not much造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:32:44


not much造句

  • 1、It'snot much fun going to a party on your own.(獨自一人參加聚會沒什么意思。)
  • 2、This foreign firm has little [not much] means.(這家外國商行沒有多大資力。)
  • 3、Alice wasnot much surprised at this, she was getting so used to queer things happening.(愛麗絲對此并不感到奇怪,她對發(fā)生的怪事已經習以為常了。)
  • 4、"not much," I replied.(“不是很多”,我答道。)
  • 5、His needs arenot much.(他的需求并不多。)
  • 6、He'snot much of a tennis player.(他算不上網球好手。)
  • 7、The novel has long descriptions andnot much dialogue.(這部小說描述多對話少。)
  • 8、There'snot much community spirit around here.(這里集體精神比較薄弱。)
  • 9、"Assuming you're right," he said, "there'snot much I can do about it, is there?"(“假定你是對的,”他說,“我對此能做的也不多,對嗎?”)
  • 10、There'snot much bounce left in these balls.(這些球已沒有多少彈性了。)
  • 11、There'snot much sustenance in a bowl of soup.(一碗湯沒多少營養(yǎng)。)
  • 12、I should have got a better price for the car, but I'mnot much of a businessman.(那輛車我本應賣個更好的價錢,但我不大會做生意。)
  • 13、I'mnot much good at tennis.(我不太擅長打網球。)
  • 14、They get paid for it.not much. Just a little.(他們拿到工資了。不太多,就一點點。)
  • 15、There wasnot much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe.(“斯奈普”戰(zhàn)斗機的駕駛艙內沒有太多的活動空間。)
  • 16、There wasnot much time before the tide turned.(沒過多少時間就退潮了。)
  • 17、I may be almost 50, but there'snot much I've forgotten.(我是快五十歲了,但我沒忘記多少事情。)
  • 18、Taste without retronasal smell isnot much help in recognising flavor.(沒有鼻后嗅覺的味覺對識別味道沒有多大幫助。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、not much good at all!(根本沒有多少益處!)
  • 20、"Have you got just plain chocolate?"—"No, I'm afraid there'snot much call for that."(“有純巧克力嗎?”—“沒有,恐怕對這種巧克力的需求不多?!?
  • 21、"Can you hear it where you live?" He shook his head. "not much."(“在你住的地方能聽到嗎?”他搖搖頭:“不怎么聽得到。”)
  • 22、The Larsons pay me well enough, but there'snot much left over for luxuries.(拉森家給我的報酬不錯,但是剩不下多少錢來買奢侈品。)
  • 23、We certainly have a lot to do andnot much time to do it in.(我們確實有很多事情要做,但沒有多少時間去做。)
  • 24、There'snot much meat on this chop.(這塊豬排上沒什么肉。)
  • 25、I guess there'snot much of a Jazz scene anymore.(我想現(xiàn)在已經沒有多少爵士樂的場景了。)
  • 26、There'snot much difference in price between the two computers.(這兩種計算機價格上沒有多大的差別。)
  • 27、Short of gagging the children, there wasnot much she could do about the noise.(除了不讓孩子們說話之外,她對那噪音無能為力。)
  • 28、I'm taking a few clothes and some books,not much else.(我?guī)Я藥准路鸵恍?,別的就不多了。)
  • 29、He'snot much cop as a singer.(他的歌唱得不怎么樣。)
  • 30、His younger brother isnot much of a companion for him.(他的弟弟和他志趣不太相投。)

not much基本釋義