
hold in contempt造句

hold in contempt造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:41:33


hold in contempt造句

  • 1、He might even hold you in contempt of court.(他甚至?xí)J(rèn)為你蔑視法庭。)
  • 2、Later in the movie he says, "To give up running would be to hold God in contempt."(他在電影的后半部又說:「放棄賽跑便是羞辱了神?!?
  • 3、Ds consider themselves to be underprivileged and hold everyone else in contempt.(d級的人認(rèn)為自己被剝奪了基本權(quán)利而蔑視所有其他的人。)
  • 4、The most galling thing about Anglophiles, who worship a class of people that many English peoplehold in contempt, is that they are oblivious to what makes England great.(那些崇拜一個許多英國人自己都瞧不起的社會階層的崇英派們,最令人惱恨的是,他們已經(jīng)忘記了是什么讓英國如此偉大。)
  • 5、Before I tell you what I think of your problem, I should warn you that most readers under 40 (a few over 40) hold you in contempt.(回答你的問題之前,我應(yīng)該提醒你,本報(bào)多數(shù)40歲以下的讀者(和少數(shù)超過40歲的讀者)都很鄙視你。) (hao86.com好工具)

hold in contempt基本釋義

hold in contempt

輕視; 認(rèn)為 ... 不屑一顧