
in a rush造句

in a rush造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:34


in a rush造句

  • 1、That we get bored of being children, arein a rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.(人類在做孩子的時候感到無聊,盼望著長大,長大后又向往著返回童年;)
  • 2、I don't like living in big cities because it seems that everyone isin a rush.(我不喜歡住在大城市,因為每個人看上去都在趕時間。)
  • 3、A lot of people arein a rush, and it's very difficult to keep careful, for they would rather care for their speed than your safety.(很多人都在趕時間,很難保持小心謹慎,因為他們更關(guān)心自己的速度,而不是你的安全。)
  • 4、I pushed aside the crushed cushionin a rush and saw a bushy brush.(我急忙推開壓皺的軟墊子,看見一把濃密的刷子。)
  • 5、The words came outin a rush.(那些話一股腦兒都出來了。)
  • 6、I can't stop—I'min a rush.(我不能停下來—我忙著呢。)
  • 7、Recent squabbles worried you, enough that you'rein a rush to get things settled.(最近的爭論讓你煩心,你為了讓事情定下來已經(jīng)足夠奔忙了。)
  • 8、If you live lifein a rush, dashing from one thing to the next, it's no surprise that you find yourself frazzled and unable to focus.(如果你在生活中總是從一件事沖到另一件,精疲力盡和無法全神貫注就一點都不奇怪。)
  • 9、The prisoners built the barracks at Birkenauin a rush, laying a single course of bricks on poorly made foundations.(囚犯們匆忙地在比克瑙建立起營房拙劣地鋪上一層磚做地基.)
  • 10、You may ride on your bicyclein a rush to get to school or your office every morning.(你可能每天早上都匆匆忙忙地騎自行車去上學或上班。)
  • 11、Clients who go to these sites are normallyin a rush to get something done and have absolutely no budget to pay anyone a fair wage.(來這樣網(wǎng)站的客戶通常都是急于完成工作,根本沒有更多的預算付高薪給你。)
  • 12、Other companies will roll out browser sidebar add-ons for their servicesin a rush.(其他公司也會盡快開發(fā)出對應各自服務的邊欄工具。)
  • 13、Scarlett thought of Ellen andin a rush feeling came back into the emptiness of her mind a murderous rage so strong it shook her like the ague.(思嘉想起愛倫來,感覺又突如起來地回到她那空虛的心田,一股暴怒像瘧疾似的震憾著她。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 14、But the user isin a rush.(但是你的用戶是很忙的。)
  • 15、Don't bein a rush. Read slowly and reread until you understand.(不要急,慢慢讀、直到讀懂為止。)
  • 16、“Everyone isin a rush in New York, even in restaurants and in cafes, ” he said.(“每個人在紐約都匆匆忙忙,即使是在餐館和咖啡館,”他說。)
  • 17、The door blew open, lettingin a rush of cold air.(門被風刮開了,一股冷風疾沖進來。)
  • 18、Forget it because these guys are usuallyin a rush.(還是算了吧,這些家伙通常匆匆忙忙。)
  • 19、However, they say that they are notin a rush to go ahead, especially if their watchdogs oppose such moves.(但他們表示,他們并不忙于推進具體操作,特別是如果監(jiān)督機構(gòu)反對這樣做的話。)
  • 20、You may ride on your bicyclein a rush to get to school every morning.(你可能每天早上都匆匆忙忙地騎自行車去上學。)
  • 21、She was alwaysin a rush.(她老是匆匆忙忙。)
  • 22、The men leftin a rush.(這些男人在匆忙中離開了。)
  • 23、It is impossible to get it completely dry when one isin a rush to get to a job interview or a blind date.(不可能在趕著去參加工作面試或者陌生人約會時完全吹干頭發(fā)。)
  • 24、Often timesin a rush to get the product out the door, developers might put in code not realizing functionality that already exists elsewhere.(大多數(shù)時候,為了趕緊發(fā)布產(chǎn)品,開發(fā)人員提交代碼時并不了解其它地方已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了的功能。)
  • 25、She said:'I used to leave house flustered andin a rush and it wasn't a good way to start the day.(她說:“我過去都是慌慌張張匆忙地從家里出來,這不是開啟一天的好狀態(tài)。)

in a rush基本釋義