
night and day造句

night and day造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:33:03


night and day造句

  • 1、Teach your baby the difference betweennight and day.(讓寶寶分清白天與黑夜。)
  • 2、I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep itnight and day.(我耶和華是看守葡萄園的,我必時刻澆灌,晝夜看守,免得有人損害。)
  • 3、It was just likenight and day after that. The whole thing just went ballistic.(好像就是一天一夜之后,這整件事情就像炸開了鍋。)
  • 4、At least three types of cells in the retina allow us to see images or distinguish betweennight and day.(我們的視網(wǎng)膜上至少有三種不同類型的細(xì)胞讓我們得以看見這個世界,能夠區(qū)分白天和黑夜。)
  • 5、But after 45 minutes of daylight, a dark line appears on the planet, dividing Earth intonight and day.(但在45分鐘的日光照射之后,一道黑暗線就出現(xiàn)在地球上了,它將地球分割為白天和黑夜兩個地區(qū)。)
  • 6、And always,night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.(他晝夜常在墳塋里和山中喊叫,又用石頭砍自己。)
  • 7、But I feel that I shall be earlier, because althorn set outside was making noises allnight and day long since I can remember.(我覺得自己還要早些,因為從我記事時開始,外面總是裝著高音喇叭,沒黑沒夜地亂嚷嚷。)
  • 8、When I was just starting out as a young Web developer, I had no problem racing off in any given direction to code awaynight and day.(當(dāng)我還是一個年輕的Web開發(fā)人員時,我可以夜以繼日地朝任何指定的方向編碼,完全沒有問題。)
  • 9、37and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshipednight and day, fasting and praying.(現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)八十四歲(注:或作“就寡居了八十四年”),并不離開圣殿,禁食祈求,晝夜事奉神。)
  • 10、They are to be admired and pitied, as one would pity and admire a being at oncenight and day, without eyes beneath his lashes but with a star on his brow.(我們應(yīng)當(dāng)贊美并憐憫他們,正如我們同時日夜憐憫又贊美一個人,在他的睫毛下面沒有眼睛,只有一顆星星在額上。)
  • 11、How can one family in isolation combat this $15 billion industry that's workingnight and day to undermine parental authority?(一名“無商業(yè)童年”活動中的家長SusanLinn問道:“一個家庭如何能夠獨自與一個價值150億美元,并且日夜不停的工作,來破壞家長權(quán)威的產(chǎn)業(yè)斗爭?”)
  • 12、My parents rowed viciously, horriblynight and day and, when he wasn’t yelling at my mother, my father was attacking me.(我父母不分黑夜和白天的激烈爭吵,當(dāng)父親不能對母親大吼大叫的時候,他開始轉(zhuǎn)向了我。)
  • 13、"Put down pugilism - if I have to wear itnight and day," said the Moral Sentiment of the Community, sternly.(“取締拳擊——不然我將日夜不安,時時蹙眉。”這位“社區(qū)道德情操”如是說,語帶嚴(yán)苛。)
  • 14、I will arise and go now, for alwaysnight and day.(我現(xiàn)在就要動身,因為日日夜夜總聽見。)
  • 15、At each equinox, the sun crosses the Earth's equator, makingnight and day of approximately equal length on most of the planet.(在每一年的春分點上,太陽橫跨著地球上的赤道,使得地球上大部分地區(qū)的白天和夜晚的時間接近相等。)
  • 16、and preceded to worknight and day for my dorm rooms, and built this e-commerce system.(一直沒日沒夜地在宿舍工作,創(chuàng)建這個電子商務(wù)系統(tǒng)。)
  • 17、Explanation: If you could sit back and watch clouds and the sky move allnight and day, what might you see?(解說:如果你能端坐著整天整夜地觀察云彩和天空的話,你會看到什么呢?)
  • 18、His reacquaintance with Veronica—the older, more fragile, and needy Veronica—filled himnight and day with her image.(與他再一次復(fù)合在一起的維羅妮卡——更加衰老,更加孱弱,貧病交加的維羅妮卡——的形象日日夜夜纏在他的腦際揮之不去。) hAo86.com
  • 19、Children, it will haunt menight and day till I tell you.(孩子門,它日常折磨著我,今天我來告訴你們。)
  • 20、Why, worknight and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the human race!(為什么我們沒日沒夜從身體到靈魂為人類的揮霍而勞作呢!)
  • 21、Be obsessive - he not only knew DNA was important, but it was all he could think aboutnight and day.(要入迷-他不僅知道DNA是非常重要的,而且不論晚上還是白天,只要有時間他就會思考它。)
  • 22、O Winds, older than changing ofnight and day.(呵,比晝夜的更替更古老的風(fēng)。)
  • 23、Fornight and day belong to love.(無論白天黑夜,愛長伴你左右。)
  • 24、The same stream of life that runs through my veilsnight and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.(就是這股生命的溪流,日夜趟過我的血管,穿過世界,和著節(jié)拍跳舞。)
  • 25、In 1998, Cheng, then 64, was workingnight and day as a research specialist at the Ministry of Land and Resources.(1998年,64歲的程恩華還在國土資源部夜以繼日地進(jìn)行研究工作。)
  • 26、Platoons of on-message spokesmen are available to foreign reporters in Israel at all hours of thenight and day.(數(shù)排掌握資料的發(fā)言人不分晝夜隨時待命,全天候滿足外國記者的采訪需求。)
  • 27、In Italy there has been a "huge difference made, likenight and day," since the acquisition in 2006.(自2006年的兼并以來(指兼并BNL),在意大利還有一種“截然不同的操作模式,(和普通操作模式的區(qū)別)就像深夜和白天一樣”。)
  • 28、The machines are kept runningnight and day.(這些機器夜以繼日地運轉(zhuǎn)著。)

night and day基本釋義

night and day

英 [nait ?nd dei] 美 [na?t ?nd de] 