hold over造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:41:33


hold over造句

  • 1、In addition, ministries control special funds of their own, so the cabinet'shold over the national purse strings is weak.(另外,各省控制著自己部門的特別基金,因此內(nèi)閣對(duì)全國(guó)財(cái)權(quán)的掌控力非常弱。)
  • 2、The thoughts arose as from a vacuum, unprovoked, and persisted in their senselesshold over my mind.(那些想法仿佛毫無(wú)緣故地就從真空中升起,持續(xù)占據(jù)著我的頭腦;) Hao86.com
  • 3、As the heavens open, the canopy offers scant protection from the downpour, so the orangutans tear leaves off the trees to make pathetic little umbrellas tohold over their heads.(隨著天幕大開,傾盆大雨頓時(shí)一瀉如注,樹冠的余蔭不足以提供足夠的庇護(hù),猩猩們折斷樹枝做成小得可憐的雨傘,在風(fēng)雨中擎在頭頂。)
  • 4、Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island.(該島很大一部分控制在叛軍手里。)
  • 5、He managed to hold a lead of two seconds over his closest rival.(他比跟得最緊的對(duì)手勉強(qiáng)領(lǐng)先兩秒鐘。)
  • 6、There is a time to admire the grace and persuasive power of an influential idea, and there is a time to fear itshold over us.(有時(shí)候我們驚嘆于一種思想觀念的完美以及它的強(qiáng)大的說(shuō)服力,同時(shí)我們害怕被這種思想觀念所控制。)
  • 7、By most important, we mean those decisions that provide the overall architecture with a structure that will hold up best over time.(最重要的是,我們指的是使用某種結(jié)構(gòu)(在很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間內(nèi)保持有效的)提供整體體系結(jié)構(gòu)的那些決策。)
  • 8、We must try to understand and respect the power that groupshold over us so that we can benefit from them rather than becoming their victims.(我們必須盡力理解并尊重群體加諸于我們身上的能量,以從中獲益而不是成為他們的受害者。)
  • 9、Grado is famous for their remarkable headphone and phono cartridge designs andhold over 48 patents.(歌德是著名的出色的耳機(jī)和唱機(jī)墨盒設(shè)計(jì)和擁有超過48項(xiàng)專利。)
  • 10、If they resist, news of their courage will seep out and theirhold over the public will grow. If they crack, the movement may crack too.(如果他們能夠抵抗,有關(guān)他們的勇氣的新聞將會(huì)傳出去被公眾所知,這樣他們的追隨者將會(huì)增加,如果他們屈服了,那么運(yùn)動(dòng)也許也就結(jié)束了。)
  • 11、We'd like tohold over HUR to make further checks.(我們希望到HUR等待,做進(jìn)一步檢查。)
  • 12、The support at 1.4310 shouldhold over the next week and a close below this level will signal the euro has peaked ahead of schedule.(支撐區(qū)1.4310于下周應(yīng)該可以守住,當(dāng)收盤低于此,則可視為歐元已經(jīng)提前見頂?shù)男盘?hào)。)
  • 13、It remains to be seen whether Conservative totems can exercise a similarly potenthold over the Canadian imagination.(保守黨圖騰能否對(duì)加拿大印象行使相應(yīng)的控制權(quán),還有待觀察。)
  • 14、"Yeah," said Neville happily. "Only thing was, once they realized they had nohold over me, they decided Hogwarts could do without me after all."(“是啊,”納威高興地說(shuō),“問題是,他們意識(shí)到威脅不了我,就決定霍格·沃茨可以不再有我這個(gè)人。”)
  • 15、That simplification makes it easy to get started but won't hold up over time.(這一簡(jiǎn)化使開始編程變得很容易,但卻不能一直持續(xù)下去。)
  • 16、I can't spare a week, so instead, I help him unload fish from the hold of the Lauren Dorothy, a friend's boat, while music blares over the noise of the engine.(我一周也抽不出時(shí)間,只好幫他把魚從朋友的小船勞倫·多蘿西號(hào)的船艙里卸下來(lái),與此同時(shí),音樂聲蓋過了引擎的噪音。)
  • 17、Powerful traditional chiefs hold sway over more than 15 million people in rural areas.(有權(quán)勢(shì)的傳統(tǒng)首領(lǐng)們統(tǒng)治著鄉(xiāng)村地區(qū)的1500萬(wàn)人。)
  • 18、These services are all building on the collaborative consumption trend that has takenhold over the last four years.(這項(xiàng)服務(wù)基于這些年產(chǎn)生的協(xié)作趨勢(shì)的假設(shè)。)
  • 19、The dark Ones would love to extend theirhold over you, and look to create the conditions in which that may be possible.(邪惡的存有總是試圖凌駕于你,并且創(chuàng)造任何條件使其成為可能。)
  • 20、However, there is one other fictional heavyweight who could challenge Harry Potter'shold over the Christmas audience.(除此之外,還有一部科幻巨片會(huì)與哈里·波特爭(zhēng)奪圣誕檔期的觀眾。)
  • 21、He has a demonichold over his fighters but can expect no sympathy from elsewhere.(他魔力般地讓其戰(zhàn)士們?yōu)樗u命,但不用指望其他人也對(duì)他同情。)
  • 22、MARRIAGE, and its many ups and downs, still exercises a powerfulhold over newspapers, magazines and the airwaves.(婚姻,及伴隨結(jié)婚而來(lái)的起起伏伏仍是各大報(bào)紙,雜志及電視廣播的寵兒。)
  • 23、That is because European countries, whichhold over a third of the votes on the IMF's board, have rallied around a single contender: France's finance minister, Christine Lagarde.(由于在IMF董事會(huì)有三分之一投票權(quán)的歐洲國(guó)家已經(jīng)聯(lián)合起來(lái)支持他們的單一候選人:法國(guó)財(cái)長(zhǎng),克里斯蒂娜·拉加德(ChristineLagarde)。)
  • 24、I knew well that he had my daughter in his hands, and he must hold it over me.(我清楚地知道,他手中有我的女兒,他一定會(huì)以此來(lái)威脅我的。)
  • 25、People in competitive relationships are always looking for an advantage, the upper hand, some edge they canhold over their partner's head.(處在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)關(guān)系中的人總是想要尋找自己的優(yōu)勢(shì),占盡上風(fēng),盡握對(duì)方的把柄。)

hold over基本釋義

hold over

英 [h?uld ??uv?] 美 [hold ?ov?] 

保留; 延期; 延續(xù); 繼續(xù)上映