
newspaper stand造句

newspaper stand造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:33:08


newspaper stand造句

  • 1、They treat the plaza like their own backyard. Some weave in and out of tables playing hide and seek. Others are involved in a game of soccer between thenewspaper stand and the tobacco shop.(他們將廣場(chǎng)當(dāng)作自家的后院,孩子們有些在桌子間穿來(lái)穿去,玩著捉迷藏的游戲,另一些則在報(bào)紙架及香煙小店之間踢起足球來(lái)。)
  • 2、Guangzhou Zhanli display Equipment Co., Ltd. is professional of design and production and sales of original and high-quality of magazine rack,newspaper stand, displays, whiteboard frame and etc.(廣州展立展示器材廠,專業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)銷售資料架,雜志架,報(bào)刊架,展示架,白板架……。等展示器材。) haO86.com
  • 3、Education series library table, book shelf,newspaper stand, card box and work desk.(教育系列的圖書(shū)館桌,書(shū)架,報(bào)刊架,卡片盒及工作臺(tái)。)
  • 4、They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it had plowed into anewspaper stand.(向北追了兩個(gè)街區(qū)后,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)那輛SUV停下來(lái)了,因?yàn)樗采狭艘粋€(gè)報(bào)攤。)
  • 5、This newspaper thinks the verdict should stand, but the punishment should not.(本刊認(rèn)為,判決應(yīng)該維持,但懲罰方式需要改變。)
  • 6、Open a newspaper booth to place a smoke vendor's stand, devoted cost is far more than these.(開(kāi)個(gè)報(bào)亭擺個(gè)煙攤,投入的成本都遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不止這些。)
  • 7、You can get one at anewspaper stand.(噢,你可以在報(bào)攤買到。)
  • 8、Community newspaper should stand in the community.(社區(qū)報(bào)的立足點(diǎn)在于社區(qū)本身。)
  • 9、Excuse me. Where is thenewspaper stand?(打擾一下。報(bào)攤在哪?)
  • 10、In a strongly worded newspaper article, four European foreign ministers said the European Union would not "stand indifferent to gross violation of [its] values."(在一份措辭強(qiáng)烈的報(bào)紙文章,四個(gè)歐洲各國(guó)外長(zhǎng)說(shuō),歐洲聯(lián)盟不會(huì)對(duì)嚴(yán)重侵犯聯(lián)盟價(jià)值的行徑坐視不管。)
  • 11、Facing strong competition, newspapers begin to pursue first eye effect to be unique in the colorful newspaper-stand.(面對(duì)激烈的市場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng),各家報(bào)紙紛紛追求“第一眼效應(yīng)”,力求在五花八門、五彩繽紛的報(bào)攤上獨(dú)樹(shù)一幟。)
  • 12、We have a barber shop, a laundry, a store, post and telegram services, anewspaper stand, a billiard, table tennis, video games and so on.(我們有理發(fā)室、洗衣房、小賣部、郵電服務(wù)、報(bào)刊供應(yīng)柜、彈子房、乒兵球和電子游戲。)
  • 13、Wee have a barber shop, a laundry, a store, post and telegram services, anewspaper stand, a billiard, table tennis, video games and so on.(我們有理發(fā)室、洗衣房、小賣部、郵電服務(wù)、報(bào)刊供應(yīng)柜、彈子房、乒乓球和電子游戲。)
  • 14、How can I get to thenewspaper stand?(我怎么走才能到報(bào)攤呢?)
  • 15、It's available at thenewspaper stand over there.(在那邊的報(bào)亭就買得到。)
  • 16、There is anewspaper stand across the street.(馬路對(duì)面有個(gè)報(bào)攤。)
  • 17、We have a barber shop, a laundry, a store, post and telegram services, anewspaper stand, a billiard, table tennis, and so on.(我們有理發(fā)店,洗衣房,商店,郵政和電報(bào)服務(wù),報(bào)亭,臺(tái)球,乒乓球等。)
  • 18、Oh, we have a barber shop, a laundry, a store, telegram services, anewspaper stand, table tennis, video games and so on.(噢,我們有理發(fā)店、洗衣房、商店、電報(bào)服務(wù)、報(bào)亭、乒乓球和錄像等等。)
  • 19、One night, the winds blew great guns, we stand in the corner, want to sell the rest of the newspaper.(一天夜里,狂風(fēng)呼嘯,我們站在街角,想賣掉剩余的報(bào)紙。)

newspaper stand基本釋義