Night Zoo造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:33:03


Night Zoo造句

  • 1、At the Night Safari, you can _watch these animals in a more natural environment_ than in a normal zoo.(相對(duì)于一般的動(dòng)物園,你可以在新加坡的夜間野生動(dòng)物園在更加自然的環(huán)境中看這些動(dòng)物。)
  • 2、Atthe Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a more naturalenvironment than a normal zoo.(在夜間野生動(dòng)物園,你可以在比一個(gè)普通的動(dòng)物園更自然的環(huán)境里觀看這些動(dòng)物。)
  • 3、The boy, who was hurt but not severely, was taken to a hospital and released on Saturday night, zoo officials said.(動(dòng)物園的官員稱,受了傷但不嚴(yán)重的小男孩被送往醫(yī)院,并于周六晚上出院。)
  • 4、He said, "I dreamed about the zoo last night, Mommy."(他說(shuō):“媽媽,我昨晚做夢(mèng)夢(mèng)見(jiàn)了植物園。”)
  • 5、In the case of the Lorraine zoo, the thieves broke through the outer perimeter at night and virtually demolished the flamingo house to get at the birds.(從洛林動(dòng)物園的情況來(lái)看,盜賊們?cè)谝估飶膱@外破墻而入,然后將鳥(niǎo)舍徹底搗毀,最后攜鳥(niǎo)而去。)
  • 6、Many people (come) to (visit) theNight Zoo.(很多人來(lái)參觀夜間動(dòng)物園。)
  • 7、Are you going to visit theNight Zoo?(你打算去參觀夜間動(dòng)物園嗎?)
  • 8、Two tigers got away from the zoo last night.(昨晚兩只老虎逃出了動(dòng)物園。)
  • 9、But if you've ever been to the zoo during the daytime, you night understand why this zoo is so special.(但是如果白天你曾去過(guò)動(dòng)物園,你可能會(huì)明白這個(gè)動(dòng)物園為什么如此特別。)
  • 10、Most large cities have zoos, but have you ever been to a zoo at night?(多數(shù)大城市都有動(dòng)物園,但你有過(guò)晚上去動(dòng)物園的經(jīng)歷么?)
  • 11、Koala sleeps during the day, and comes out only at night, but since coming to the zoo, this habit has changed.(考拉白天睡覺(jué),晚上出來(lái)活動(dòng)。自來(lái)到動(dòng)物園后,這個(gè)習(xí)慣已經(jīng)改變。)
  • 12、The big cat had been caught on video roaming the zoo on the night of the attack.(當(dāng)天深夜的那場(chǎng)襲擊事件中,錄像顯示一只體格巨大的貓?jiān)诠珗@里漫步時(shí)被逮住了。)
  • 13、Singapore has aNight Zoo called the "night Safari".(新加坡有一個(gè)叫“夜間旅行”的夜間動(dòng)物園。)
  • 14、I go to theNight Zoo in Panyu with my mother and father. we see the white tigers, the bears, lions, elephants, pandas, polar bears and the snakes.(我去番禺的夜間動(dòng)物園和我的母親和父親。我們看到白色的老虎,熊,獅子,大象,熊貓,北極熊和蛇。)
  • 15、By the way, is theNight Zoo near here?(隨便再問(wèn)一下,夜場(chǎng)動(dòng)物園就在這附近嗎?)
  • 16、For now, the koalas are being taken inside at night, at least until the zoo can build a fence high enough to keep out a mountain lion.(現(xiàn)在所有的考拉在深夜都是被關(guān)在里面的,至少公園可以修足夠高的圍墻來(lái)看住美洲獅防止出逃。)

Night Zoo基本釋義