
not in the least造句

not in the least造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:32:43


not in the least造句

  • 1、The liar's punishment isnot in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.(說謊者所受到的懲罰決不是在于沒有人相信他,而是在于他不會(huì)相信任何別人。)
  • 2、There is a central aspect of Douglass' thought that seemsnot in the least bit dated or irrelevant to current concerns.(道格拉斯的思想中有一個(gè)核心方面似乎一點(diǎn)都不過時(shí),也與當(dāng)前的問題毫不相干。)
  • 3、Yet there is a central aspect of Douglass's thought that seemsnot in the least bit dated or irrelevant to current concerns.(然而,道格拉斯思想的一個(gè)中心方面似乎與目前的擔(dān)憂至少有些過時(shí)或無關(guān)。)
  • 4、It is our life, and a pleasure to serve others, andnot in the least boring.(去服務(wù)他人,這是我們的生活和快樂,并且一點(diǎn)也不無聊。)
  • 5、Such a dialogue, or rather, such an interrogatory monologue, isnot in the least exceptional.(這樣一段對(duì)話,更為確切地說是一段詢問獨(dú)白,并不罕見。)
  • 6、Its intention isnot in the least that of plunging men into despair.(它的目的一點(diǎn)也不是要把人推入絕望之中。)
  • 7、This television program isnot in the least boring.(這個(gè)電視節(jié)目一點(diǎn)也不無聊。)
  • 8、The Buddha answered, "I amnot in the least bit sorry."(佛陀回答道:“一點(diǎn)也不?!?
  • 9、It isnot in the least to assert that no references may be distorted if advantage can thereby gained.(并不是為了能得到好處,而說所有的參考都是真實(shí)的。)
  • 10、He wasnot in the least frightened, or excited, or curious.(他絲毫不感到害怕,不激動(dòng)也不好奇。)
  • 11、His predecessor quit because he wasnot in the least interested in this kind of job.(他的前任因?yàn)閷?duì)這種工作毫無興趣,所以離職了。)
  • 12、He has a big car, a country house, and all the other trappings of success. But he wasnot in the least happy.(他擁有一輛寬敞的車,一座鄉(xiāng)間別墅以及其它被認(rèn)為是成功的標(biāo)志的東西,但他并不真正幸福。)
  • 13、not in the least. we can not have a worse day at this time of the year.(根本不適合。這個(gè)時(shí)候我們不可能有比這更糟糕的天氣了。) hao86.com
  • 14、The native servants she had been used to in India werenot in the least like this.(她在印度時(shí)所習(xí)慣的本地仆人卻一點(diǎn)也不像這樣。)
  • 15、not in the least is he interested in Englsh literature.(他對(duì)英國(guó)文學(xué)一點(diǎn)都不感興趣。)
  • 16、They didnot in the least understand this principle.(他們一點(diǎn)也不理解這條原理。)
  • 17、Really, I'mnot in the least tired.(說真的,我一點(diǎn)也不累。)
  • 18、not in the least bit.(至少在現(xiàn)在的版本中還沒有。)
  • 19、His concept of the dance was utterly 20th century, extravagantly multi-dimensional, andnot in the least middle class.(他的舞蹈理念是徹底的20世紀(jì),擁有極度奢華的多維空間,沒有任何傳統(tǒng)色彩。)
  • 20、Hamlet didnot in the least want his mother to marry such a man.(哈姆雷特一點(diǎn)也不愿意他的母親嫁給這種男人。)
  • 21、Mrs. Medlock wasnot in the least disturbed by her and her thoughts.(梅德羅克太太一點(diǎn)也不為她和她的思想所擾。)
  • 22、"Well," said Martha, evidentlynot in the least aware that she was impudent, "it's time tha' should learn."(“好吧,”瑪莎說,她顯然一點(diǎn)也沒意識(shí)到自己的無禮,“現(xiàn)在是該學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)候了?!?
  • 23、I amnot in the least afraid.(我一點(diǎn)也不懼怕。)
  • 24、Last butnot in the least, we must not tell lies.(最后一點(diǎn)但不是最不重要的一點(diǎn),我們切不可說謊。)
  • 25、We werenot in the least worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.(我們一點(diǎn)也不擔(dān)心糖果可能會(huì)腐蝕牙齒。)
  • 26、Judging from the teacher's sharp words, it's apparent that he isnot in the least satisfied with the results of the test.(從老師尖刻的話語中可以判斷,他對(duì)這次考試的結(jié)果一點(diǎn)也不滿意。)
  • 27、not in the least -- after years of doing things media companies' way, it's our turn.(回答是至少現(xiàn)在不會(huì)。經(jīng)過多年的改變,媒體公司也會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)向大眾。)

not in the least基本釋義

not in the least

英 [n?t in e? li:st] 美 [nɑt ?n ei list] 
一點(diǎn)也不; 絲毫不