
musical composition造句

musical composition造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:33:31


musical composition造句

  • 1、And assume for the moment thatmusical composition is a purely rational activity — that you can program a computer to compose music.(假設(shè)現(xiàn)在作曲是純粹理性的行為——可以編寫算法作曲。)
  • 2、musical composition for the concerts possess the personalities and styles of the composers.(音樂(lè)會(huì)音樂(lè)作品是極具作曲家自身個(gè)性與風(fēng)格的。)
  • 3、A slow, mournfulmusical composition.(曲調(diào)憂郁悲哀的音樂(lè)作品。)
  • 4、The author brief introduced the history of A Bing and her experience of playing themusical composition.(在這里作者簡(jiǎn)介了阿炳的身世和演奏這首樂(lè)曲的體會(huì)。)
  • 5、If they thought a sound came from amusical composition, they rated it as less unpleasant than if they knew it actually was fingernails on a chalkboard.(認(rèn)為聲音是來(lái)自于樂(lè)曲的人會(huì)比知道聲音是指甲劃過(guò)黑板的人覺(jué)得這個(gè)聲音沒(méi)有那么令人不愉快。)
  • 6、A note prefixed to a literary, artistic, ormusical composition dedicating it to someone in token of affection or esteem.(題獻(xiàn),獻(xiàn)辭寫在文學(xué),藝術(shù),或音樂(lè)作品前,獻(xiàn)給某人以示愛(ài)戴和敬仰的話語(yǔ)。)
  • 7、A user can search formusical composition to be purchased on the basis of the additive information and determine to purchase it.(用戶根據(jù)附加信息搜索想要購(gòu)買的音樂(lè)曲目,并且確定購(gòu)買它。)
  • 8、A passage or segment taken from a longer work, such as a literary ormusical composition, a document, or a film.(選段,摘錄從長(zhǎng)篇作品,如從文章、樂(lè)章、文件或電影中摘錄的一段或一部分。)
  • 9、It only took roughly thirty minutes for Mozart to learn the firstmusical composition he played, on January 24th 1861.(1861年1月,莫扎特只花了30分鐘的時(shí)間學(xué)會(huì)表演他的第一部音樂(lè)作曲。)
  • 10、The situation is similar to when I hear amusical composition and just don't get it.(這種情況類似于我聽(tīng)到一首音樂(lè)曲目卻并不理解其含義。)
  • 11、Mozart's firstmusical composition.(莫扎特的第一部音樂(lè)作曲。)
  • 12、They create an effect similar to a computer-linked synthesizer which can convert a sequence of colors into amusical composition.(它們創(chuàng)造一作用,類似一臺(tái)連接了合成器的計(jì)算機(jī),合成器能轉(zhuǎn)換一系列顏色為音樂(lè)合成物。)
  • 13、Some were told the sound was part of a "musical composition," while others were told the source of the noise.(科學(xué)家們告訴一部分受測(cè)試者,說(shuō)這是某個(gè)“樂(lè)曲”的一部分,而告訴另一部分受測(cè)試者,說(shuō)這是噪音。)
  • 14、At the conservatory, he learned how to score amusical composition.(在音樂(lè)學(xué)校里,他學(xué)會(huì)了怎樣譜曲。)
  • 15、He was introduced by the host, Steve Allen, then he played a shortmusical composition on a piano.(在主持人斯蒂夫·艾倫(SteveAllen)介紹完之后,庫(kù)茲韋爾演奏了一小段鋼琴曲。)
  • 16、Prince Rainier III introduced the Prince Rainier III Prize formusical composition to reward Monegasque musicians.(雷尼爾三世親王設(shè)立了雷尼爾三世親王音樂(lè)作曲獎(jiǎng)來(lái)獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)摩納哥的音樂(lè)家。) hao86.com
  • 17、She won amusical composition contest sponsored by Yokohama city at the age of thirteen.(在她13歲的時(shí)候,就已經(jīng)贏得了由橫濱市贊助舉辦地音樂(lè)作曲比賽。)
  • 18、Beethoven music is the firstmusical composition in musical history that took man's fate and historical ultimate solicitude as the theme.(貝多芬的音樂(lè)是音樂(lè)史上第一個(gè)以人類命運(yùn)和歷史的終極關(guān)懷作為主題的美學(xué)巨制。)
  • 19、Apart from the studies of theirmusical composition and content of words, an analysis can also be made of their language form.(漁歌除了可從其樂(lè)曲和歌詞內(nèi)容進(jìn)行研究外,還可以從其語(yǔ)言形式上進(jìn)行分析。)
  • 20、His creative period can be approximately divided into two periods: one mainly focuses onmusical composition and the other on theoretical research.(陸華柏先生是我國(guó)老一輩音樂(lè)家,他的創(chuàng)作時(shí)期大致可以分為以音樂(lè)創(chuàng)作為主和以理論研究為主兩大時(shí)期。)
  • 21、Particularly with amusical composition, it is not so much the understanding of the lyrics that is important but rather the beat of the music.(尤其是音樂(lè)作品,重要的不是聽(tīng)懂它的歌詞而是聆聽(tīng)音樂(lè)的節(jié)奏。)
  • 22、The book is full of interesting observations made on the nature ofmusical composition.(這本書里滿是對(duì)樂(lè)曲本質(zhì)的有趣評(píng)述。)
  • 23、That is to say, it is not primarily amusical composition.(這就是說(shuō),它主要還不是一個(gè)音樂(lè)作品。)
  • 24、Hismusical composition matches the tautness of the novel, and what he calls its "almost total lack of diffuseness".(他的作曲完全契合了這部小說(shuō)緊湊的風(fēng)格。)
  • 25、The sun is increasing your creative inspiration, and you could come up with a sudden idea for a novel, a screenplay, or amusical composition.(太陽(yáng)正在提高你的創(chuàng)造靈感,也許你能在跟小說(shuō)、劇本、音樂(lè)有關(guān)的方面突發(fā)奇想。)
  • 26、An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, or literary ormusical composition; a work of art.(藝術(shù)品一件藝術(shù)的創(chuàng)造,如繪畫、雕刻或文學(xué)或音樂(lè)作品;藝術(shù)作品。)
  • 27、On the road ofmusical composition, Yiding Li never halted her pace.(李一丁在音樂(lè)創(chuàng)作的道路上,從不曾停下自己的腳步。)
  • 28、Amusical composition in printed or written form.(復(fù)印或手寫形式的音樂(lè)作品。)

musical composition基本釋義

