
movie star造句

movie star造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:33:41


movie star造句

  • 1、Unusually for amovie star of his stature, Brad Pitt has never appeared on Inside the Actor's Studio.(對于一位像布拉德·皮特這樣聲名顯赫的電影明星來說,從來沒有在《在演員工作室里》(InsidetheActor'sStudio)這樣知名的訪談錄節(jié)目中露過面真是件不可思議的奇事。)
  • 2、If you want to share movies with the world, you don't need to be a famousmovie star.(如果您想和全世界分享電影,您不必是個有名的電影明星。)
  • 3、People magazine described the swashbuckling "Pirates of the Caribbean"movie star as "the king of cool with the killer cheekbones".(《人物》雜志評價這位霸氣十足、曾出演的男星“具有最酷的面容和迷人的顴骨。”)
  • 4、Whether it was two in the morning or two in the afternoon you always looked like amovie star to me.(不管是凌晨兩點還是下午兩點,在我眼里你總像個電影明星。)
  • 5、If a cool friend or amovie star walks a certain way, you might adopt a similar gait.(你也有可能會模仿你的好朋友或電影明星的走路姿勢。)
  • 6、Sung Hae-rim, amovie star, gave birth to Kim Jong-nam, now 38.(SungHae-rim,是個電影明星,生下了KimJong-nam,38歲。)
  • 7、To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta·Jones, themovie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer.(在迪倫·托馬斯和理查德·伯頓這樣熟悉的面孔中增加了新偶像,比如電影明星凱瑟琳·澤塔·瓊斯和歌劇歌手布林·特費爾。)
  • 8、If you want to pin down a character that doesn't want to be found, you don't use amovie star.(要是想要詮釋一個從未存在過的人物,就不要啟用電影明星。)
  • 9、Wouldn't it have been nice if you could have been the best buddy of a rock star or amovie star who gets all the girls.(如果你能夠成為得到所有女孩子的搖滾明星或者電影明星的最好的朋友,這樣不是很好嗎?)
  • 10、Q: When you cast Denzel Washington in this, how do you remove themovie star and make him as spiritual and downplayed as he is in this role?(問:影片由丹澤爾·華盛頓擔任主演,你們是怎樣去掉他的明星光環(huán),展現(xiàn)出人物需要的靈性和低調(diào)的一面?)
  • 11、Well you just got lucky. No rock star ormovie star has ever had more girlfriends than your buddy Elvis.(你恰恰走了運,沒有搖滾明星或者電影明星得到過比你的好友Elvis得到的更多的女孩子了。)
  • 12、Imagine you are a famousmovie star or a well known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you?(想象你是一個著名的電影明星或著名的體育運動員,當你的粉絲跑向你時,你會做什么?)
  • 13、For the last 40 years of her life, Ms. Taylor became nothing but a celebrity, no longer amovie star.(在她生命的后四十年,泰勒只是一個名人,不再是一個電影明星。)
  • 14、The producers of the James Bond films have denied rumors thatmovie star Pierce Brosnan will be replaced as the super smooth secret agent.(007電影的制作商出面否認了有關(guān)電影明星皮爾斯·布魯斯南不再出演“詹姆斯·邦德”的謠言。)
  • 15、For an Asian lady, the man doesn't have to be super rich or look like amovie star, just treat her well and show his love.(對亞洲女孩來說,男人不需要太有錢或看起來像個影視明星,她們只希望他們能對她們好,能一直愛她們就夠了。)
  • 16、Forget being an A-listmovie star: Angelina Jolie finds being a mother the tougher job.(拋開作為好萊塢一線女星的身份,在安吉麗娜·朱莉看來,作為一位母親才是一份更具挑戰(zhàn)的工作。)
  • 17、Today, I met amovie star celebrity who has been one of my idols since I was a kid.(今天,我遇到了一位電影明星,還在孩提時代他就是我的偶像了。)
  • 18、An ancient magazine photograph of some dark-hairedmovie star was taped to the wall beside the bed, the skin tone gone magenta.(床邊貼著一些從舊雜志上剪下來的照片,照片上那些黑頭發(fā)的電影明星,都已經(jīng)褪色發(fā)黃。)
  • 19、If you expect cosmetic surgery to turn you into amovie star, you're bound to be disappointed.(如果你希望整形手術(shù)把你整成電影明星那模樣,不好意思,你肯定得失望了。)
  • 20、"God, you look like amovie star," he said, and compared with him I suppose I did.(“上帝呀,你像個電影明星,”他說,并且像我想的那樣將我和他相比。)
  • 21、There is hardly a shop, hotel or restaurant that does not bear a sepia-toned image of the man gazing down like a silentmovie star.(無論是在商店,旅館還是餐館,到處都掛著他深色的肖像,像一個電影明星般地俯視著蕓蕓眾生。)
  • 22、Wait a minute, you also hate having your photo taken, and you are very shy, so how could you ever become amovie star?(等等,你也討厭被拍照,而且你很害羞,那么你怎么成為一個電影明星呢?)
  • 23、First, there’s Marilyn themovie star—the flamboyant celebrity who loves the cameras.(首先,是瑪麗蓮這個大明星——愛在鏡頭前賣弄炫耀的明星。)
  • 24、But it's going to be difficult to spot amovie star among the hordes of habitants: approximately 7, 800 per square mile.(不過,在人口面積約7800人每平方英里的土地上,發(fā)現(xiàn)電影明星真不是件容易的事情啊。)
  • 25、Perhaps they intend to marry amovie star or to win the lottery but working their way up is not part of the plan.(也許他們想嫁個電影明星,或者中個大獎什么的,自力更生不在其計劃之列。)
  • 26、James Franco,movie star, had rushed back on the red-eye to play his other big role: Yale doctoral student.(影星詹姆斯·弗蘭克(JamesFranco)匆匆忙忙地帶著充滿血絲的雙眼前去扮演他另一個重要角色:耶魯大學的博士生。)
  • 27、It was for her rare charm and inner beauty that Britishmovie star Audrey Hepburn was named the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.(英國電影明星奧黛麗·赫本,因其罕見的魅力和內(nèi)在美被評為有史以來最具自然美的女性。) (好工具hao86.com)

movie star基本釋義

movie star

英 [?mu:vi stɑ:] 美 [?muvi stɑr] 
第三人稱復數(shù):movie stars
