
in abundance造句

in abundance造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:34


in abundance造句

  • 1、Magma appearedin abundance and in some locations formed vast molten oceans.(巖漿大量涌現(xiàn),在一些地方形成了廣闊的熔巖海洋。)
  • 2、Fruits and vegetables grewin abundance in my hometown.(我的家鄉(xiāng)盛產(chǎn)水果和蔬菜。)
  • 3、The simple truth is that bully or tyrant bosses can be foundin abundance.(最簡單的事實(shí)是,惡霸或者暴君是大把的。)
  • 4、Now he finds immigrant craftsmen gatheredin abundance outside his store in the early morning, waiting for it to open so they can buy supplies for the day's work as contractors.(現(xiàn)在他發(fā)現(xiàn),很多移民工匠一大早就聚集在他的店外等著開門,就能以合同工的身份購買日常用品。)
  • 5、Readers interested in the details of the last few days before the December 7 attack will find them discussedin abundance.(對12月7日攻擊前的其幾天的細(xì)節(jié)感興趣的讀者可以找到大量豐富的資料。)
  • 6、The island itself is kind of like a Scandinavian Wild West. Reindeer existin abundance, and polar bears are a genuine threat.(小島有點(diǎn)像斯堪的納維亞粗狂的西部,生活著許多馴鹿而他們的唯一的危險(xiǎn)就是北極熊。)
  • 7、Gold there is, and rubiesin abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.(有金子和許多珍珠,惟有知識的嘴,乃為貴重的珍寶。)
  • 8、School groupsin abundance, in this author’s view, add charm to anymuseum.(在作者看來,大量的學(xué)童可以為任何博物館增加魅力。)
  • 9、Such genes have been foundin abundance in other organisms - including over 70 in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans.(這類基因在其他的生命組織中已被大量發(fā)現(xiàn)——包括超過70種的蠕蟲線蟲。)
  • 10、Fruit and vegetables grewin abundance on the island.(該島盛產(chǎn)水果和蔬菜。)
  • 11、Rated as one of the best full-backs in Europe, he also has pacein abundance and has been described as a 'tenacious tackler'.(作為歐洲戰(zhàn)場上數(shù)一數(shù)二的后衛(wèi),他還擁有出眾的速度和意識,被譽(yù)為“頑強(qiáng)的防守者”。)
  • 12、When 2DG is administered to animals that eat normally, glucose reaches cellsin abundance but the drug prevents most of it from being processed and thus reduces ATP synthesis.(給予正常進(jìn)食的動物2DG時(shí),大量葡萄糖到達(dá)細(xì)胞,但藥物阻止了大部分葡萄糖的處理,從而減少了ATP的合成。)
  • 13、He came to us from the creator, trailing creativityin abundance.(他從造物主那里來到我們身邊,帶著豐富的創(chuàng)造力。)
  • 14、Specifically in Nanjing, silk production and other craft arts were beginning to be producedin abundance.(特別是,絲綢生產(chǎn)和其他一些工藝產(chǎn)品開始大量涌現(xiàn),使南京被譽(yù)為“衣履冠帶天下”。)
  • 15、Such landscapes are foundin abundance in and around the Tuscan countryside.(這樣的景觀中發(fā)現(xiàn)了大量的和周圍的托斯卡納鄉(xiāng)下。)
  • 16、Therefore their people turn to them and drink up watersin abundance.(所以神的民歸到這里,喝盡了滿杯的苦水。)
  • 17、Another designer you'll findin abundance is Ralph Lauren.(另一位設(shè)計(jì)師,您可以找到豐富的是拉爾夫·勞倫。)
  • 18、Well, we tasted it, bear meat,in abundance, during the course of that night, the longest of my climbing career.(嗯,那天晚上是我爬山生涯最長的一次,我們都吃了好多熊肉。)
  • 19、A carotenoid called lycopene, which tomatoes containin abundance, appeared to be responsible.(這跟番茄中富含的一種叫做番茄紅素的類胡蘿卜素看起來有很大關(guān)系。)
  • 20、Many of us love July because it's the month when berries and stone fruits arein abundance.(我們中的許多人都喜歡七月,因?yàn)檫@個(gè)月有很多漿果和核果。)
  • 21、A priest eyes sunflowers that have sproutedin abundance on land in the vicinity of his monastery.(一位牧師正在觀察修道院附近開得十分燦爛的向日葵。)
  • 22、Also cedar treesin abundance: for the Zidonians and they of Tyre brought much cedar wood to David.(22:3又預(yù)備無數(shù)的香柏木,因?yàn)槲黝D人和推羅人給大衛(wèi)運(yùn)了許多香柏木來。) hao86.com
  • 23、Their land brought forth frogsin abundance, in the Chambers of their Kings.(在他們的地上以及王宮的內(nèi)室,青蛙多多滋生。)
  • 24、Increasesin abundance of plant-eating fish and decreasesin abundance of coral-feeding fish accompany these changes.(隨著這些變化,以植物為食的魚類數(shù)量增加,以珊瑚為食的魚類數(shù)量減少。)
  • 25、Iraq has something no other Arab country hasin abundance: water, oil and an educated population.(有幾樣?xùn)|西在其他阿拉伯國家缺乏,但在伊拉克多的是:水、石油、受過教育的民眾。)

in abundance基本釋義

in abundance

英 [in ??b?nd?ns] 美 [?n ??b?nd?ns] 

充足,豐富; 觸處皆是