
hold down造句

hold down造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:41:34


hold down造句

  • 1、He never couldhold down a job.(他從來就保不住自己的工作。)
  • 2、hold down Shift + click on the working area (outside the document area).(按住Shift鍵的同時點擊文檔區(qū)域之外的工作區(qū)。)
  • 3、For example,hold down Cmd + scroll up will navigate to right.(Hold舉個例子,按住Cmd鍵再向上滑動鼠標(biāo)滾輪可以向右側(cè)瀏覽文檔。)
  • 4、It wants to lessen its dollar exposure, but it also wants tohold down the yuan.(他想減少對美元的依賴,但是他仍然想穩(wěn)定人民幣。)
  • 5、International competition forces producers everywhere to become more efficient andhold down prices.(國際范圍的競爭迫使世界各地的制造商在降價方面越來越有效率。)
  • 6、hold down Shift and press arrow Up or down will change value in 10 interval.(按住Shift鍵的同時按向上或向下鍵可以一次改變10個單位的數(shù)值。)
  • 7、hold down Opt + drag within the layers palette can also duplicate layers.(按下opt鍵的同時在層調(diào)板拖動也可以復(fù)制層。)
  • 8、Despite her handicap, Jane is able tohold down a full-time job.(簡盡管有生理缺陷,卻能夠保住一份全職工作。)
  • 9、One character, Biff, could neverhold down a job.(其中的一個角色,比夫,總是不能保住工作。)
  • 10、I have tohold down my post.(我得設(shè)法保住我的職位。)
  • 11、In other words, the Fed had tohold down interest rates.(換言之,美聯(lián)儲不得不壓低利率。)
  • 12、hold down the Left (or Right) Alt key.(按住左(或者右)alt鍵。)
  • 13、If you have the Brush tool selected,hold down Opt key will quickly activate the Eyedropper tool.(如果你已經(jīng)選擇了筆刷工具,按住opt鍵可以快速啟動吸管工具。)
  • 14、hold down the "Volume down" button as you power the phone back on.(按住“音量降低鍵”,開機。)
  • 15、Even this has an upside, since it has helped tohold down inflation in places like London.(甚至,這也還有一個好處,便是有助于抑制諸如倫敦等地的通貨膨脹。)
  • 16、"I'llhold down the fort until he's back," Clark said.(“在他回來之前我會代他處理事務(wù),”克拉克說。)
  • 17、A lot of peoplehold down several jobs at once and are still poor.(也有許多人同時有幾分工作但仍然貧窮。)
  • 18、Cheap Labour on the doorstep has also helped tohold down costs at home.(家門口的廉價勞動力也有效控制了國內(nèi)的勞動力成本。)
  • 19、I used tohold down a full-time job whilst being busy and active outside work.(我曾經(jīng)擁有一份全職工作,同時也積極而繁忙的參與其他外部工作。) hAo86.com
  • 20、Since his release, he has struggled tohold down a job.(自從刑滿釋放之后,他便努力維護自己的工作。)
  • 21、Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting tohold down the younger generation.(人人都認(rèn)為有個要壓制年輕一代的大陰謀。)
  • 22、My business partner willhold down the fort for me when I'm on vacation.(在我度假期間,我的合作伙伴代替我處理一切事務(wù)。)
  • 23、This will help tohold down global prices-although possibly by less than in the past.(這也將有助于抑制全球價格的上升——盡管可能不可能像從前那樣。)
  • 24、Even if Japan is not intervening tohold down its currency, the yen is still misaligned.(即便日本沒有通過干預(yù)壓低幣值,日元還是被低估了。)
  • 25、He was unable tohold down a job after his breakdown.(他精神崩潰以后就沒能保住工作。)

hold down基本釋義

hold down

英 [h?uld daun] 美 [hold da?n] 