
name after造句

name after造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:33:26


name after造句

  • 1、If there is no space character in the containername after the database partition expression, it is assumed that the rest of the string is part of the expression.(如果容器名稱中在數(shù)據(jù)庫分區(qū)表達式后面沒有空格字符,則認(rèn)為剩下的字符串是表達式的一部分。)
  • 2、If you wanted to get fancy, you can always add an extra notename after the categories like this.(如果你想要弄點花樣,你可以類別命名并像這樣額外標(biāo)注。)
  • 3、Other parents simply fall in love with anothername after the fact.(還有的家長只是在事后喜歡上了另一個名字。) hAo86.com
  • 4、She who whispers thyname after waking up in the morning, has your eyesight in her shadow.(早上醒來默念你名字的人,你的影子里有她的目光。)
  • 5、If you have explicitly cataloged an aliasname after database creation, use the alias name.(如果在創(chuàng)建數(shù)據(jù)庫后,您已顯式編錄了別名,請使用別名。)
  • 6、Set the JNDI name for the JNDI lookupname after the module is created, click Dependencies.(為JNDIlookupname創(chuàng)建好模塊后,單擊Dependencies。)
  • 7、Terminate the database partition expression with a space character; whatever follows the space is appended to the containername after the database partition expression is evaluated.(數(shù)據(jù)庫分區(qū)表達式以一個空格字符結(jié)束;數(shù)據(jù)庫分區(qū)表達式計算完畢后,空格后的內(nèi)容附在容器名稱的后面。)
  • 8、After telling several friends about our ordeal, probably the most frequent advice I've heard in response is to change my name.(在告訴了幾個朋友我們的遭遇后,我聽到的回應(yīng)中最常見的建議可能是改掉我的名字。)
  • 9、Thank you Mr. Wang, Here is a copy of your bill, So you may review your account. Please sign yourname after you check it.(謝謝王先生,這是您在酒店所有消費的帳單,請您核對后簽字確認(rèn)。(客人簽字確認(rèn)))
  • 10、Blue entrance ribbons had been stuck by their safety pins intoname after name.(入場時佩戴的藍絲帶被別針固定在了一個又一個名字上。)
  • 11、Somewhat sheepishly, Madhoun sent word that I shouldn't mention hisname after all, and we dropped the idea of showing the video.(馬洪顯得有些膽怯,聯(lián)系我說他本就不應(yīng)該提起自己的名字,而且他們已經(jīng)放棄了公布錄像的想法。)
  • 12、Iconic British wartime leader Winston Churchill will have two cigars to hisname after Swiss manufacturer Oettinger Davidoff said Thursday it is launching a new brand bearing his moniker.(“二戰(zhàn)”時期英國著名首相溫斯頓?邱吉爾不久要擁有屬于他自己的雪茄了,因為瑞士雪茄制造商奧汀?大衛(wèi)·多夫公司于本周四宣布,他們將推出一款“邱吉爾”牌新雪茄。)
  • 13、The members of the Village People, a pop group founded in the 1970s, are dismayed that the organisation that inspired their greatest hit is to change itsname after 166 years.(成立于1970年代的流行樂隊“村民”的成員非常不悅,因為作為他們最紅的主打歌(譯注:歌名即ycma,寫于1978年)的靈感來源,這個組織在166年后將要更名。)
  • 14、And, each house will have at least two trees, which families canname after their children to ensure the saplings are cared for.(每個房子附近至少都會有兩棵樹,各家可以用孩子的名字命名這些樹,以保證好好看護這些樹苗。)
  • 15、Wolstencroft really wasn't such a badname after all they both decided as they whirled around the Christmas tree at the front of the store.(在商店前面,他們圍繞著圣誕樹快樂的轉(zhuǎn)著圈兒,這時候,他們再也不認(rèn)為Wolstencroft是個很糟糕的名字了。)
  • 16、If you change thename after you create it, you may want to regenerate the strongly typed DataSet's class file as the classes and methods will not update their names to reflect the new names.(如果在創(chuàng)建之后更改名稱,則可能需要重新生成強類型數(shù)據(jù)集的類文件,因為類和方法不會更新它們的名字以反映新的名稱。)
  • 17、Your name comes after mine in the list.(在名單上你的名字在我的后面。)
  • 18、After choosing the name for his Marionette, Geppetto set seriously to work to make the hair, the forehead, the eyes.(杰佩托給他的木偶取好名字后,就開始認(rèn)真地給它做頭發(fā)、前額和眼睛。)
  • 19、I wrote myname after Penny's at the bottom of the page.(我把我的名字寫在了這頁最下面彭尼的名字之后。)
  • 20、Because the release label is embedded in each project, we have to append the releasename after the application name to identify the project name.(因為發(fā)布版本嵌入到每一個項目之中,所以在程序名識別項目名之后,我們就必須補充發(fā)布名。)
  • 21、Uncle Homayoun told me that he had willed the house to me and that the deed of trust would be issued in myname after his death.(荷馬揚叔叔告訴我他已經(jīng)立下遺囑,他死后房子就由我繼承,他一死信托協(xié)議馬上就以我的名義簽發(fā)生效。)
  • 22、Thee assignor may not continue to use the assigned enterprisename after the assignment.(企業(yè)名稱轉(zhuǎn)讓后,轉(zhuǎn)讓方不得繼續(xù)使用已轉(zhuǎn)讓的企業(yè)名稱。)
  • 23、If you need to change aname after you have started work on your schema, make sure that everyone is aware of that change.(在您開始處理一個方案之后,您需要更改一個名字,那么您要確定每個人都意識到了您所做的更改。)
  • 24、I think they need at least one year to test the market, and then they could establish their own brandname after the period of exploration.(我認(rèn)為他們至少需要一年來檢驗這個市場,那個時候他們就可以建立起自有的品牌。)
  • 25、After some time I stopped trying to find out the sender's name and was just pleased with the beautiful flower, in soft pink paper.(過了一段時間,我不再去想發(fā)件人的名字,只是對這朵用柔軟的粉紅色紙做的美麗花朵感到滿意。)
  • 26、He persuaded Virginia to name the baby after him.(他勸弗吉妮亞給孩子命以他的名字。)

name after基本釋義

name after

英 [neim ?ɑ:ft?] 美 [nem ??ft?] 
