply and connection schemes of motor control center are described.(為此,介紹了附加柴油發(fā)電機(jī)的接線方式、供電模式、試驗(yàn)方法和馬達(dá)控制中心的供電接線方式等。)
  • 27、Like synchronous motor, rotor magnetic pole center line could lagged behind an Angle of that of air-gap magnetic field under the function of load torque (called angular displacement).(步進(jìn)電動(dòng)機(jī)象同步電動(dòng)機(jī)一樣,在負(fù)載轉(zhuǎn)矩的作用下,轉(zhuǎn)子磁極中心線將滯后于氣隙磁場的中心線一個(gè)角度,稱為失調(diào)角。)
  • 28、Winding adopts center winding with speed regulating motor and the winding is leveling &compaction.(收卷采用調(diào)速電機(jī)中心卷取,收卷平整密實(shí)。)
  • 29、It analyzes the technique of extracting the spindle motor current of the Machining Center, correspondingly, points out that Hall current sensor is a very efficient way.(對(duì)自由曲面數(shù)控加工中主軸電機(jī)電流信號(hào)的提取技術(shù)進(jìn)行了分析,指出了霍爾電流傳感器是行之有效的方法。)

motor center基本釋義

motor center

英 [?m?ut? ?sent?] 美 [?mot? ?s?nt?] 

