
multiple service造句

multiple service造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:33:35


multiple service造句

  • 1、An approach that requires no programming USES JMS as the protocol formultiple service providers, and one-way interaction.(一種不需要編程的方法是,使用JMS作為與多個服務提供者的單向交互的協(xié)議。)
  • 2、The implementation of the service also needs to be well thought out so that the implementation artifacts (for example, components) are also inherently reusable acrossmultiple service implementations.(服務的實現(xiàn)也需要仔細考慮,以便實現(xiàn)構件(如組件)也具有跨多個服務實現(xiàn)的重用性。)
  • 3、And the pattern user wants to accelerate response ofmultiple service providers and requests frommultiple service consumers in one solution.(而采用此模式的用戶希望能加速一個解決方案中多個服務提供者的響應和多個服務使用者的請求。)
  • 4、The use of UDDI brings a great deal of flexibility and power to WSFL, allowingmultiple service providers to compete for the right to fulfill a role within a business process.(使用uddi使wsfl變得更靈活、更強大,允許多個服務提供者通過競爭獲取在商業(yè)流程中履行一個角色的權利。)
  • 5、The ability to create ASP.NET MVC3 Web Roles and managemultiple service configurations in one cloud project.(在一個云項目中創(chuàng)建ASP.NETMVC3Web角色和管理多個服務配置的能力。) Hao86.com
  • 6、After applying the data consolidation pattern to a particular integration scenario, the result of the consolidation process can be provided as a service tomultiple service consumers.(在將數(shù)據(jù)整合模式應用到特定集成場景后,可以將整合過程的結果作為服務提供給多個服務使用者。)
  • 7、Creatingmultiple service policies helps with this requirement by allowing appropriate goals to be set for each potential type of request, rather than a single goal for any request to the application.(創(chuàng)建多個服務策略有助于滿足這一要求,這么做就可以為每類請求設置適當?shù)哪繕?,而不是為應用程序的所有請求設置單一目標。)
  • 8、multiple service implementation platforms, for example, J2EE vs..net, vs. mainframe will require different implementation of such component.(多個服務實現(xiàn)平臺,比如j2eeVS..NetVS主機,需要這些組件的不同實現(xiàn)。)
  • 9、There aremultiple service management solutions that combine both approaches by introducing both intermediary and agent strategies for request routing.(還有許多服務管理解決方案,他們通過引入中介體和代理策略來實現(xiàn)請求路由。)
  • 10、Because we now havemultiple service providers, the question is: whose public key are you going to encrypt with?(因為我們現(xiàn)在具有多個服務提供者,這就出現(xiàn)了問題:您將使用誰的公鑰來進行加密?)
  • 11、The resources and processes ofmultiple service companies were integrated in this operation and implemented under the operator's supervision.(在油公司的監(jiān)督下,多家服務公司的資源和施工同時參與到該次作業(yè)中。)
  • 12、In this installment, part 4, of the series you learned how to handlemultiple service names matches in a service registry with advanced search capability.(在系列文章的第4部分中,您可學習如何利用高級搜索功能來處理服務注冊表中多服務名匹配問題。)
  • 13、Agilent's new solution is integrated with existing N2X functionality, including the ability to emulate multiple protocols and generatemultiple service traffic types per port.(安捷倫科技的新方案與現(xiàn)存的N2X功能,包括模仿多重協(xié)議和每端口生成多重服務信息量類型相集成。)
  • 14、In messaging middleware that is connected to an SOA environment,multiple service providers and consumers can be attached to the messaging middleware.(在連接到SOA環(huán)境的消息傳遞中間件中,多個服務提供者和使用者可以連接到同一個消息傳遞中間件。)
  • 15、This allows to multiplexmultiple service accesses over a single queue.(這可以支持在單個隊列上復用多個服務訪問。)
  • 16、SOA is a journey of gradual, small transformations that increasingly decouple service descriptions from service implementations offered bymultiple service providers.(SOA是一個漸進的、小的轉(zhuǎn)換旅程,逐漸將服務描述從由多個服務提供者所提供的服務實現(xiàn)中分離開來。)
  • 17、The broker's URI should be stable; once it has been discovered, the client can generally use it reliably acrossmultiple service invocations.(代理的URI應該為靜態(tài)的,一旦被發(fā)現(xiàn),客戶機通常就可以跨多個服務調(diào)用可靠地使用它。)
  • 18、The mediation module encapsulates the logic and intelligence to dynamically choose one ofmultiple service providers to fulfill the service request.(中介模塊封裝了動態(tài)地選擇多個服務提供者之一來滿足服務請求的邏輯和智能。)
  • 19、Support formultiple service versions: Data services allow the provider the option to expose one or more service versions.(支持服務的多個版本:數(shù)據(jù)服務允許提供者選擇暴露服務的一個或者多個版本。)
  • 20、Business processes typically encompassmultiple service invocations.(業(yè)務流程通常包括多個業(yè)務調(diào)用。)
  • 21、After applying the data federation pattern to a particular integration scenario, the result of this specific federated access can be provided as a service tomultiple service consumers.(將數(shù)據(jù)聯(lián)合模式應用到特定集成場景后,此特定聯(lián)合訪問的結果可作為服務向多個服務使用者提供。)
  • 22、Fourth, to producemultiple service functions and cultural projects suitable with the characteristics of the arts museums.(第四,營造符合美術館品性的、多元的服務功能和文化消費項目。)
  • 23、I also showed how to convert them into a more streamlined, binary format inmultiple service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs).(我還說明了在多面向服務的體系結構(SOA)中如何將它們轉(zhuǎn)換為更為簡化的二進制格式。)
  • 24、Acceleratingmultiple service providers and consumers: Messaging middleware resides between service providers and service consumers.(加速多個服務提供者和使用者:消息傳遞中間件駐留在服務提供者和服務使用者之間。)
  • 25、Aggregation of data from multiple sources: This pattern is useful if the results frommultiple service invocations, database lookups, and so on need to be combined into a single message.(來自多個來源的數(shù)據(jù)聚合:如果需要將來自多個服務調(diào)用和數(shù)據(jù)庫查詢等的結果合并成單個消息,則此模式非常有用。)
  • 26、multiple service acid has very little corrosive effect and does not cause hydrogen embrittlement.(多功能酸的腐蝕性極小,而且不會引起氫脆。)
  • 27、It also simplifies maintenance and improves implementation testability by providing a single, unified log that spans betweenmultiple service consumers and providers.(通過提供橫跨多個服務消費者和提供者之間的單一、統(tǒng)一的日志,它同樣也簡化了維護并改善了可測試性。)
  • 28、Essentially,multiple service providers may implement two completely different workflows with exactly the same public interface.(從本質(zhì)上來說,多個服務提供者可以用完全相同的公共接口實現(xiàn)兩個完全不同的工作流。)
  • 29、Bandwidth Profiles enables a service provider to offermultiple service instances per UNI and each service can have its own bandwidth profile.(通過帶寬輪廓,業(yè)務供應商在每個UNI上可以提供多種業(yè)務同時每種業(yè)務都具有它們自己的帶寬輪廓。)
  • 30、In a similar way, you need to apply a different mindset to designingmultiple service-oriented (so) solutions across the enterprise as opposed to designing a single so solution.(類似地,在設計整個企業(yè)中的多個面向服務(SO)的解決方案時,您需要采取與設計單個SO解決方案不同的思維方式。)

multiple service基本釋義