next time造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:33:06


next time造句

  • 1、Please remember to bring markers and gluenext time.(下次請(qǐng)記得帶彩色筆和膠水。)
  • 2、next time I won't have to be begged so hard.(下次我一定不跟你說那么多好話了。)
  • 3、Think twicenext time you want to throw away food.(下次你想要扔掉食物時(shí),請(qǐng)三思。)
  • 4、Never mind, I'll do betternext time.(沒關(guān)系,下次我會(huì)做得更好的。)
  • 5、I honestly don't know how I will react thenext time I meet a potentially dangerous situation.(老實(shí)說,下次再遇到有潛在危險(xiǎn)的情況時(shí),我不知道自己會(huì)如何反應(yīng)。)
  • 6、next time we'll get it right.(下次我們就不會(huì)錯(cuò)了。)
  • 7、Bad luck! Better lucknext time.(這次運(yùn)氣不好,祝下次好運(yùn)。)
  • 8、Better look out who you're fooling withnext time.(下次你最好小心點(diǎn),看你是在跟誰(shuí)開玩笑。)
  • 9、Mind and look sharp after me thenext time.(下次注意留心看住我。)
  • 10、Will she arrive on timenext time?(下次她會(huì)按時(shí)到嗎?)
  • 11、It will be your headnext time, Toady!(下次就是你的腦袋,蛤蟆仔!)
  • 12、I'll pay attentionnext time.(下次我會(huì)注意的。)
  • 13、Better lucknext time.(下次一定會(huì)走運(yùn)的。)
  • 14、next time he will keep his words to himself.(下次他會(huì)守口如瓶的。)
  • 15、Never mind, I will do betternext time.(沒關(guān)系,我下次會(huì)做得更好。)
  • 16、So may I humbly suggest we all do somethingnext time.(那么我可否愚拙地提議下次我們大家都做點(diǎn)什么。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、Pay us a visitnext time you're in Portland.(下次來波特蘭的時(shí)候來看看我們。)
  • 18、next time you're here let's have lunch together.(下次你到這里來,咱們一起吃午飯。)
  • 19、I'll stop by and see younext time I'm down your way.(下次我去你那一帶時(shí)會(huì)順道去看你的。)
  • 20、Uh, I'll do betternext time.(呃,我下次會(huì)做得更好。)
  • 21、next time I will write something shorter.(下次我會(huì)寫得短一點(diǎn)兒。)
  • 22、We'll be better preparednext time.(下次我們會(huì)準(zhǔn)備得更充分。)
  • 23、Do look me up thenext time you're in London.(你下次到倫敦,一定要來看我。)
  • 24、next time I'll keep quiet!(下一次我一定保持安靜!)
  • 25、I'll point him out to younext time he comes in.(他下次來的時(shí)候,我指給你看。)
  • 26、Be carefulnext time.(下次小心點(diǎn)。)
  • 27、Why don't you look in on menext time you're in town?(你下次進(jìn)城順便來看看我好嗎?)
  • 28、next time you'd better choose a comedy.(下次你最好選一部喜劇。)
  • 29、next time I'll bring a book.(下次我?guī)П緯鴣怼?
  • 30、And I'll play the slides againnext time.(我會(huì)在下次放幻燈片時(shí)重播。)

next time基本釋義

next time

英 [nekst taim] 美 [n?kst ta?m] 

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