how often造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:41:15


how often造句

  • 1、how often do you call your wife?(你多久給你妻子打一次電話?)
  • 2、how often do you have a bath?(你多久洗一次澡?)
  • 3、how often do you have a sandwich?(你多久吃一次三明治?)
  • 4、how often do you buy dolls?(你多久買一次娃娃?)
  • 5、how often do you do the cooking?(你多久下廚一次?)
  • 6、how often do you go riding?(你多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間騎一次馬?) (好工具h(yuǎn)
  • 7、how often should I take this pill?(這藥片多久吃一次?)
  • 8、how often do you go swimming?(你多久去游泳一次?)
  • 9、how often do you go to the theatre?(你多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間看一次戲?)
  • 10、how often do you show this trait?(你多久會(huì)展現(xiàn)出這種特質(zhì)一次?)
  • 11、how often do you play table tennis?(你多久玩一次乒乓球?)
  • 12、how often do you go to church ?(你多久去教堂做一次禮拜?)
  • 13、how often do you brush your teeth?(你多久刷一次牙?)
  • 14、how often does Ann wash the dishes?(安多久洗一次碗?)
  • 15、how often do you watch television?(你們多久看一次電視?)
  • 16、how often did you feel satisfied?(你多久能體會(huì)到一次滿足感?)
  • 17、how often do you buy toys?(你多久買一次玩具?)
  • 18、how often do you do eye exercises?(你多久做一次眼保健操?)
  • 19、how often do you go to the cinema?(你多久去一次電影院?)
  • 20、how often do you exercise?(你多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間鍛煉一次?)
  • 21、how often should I do exercise?(我應(yīng)該多久運(yùn)動(dòng)一次?)
  • 22、how often do you ride a bike?(你多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間騎一次自行車?)
  • 23、how often do you take exercise?(你多久鍛煉一次?)
  • 24、how often do you go skateboarding?(你多久玩一次滑板?)
  • 25、how often do you do housework?(你多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間做一次家務(wù)?)
  • 26、Two people in love are at home wherever they are, no matterhow often they move.(無(wú)論在哪里,不管搬多少次家,兩個(gè)相愛(ài)的人都會(huì)過(guò)得舒舒服服。)
  • 27、He was shocked athow often she used the F-word.(她常常使用粗俗的罵人話,這使他感到震驚。)
  • 28、how often do you eat donuts?(你多久吃一次面包圈?)
  • 29、how often do you do these things?(你多久做一次這些事情呢?)

how often基本釋義