
in a sense造句

in a sense造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:34


in a sense造句

  • 1、in a sense Mr Faludy chose prison.(某種意義而言,是法魯?shù)献栽高x擇了監(jiān)獄。)
  • 2、in a sense, they were prisoners.(從某種意義上來說,這些人成了囚犯。)
  • 3、Andin a sense they would be right.(在某種意義上,他們是正確的。)
  • 4、in a sense, both were right.(在某種意義上,兩者都對。)
  • 5、in a sense, forgetting is our brain's way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval.(從某種意義上說,遺忘是我們大腦對記憶進行分類的一種方式,這樣聯(lián)系最緊密的記憶隨時可以被檢索出來。)
  • 6、Trying to make everyone rich, andin a sense.(從某種意義來說,要嘗試讓所有人富有。)
  • 7、The difference lies in whether the project isin a sense defined and developed by the student or whether it s assigned by a teacher.(區(qū)別在于這個項目是由學生定義和開發(fā)的,還是由老師指定的。)
  • 8、So 2010 marksin a sense a new beginning.(所以2010在某種意義上標志著一個新的開始。)
  • 9、Butin a sense, he was right.(但在某種意義上,他是正確的。)
  • 10、So our work is never finished,in a sense.(因此,在某種意義上講,我們的工作從來都不會結束。)
  • 11、in a sense, Germans do pay for television.(某種意義上來說,德國人還是為電視付費的。)
  • 12、in a sense this is inescapable: meaning exists only insofar as it means to someone, and literary works are written in order to evoke sets of responses in the reader.(從某種意義上說,這是不可避免的:意義只存在于對某人有意義的地方,而文學作品是為了喚起讀者的反應而寫的。)
  • 13、He has,in a sense, been given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa.(從某種意義上說,他已被允許全權洽談新南非問題。)
  • 14、in a sense, you cope between two extremes.(在某種意義上,你要處理兩個極端。)
  • 15、in a sense, that is Chan's mission here.(從某種意義上說,這也是成龍本人的使命。)
  • 16、in a sense, efficient markets would require that everybody and every analyst completes Eric Lee's study.(在某種意義上,有效市場需要所有人和所有分析員一完成埃里克·李的研究)
  • 17、It begins by,in a sense, rehearsing or taking us back to Frost's own initial move to the north of Boston.(從某種意義上說,它開始于照搬或者帶我們重返最初弗羅斯特去波士頓北部的時候。)
  • 18、in a sense, that will be a step forward.(在某種意義上,這是一種進步。)
  • 19、The Freudian perspective,in a sense: sees us as "steam engines".(從某種意義上說,弗洛伊德的觀點視我們?yōu)椤罢羝麢C”。)
  • 20、in a sense, this is nothing new.(在某種意義上,這并不稀奇。)
  • 21、in a sense that's also what Plato meant.(在某種程度上柏拉圖也是這個意思。)
  • 22、Televisionin a sense has shrunk the world.(從某種意義上說電視把世界縮小了。)
  • 23、The Wall was,in a sense, inevitable.(在某種意義上說,柏林墻是無法避免的。)
  • 24、in a sense, it has already worked.(在一定意義上,它已經(jīng)起作用了。) haO86.com
  • 25、in a sense, I'm a born killer.(從某種意義上說,我是一個天生的殺手。)
  • 26、in a sense, the attitude towards strangers that the people have in the city mirrors its warmth.(在某種意義上說,市民對陌生人態(tài)度,反映了這個城市的溫度。)
  • 27、Soin a sense, it was very good.(在某種程度上,這非常好。)
  • 28、We learn,in a sense, by trial and error.(從某種意義上說,我們是通過反復試驗、不斷犯錯來學習的。)
  • 29、So, it depends on your error barin a sense.(因此,從某種意義上說它取決于誤差棒。)

in a sense基本釋義

in a sense

英 [in ? sens] 美 [?n e s?ns] 
