
in a manner of speaking造句

in a manner of speaking造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:36


in a manner of speaking造句

  • 1、All these points of view are related,in a manner of speaking.(所有這些觀點(diǎn)都在某方面相互關(guān)聯(lián)。)
  • 2、I'm a seafaring rat, I am, and the port I originally hail from is Constantinople, though I'm a sort of a foreigner there too,in a manner of speaking.(我呀,我是一只航海老鼠,我最初啟航的港口是君士坦丁堡,雖說我在那也可說是一只外國鼠。)
  • 3、There's a strong scour with the ebb, ' he said, 'and this here passage has been dug out,in a manner of speaking, with a spade.(“退潮時(shí)這里水沖得急,”他說,“把這里的入口挖了,可以說就像鏟子鏟似的。”)
  • 4、Public speaking is explained as the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listener.(公眾演說是本著有結(jié)構(gòu)有計(jì)劃的態(tài)度來向一群人演說以達(dá)到鼓舞、感化和娛樂聽眾的過程。)
  • 5、Butin a manner of speaking, when it' s time to be a man I expect him to stand up instead of sitting back expecting me to do everything.(這么說吧,在需要他表現(xiàn)得像個(gè)男人的時(shí)候,我希望他挺身而出,而不是坐視不管,卻想讓我去處理一切。)
  • 6、'Right,' replied the stranger. 'I'm a seafaring rat, I am, and the port I originally hail from is Constantinople, though I'm a sort of a foreigner there too,in a manner of speaking.(“不錯(cuò),”外來的老鼠說?!拔已剑沂且恢缓胶@鲜?,我最初啟航的港口是君士坦丁堡,雖說我在那也可說是一只外國鼠。”)
  • 7、She has a lot of advantages - lovely, cleverness, witty from she of manner of speaking in can discover that she be no more inferior to than the novel in the whichever person.(她具有很多優(yōu)點(diǎn)——可愛,聰明,從她機(jī)智的談吐中可以發(fā)現(xiàn)她不遜色于小說中任何一個(gè)人物。)
  • 8、"Well, sir," Mrs. Medlock answered, "he's—he's different,in a manner of speaking."(“嗯,先生,”梅德洛克太太回答,“說起來,他不一樣了。”)
  • 9、I knowed the man by sight as well as I know my own brother,in a manner of speaking.(——也可以這么說,我見面就認(rèn)識(shí)他,就像熟悉我的兄弟一樣。)
  • 10、in a manner of speaking it makes no difference how you view it, as eventually you will step onto the path that fulfils your destiny.(用一種方式來表達(dá)它,就是不管你如何去呈現(xiàn)它都沒有不同,最終你都會(huì)踏上路程去實(shí)現(xiàn)你的“使命”。)
  • 11、He picked up the basket as if it might explode. Which,in a manner of speaking, it would shortly do.(他極不情愿的拿起籃子,就好像它會(huì)爆炸似的,說實(shí)話,它的確快爆炸了。)
  • 12、That may be truein a manner of speaking, but even so, I have my doubts.(那件事也許可以說是真的,不過,即使如此,我仍有懷疑。)
  • 13、They often take the negotiations a very formal manner, dress neatly, seats and sequence of speaking to high and low levels are in accordance with the arrangements.(他們對(duì)談判往往采取一種很正式的方式,著裝整齊,座位和發(fā)言順序都是按照等級(jí)高低來安排的。)
  • 14、So we move to Plato's son, his adopted son,in a manner of speaking, Aristotle.(我們要開始講柏拉圖的兒子,他的養(yǎng)子,從某方面來說即亞里士多德。) hao86.com
  • 15、in a manner of speaking, international competition is brand competition. To participate in the competition Chinese businesses cannot do without their branding strategies.(當(dāng)前國際經(jīng)濟(jì)市場的競爭,從一定意義上講是名牌之間的較量,我國企業(yè)要參與市場競爭,就要實(shí)施名牌戰(zhàn)略。)
  • 16、Such a one there lived in philadelphia; a person of note, an elderly man, with a wise look and a very grave manner of speaking.(當(dāng)時(shí),費(fèi)城也有這么一個(gè)怪人,一位很有名氣的老人看上去很有見識(shí),講話很是莊重。)
  • 17、Objectively speaking, Zhou s pursuit of Spirit Realm in a free and unrestrained manner is the representation of his peaceful mind and of his escape from the reality as well.(周敦頤以灑落自然為表征的境界追求,既是對(duì)心靈的安頓,也是對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)的逃遁。)
  • 18、But you would think we could pick up these sorts of mistaken judgements by simply introspecting and,in a manner of speaking, retrace our thought processes back to the original mistake.(但是你可能認(rèn)為我們可以通過反省,或者用一種說法來說,追溯我們的思考過程以回到最初的錯(cuò)誤,從而找到這種判斷的錯(cuò)誤。)
  • 19、She would swear the same,in a manner of speaking, before chaplain.(可以說,它就是在牧師面前也會(huì)照罵不誤的。)
  • 20、If there's any magic about, it's right down deep, where I can't lay my hands on it,in a manner of speaking.(假如周圍有什么奇異魔力的話,我要說正是在這地下很深的地方,這一點(diǎn)我可以觸摸得到。)
  • 21、There isin a manner of speaking another tragedy, inasmuch that the media still generally refers to it as a terrorist attack yet the facts tell otherwise.(從某種意義上說,另外一個(gè)悲劇是媒體仍然普遍把它當(dāng)做一件恐和諧怖分子襲擊事件,然而事實(shí)說的又是另外一回事。)
  • 22、An attorney is your employee,in a manner of speaking.(律師也可以說是你的雇員。)
  • 23、If it's up to him, Gossip Girl Season 6 will end with a bang.in a manner of speaking.(如果由他決定的話,《緋聞女孩》第六季會(huì)有一個(gè)驚煞天人的結(jié)尾,照他的說法。)
  • 24、As I have told you before,in a manner of speaking you are given the gifts of gods.(就象我曾經(jīng)向你們說過的,從某種角度說你們被賦予了神的天賦。)

in a manner of speaking基本釋義

in a manner of speaking

英 [in ? ?m?n? ?v ?spi:k??] 美 [?n e ?m?n? ?v ?spik??] 
不妨說; 在某種意義上