
mistake for造句

mistake for造句

更新時間:2024-11-10 21:48:42


mistake for造句

  • 1、A commonmistake for most Hibernate developers is to create a new index whenever they need a new WHERE clause.(大多數(shù)Hibernate開發(fā)者所常犯的一個錯誤是無論何時,當需要新WHERE子句的時候都會創(chuàng)建一個新的索引。)
  • 2、A commonmistake for new connector developers is to focus on mapping repository items to II ce API concepts in the most technologically precise way, forcing an unnatural mapping onto the repository.(新的連接器開發(fā)人員的通病是:關(guān)注以最精密的技術(shù)方式將存儲庫項目映射到IICEAPI概念,從而將不自然的映射強加給存儲庫。)
  • 3、Yet it would be amistake for the state to impose broad pay caps.(然而國家廣泛施行的封頂薪水又會是個錯誤。)
  • 4、Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?(我為什么要為別人的錯誤而受罰呢?)
  • 5、Once again, though, while this technique seems convenient, it is also a long-termmistake for the same reason.(但是,如前所述,這種方法看起來十分方便,但實際上也存在長期的潛在問題,原因也一樣。) hAo86.com
  • 6、I actually consider it amistake for JBoss to have integrated their AOP framework into the application server because it effectively locks their users into their framework.(實際上我認為,JBoss將其AOP框架集成到應用服務器是一個錯誤,因為這樣做會將它們的用戶限制在它們的框架之中。)
  • 7、With. This has proven to be amistake for me.(帶有。這已被證明是對我的錯誤。)
  • 8、It is a terriblemistake for them to do so.(他們犯了一個嚴重的錯誤。)
  • 9、He believes it's amistake for employers to become too heavy handed about personal Internet use.(他認為雇主過于限制私人互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用是個錯誤。)
  • 10、It is amistake for Congress to instruct regulatory agencies on the details of how to regulate.(由國會在如何進行監(jiān)管的細節(jié)上對監(jiān)管機構(gòu)發(fā)號施令是錯誤的。)
  • 11、The easiestmistake for a beginning racer to make is to respond to the exuberance of the race and head out too fast.(第一次參加比賽的人最容易犯的錯誤就是沉浸于比賽的熱烈氛圍中以致起跑太快。)
  • 12、Given the likely and devastating chaos, it would be amistake for a country to choose to leave.(鑒于可能發(fā)生的具有破壞性的混亂局面,決定退出歐盟也是一個錯誤的抉擇。)
  • 13、Luca Virgilio, who runs the hotel Metropole in Monaco, says it would be amistake for him to compromise on quality; clients visit the hotel precisely because it is luxurious.(摩納哥維景酒店的經(jīng)營者LucaVirgilio表示,降低酒店質(zhì)量將是一個錯誤;客人愿意選擇維景酒店,正正是因為該酒店的豪華。)
  • 14、Someone will make amistake for certain and take the wrong ones.(一個人總會會犯錯誤,走錯路的。)
  • 15、Basic physical principles and recent scientific research suggest that what readers mightmistake for fantasies and exaggeration could be rooted in reality.(基本物理學原理和最近的研究表明,讀者們認為虛幻的童話故事其實都源于現(xiàn)實生活。)
  • 16、He said it would be a hugemistake for countries to allow the Doha round to die.(他說,各國讓多哈回合失敗會是很大的錯誤。)
  • 17、"The number-onemistake for people just getting started is pricing [incorrectly]," says William T. Lasley, a guide for arts and crafts business for About.com.(“很多人犯的第一個錯誤就是在事業(yè)起步時制訂了錯誤的價格”,WilliamT.Lasley說(一個關(guān)于藝術(shù)品和手工藝品生意的指南來自About.com)。)
  • 18、It was amistake for us to include code in our software that collected payload data, but we believe we did nothing illegal.(我們錯誤地把收集有效數(shù)據(jù)的代碼加入了我們的軟件中,但我們認為我們并未做違法的事。)
  • 19、Children may eat pills inmistake for sweets.(孩子們會把藥片錯當成糖果吃的。)
  • 20、On the surface, it had been easy tomistake for tenderness, but the more I thought about it the more there seemed to be something condescending in it, even meant to humiliate.(表面上,這很容易被誤解為親昵,但我越想,越覺得這是一種高人一等的表現(xiàn),甚至是有意羞辱我。)
  • 21、It would be amistake for companies to blindly jump into the social media whirlwind without first defining clear goals.(一個企業(yè)在開始社會化營銷之前,如果沒有一個清晰的目標,而只是盲目跟風,那將是一個錯誤的舉動。)
  • 22、It would be amistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber.(“讓克隆人從參議院里出來是個錯誤?!?其實是說:參議院通過克隆人法案是個錯誤。))

mistake for基本釋義

mistake for

英 [mis?teik f?:] 美 [m??stek f?r] 
