
music class造句

music class造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:33:32


music class造句

  • 1、On Tuesday I have amusic class.(周二,我上音樂課。)
  • 2、I don't care formusic class, because my teacher always wants me to sing solos.(我不喜歡音樂課,因為老師總是要我獨唱。)
  • 3、The listening journal you assigned us to keep for the Intro to Worldmusic class, I am not sure I understand what to do.(您在《世界音樂入門》課上讓我們寫一篇音樂報告,我并不確定自己該寫些什么。)
  • 4、I have amusic class at cram school on Saturday.(我星期六在補習(xí)班有一堂音樂課。)
  • 5、Today we will have amusic class.(今天我們要上音樂課。)
  • 6、Here, prisoners and their instructor get down during amusic class.(這兒服刑人員和他們的導(dǎo)師正在一起上音樂課。)
  • 7、We have amusic class on Tuesday.(星期二我們上音樂課。)
  • 8、B Yourmusic class?(b音樂課?)
  • 9、What can you do inmusic class?(在音樂課上你能做什么?)
  • 10、I'm going to have amusic class!(我要上音樂課了!)
  • 11、No, I have amusic class.(不,我有一節(jié)音樂課。)
  • 12、Lily hasmusic class on Tuesday and Friday.(麗麗星期二和星期五有英語課。)
  • 13、How do you like yourmusic class?(你有多喜歡你的音樂課呢?)
  • 14、I used to hatemusic class.(我過去討厭音樂課。)
  • 15、What can you do inmusic class? I can sing.(在音樂課上你能做什么?我能唱歌。)
  • 16、Yourmusic class?(音樂課?)
  • 17、I'm going to mymusic class first.(我將先去上音樂課。) haO86.com
  • 18、We have art class in the art room andmusic class in the music room.(我們在畫室上藝術(shù)課,在樂室上音樂課。)
  • 19、I like mymusic class.(我喜歡上音樂課。)
  • 20、I can dance and sing, so I lovemusic class too.(我會跳舞和唱歌,所以我非常愛音樂類。)
  • 21、I'll go to mymusic class.(我要去上我的音樂課。)
  • 22、Do they havemusic class every Friday?(他們每周五都有音樂課嗎?)
  • 23、I've never had amusic class before.(我以前沒有上過音樂課。)
  • 24、I have amusic class.(我有一節(jié)音樂課。)
  • 25、Do you likemusic class?(你喜歡音樂課嗎?)
  • 26、I'll have amusic class tomorrow.(我明天有一節(jié)音樂課。)

music class基本釋義