
not so much as造句

not so much as造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:32:42


not so much as造句

  • 1、Echo shallnot so much as whisper my hiding place.(縱然那回聲也說不出我的藏身之處。)
  • 2、It's not uncommon to arrive at a new job only to find there'snot so much as a desk or a phone ready for you.(有的時候你來到一家新公司,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)公司沒有為你準備任何東西,就連一張桌子、一個電話都沒有。這種現(xiàn)象并不鮮見。)
  • 3、Successs liesnot so much as in luck as in hard work.(與其說成功在于運氣不如說是辛勤努力。。)
  • 4、Mrs. Hurstwood kept on arranging her hair,not so much as deigning a glance.(赫斯渥太太繼續(xù)梳理著頭發(fā),甚至不屑朝他瞅一眼。)
  • 5、Your daughter has had eight months, nocturnal and willnot so much as before the.(你女兒都有八個月了,夜尿也不會象以前那么多了。)
  • 6、That's what you get for a childhood filled with campfires and fresh air, withnot so much as an inappropriate twinkle from Akela to make you wary.(這是從你充滿營火和新鮮空氣的童年得到的,童子軍領(lǐng)隊的教誨并沒有多少特別的警醒作用。)
  • 7、I hear thisnot so much as advice as useful, potentially life-saving information, which I didn't know before.(我聽到類似的于生命有益的且在此之前我并不知道的的信息,我會感激不盡,不會有任何的反感。)
  • 8、And when he moves the rag away, there'snot so much as a stain.(等他把那些碎步頭弄走之后,地毯上就只留下了一小塊污點。)
  • 9、I don't know him; indeed I havenot so much as heard his name.(我不認識他,事實上連他的名字我也沒有聽到過。)
  • 10、I've noticed it before butnot so much as today.(以前我也看到過,但不象今天這么多。)
  • 11、THERE was no return of the mutineers -not so much as another shot out of the woods.(反叛者們沒有卷土重來,樹林中再也沒聽到槍聲。)
  • 12、not so much as I could wish, Sir; but I dare say he may spend half his time here; and Miss Darcy is always down for the summer months.(并沒有我所盼望的那么多,先生,他每年大概可以在這兒待上半年;達西小姐總是在這兒歇夏。)
  • 13、A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and willnot so much as bring it to his mouth again.(懶惰人放手在盤子里。就是向口撤回,他也不肯。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 14、She didnot so much as raise an eyebrow.(她甚至連眉毛也不抖動一下。)
  • 15、Financial globalisation itself, they imply, ought to be seennot so much as a bad thing, but as too much of a good one.(他們認為,金融全球化本身不應(yīng)該看作一件壞事,而是一件好事。)
  • 16、If the surface to determine the effect of, love isnot so much as friendship, rather than as hatred.(如果從表面效果來判斷,愛情與其說像友誼,不如說像仇恨。)
  • 17、We thy servants have reckoned up the number of the fighting men, whom we had under our hand, andnot so much as one was wanting.(你的仆人們調(diào)查了所屬的作戰(zhàn)士兵,一個也沒有少。)
  • 18、Success liesnot so much as in luck as in hard work.(與其說成功靠運氣不如說靠辛勤努力。)
  • 19、Our English homework isnot so much as math homework.(我們的英語作業(yè)沒有數(shù)學(xué)作業(yè)多。)
  • 20、Jiayuguan pass wasnot so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history.(嘉峪關(guān)密碼沒有這么多的“要隘在天堂”作為一項重要的通信中心,中國歷史。)
  • 21、He didnot so much as thank me.(他甚至都沒謝我。)
  • 22、There wasnot so much as a trickle of water.(一點兒細流的水也沒有。)
  • 23、All the townspeople fled for their life, givingnot so much as a backward glance at their burning town.(城里所有的人都逃命去了,對他們那正燃燒著的城市甚至都沒有回頭再看一眼。)
  • 24、What hurt me worst about it wasnot so much as their lying.(最叫我痛心的,倒不是這件事本身,而是他們說謊。)
  • 25、For these people, the purchase of the product isnot so much as an image enhancer; it is more of a form of self-expression.(對這些人來說,購買產(chǎn)品與其說是在提升自己的形象,還不如說是一種自我表現(xiàn)。)

not so much as基本釋義