
host family造句

host family造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:41:20


host family造句

  • 1、I like the gardens of myhost family.(我喜歡房東家的花園。)
  • 2、Mitsuaki finally decides that he needs a car. Hishost family helps him find a good used car to buy.(三和木最后終于決定他需要一輛車,他的寄宿家庭幫助他找到了一輛好的二手車。)
  • 3、You are looking for a kindhost family?(你在尋找一個善良的寄宿家庭?)
  • 4、Because myhost family didn't speak my native language, my English improved a lot.(由于房東不會說我的母語,我的英語進步很快。)
  • 5、Yourhost family will appreciate your consideration. And they may even invite you back!(你的主人一家都會感謝你這么體貼,他們甚至會再邀請你!)
  • 6、Thehost family always had dumplings, rice and delicious dishes.(寄宿家庭總是吃餃子、米飯和美味的菜肴。)
  • 7、However, we are also aware that there are times when you may feel mistreated by yourhost family.(我們同樣也知道,你有時會受到愛心家庭的不公正待遇。)
  • 8、You'll also miss yourhost family and friends.(你也會想念寄宿的家庭和那邊的朋友。)
  • 9、I really like myhost family.(我真的很喜歡我的寄宿家庭。)
  • 10、Sure. How long will you stay with thehost family?(當然。你會在寄宿家庭住多久呢?)
  • 11、Free day withhost family.(全天與接待家庭活動。)
  • 12、I love myhost family very much.(我非常愛我的寄宿家庭。)
  • 13、The mother in myhost family is trying to make zongzi for us exchange students.(我寄宿家庭的母親正試圖為我們這些交換生包粽子。)
  • 14、Myhost family consists with mother, father, two sisters and a brother.(我的住家有媽媽,爸爸,兩個姐妹和一個弟弟。)
  • 15、I stayed with myhost family for five months.(我在寄宿家庭住了五個月。)
  • 16、Will thehost family prepare the meals for me?(接待家庭會幫我準備一日三餐嗎?)
  • 17、Myhost family is really busy.(我的寄宿家庭真的很忙。)
  • 18、Yourhost family is meeting you at the airport.(你的接待家庭將在機場接你。)
  • 19、Myhost family is really nice.(我的寄宿家庭非常好。)
  • 20、It is important that you consider this opportunity to be involved with yourhost family.(這對你來說很重要,你能夠有如此機會與愛心家庭融為一體。)
  • 21、Have any medical or mental concerns that should be known to the organisation and thehost family?(有關組織機構及寄宿家庭應當知道的醫(yī)療或精神上的其他注意事項。)
  • 22、Myhost family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals.(我的寄宿家庭總是吃面包、土豆和沙拉。)
  • 23、May I know the background of thehost family?(我可以知道這個寄宿家庭的背景嗎?)
  • 24、Shall I take a gift to myhost family?(我要不要給主人家?guī)ЪY物呢?)
  • 25、In addition, you can become true friends with yourhost family.(另外,你可以和你寄居的一家人成為真正的朋友。)
  • 26、I lived with ahost family in China for six months.(我在中國的寄宿家庭住了六個月。) Hao86.com
  • 27、But I know I'm going to miss England and my life with thehost family.(但是,我知道,我將會想念英格蘭,想念在這兒房東家的生活。)
  • 28、My firsthost family, who lives in Cambridge, kept several pets including a goat.(我的第一個寄宿主家是居住在劍橋市,他們豢養(yǎng)了幾只寵物,包括山羊。)

host family基本釋義