
in advance造句

in advance造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:32


in advance造句

  • 1、Twenty years ago, a Friday night would need to be arrangedin advance.(20年前,周五晚上需要預(yù)先安排。)
  • 2、You have to fix visits upin advance with the museum.(你得預(yù)先和博物館聯(lián)系安排好參觀事宜。)
  • 3、The subject of the talk is announced a weekin advance.(會(huì)談的主題提前一周宣布。)
  • 4、You needn't book the ticketsin advance.(你不必提前訂票。)
  • 5、When I had a project, I had to make a plan wayin advance.(當(dāng)我有一個(gè)項(xiàng)目時(shí),我必須提前制定一個(gè)計(jì)劃。)
  • 6、You will be at an advantage if you have predicted the test questionsin advance.(如果你已經(jīng)提前預(yù)測了考試題目,你就會(huì)處于優(yōu)勢。)
  • 7、The salad improves if madein advance and left to stand.(該色拉如果提前做好并擱上些時(shí)候味道會(huì)更好。)
  • 8、Additional beauty treatments can be bookedin advance.(額外的美容項(xiàng)目可以提前預(yù)訂。)
  • 9、It is a good idea to place your order wellin advance as delivery can often take months rather than weeks.(早早提前訂購是個(gè)好主意,因?yàn)榻回洺3R◣讉€(gè)月的時(shí)間,而不是幾星期。)
  • 10、Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sitesin advance.(鑒于該地區(qū)的受歡迎度,事先預(yù)訂旅館或露營地是可取的。)
  • 11、With his design completedin advance, Harper took his seat heavily, feeling pleased that he was a man of action.(哈勃的設(shè)計(jì)提前完成后,他重重地坐到自己的凳子上,感覺非常滿意,自以為他是一個(gè)實(shí)干家。)
  • 12、It's important to prepare for your tripin advance and to take precautions while you are travelling.(重要的是要提前準(zhǔn)備好你的旅行,并在旅行時(shí)采取預(yù)防措施。)
  • 13、Have your diaper bag packed, your work stuff ready, and clothes for both of you laid outin advance.(把你的尿布包收拾好,你的工作需要的東西也就緒,你們倆的衣物也提前拿出來。)
  • 14、Football games often sell out wellin advance.(足球比賽的門票常常提前銷售一空。)
  • 15、If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify usin advance.(開會(huì)時(shí)間如有變,請(qǐng)?zhí)崆案嬖V我們。)
  • 16、If you want to attend the concert conducted by the famous conductor, you should book a ticketin advance.(如果你想?yún)⒓幽俏恢笓]家指揮的音樂會(huì),你應(yīng)該提前訂票。)
  • 17、Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select onein advance.(也許他們更喜歡去養(yǎng)老院,也希望可以提前做選擇。)
  • 18、Students are asked to prepare materialin advance of each weekly seminar.(要求學(xué)生為每星期一次的研討班預(yù)先準(zhǔn)備好材料。)
  • 19、Clients normally pay feesin advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.(客戶們通常提前付費(fèi),或按月,或按季度,或按年。)
  • 20、Do you think I should tell herin advance that I'm a vegetarian?(你認(rèn)為我應(yīng)該提前告訴她我是素食主義者嗎?)
  • 21、Visitors can book a time slot a week or morein advance.(來訪者們可以提前一周或一周以上預(yù)約一個(gè)時(shí)段。)
  • 22、A 10% deposit is payablein advance.(須預(yù)付10%的押金。)
  • 23、Do we have to get the opera ticketsin advance?(我們需要提前拿到歌劇門票嗎?)
  • 24、We had to pay the full pricein advance for an escorted tour.(我們必須提前付全款,才有導(dǎo)游陪同。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 25、Hopefully the speakers will let you have an outline of the topic a day or twoin advance.(希望演講者會(huì)提前一兩天給你一個(gè)主題的大綱。)
  • 26、I'd appreciate it if you could let me knowin advance whether or not you will come.(如果你能提前告訴我你是否會(huì)來,我將不勝感激。)
  • 27、You are not buying itin advance for next year or anything.(您不會(huì)為了明年或任何其他時(shí)間而提前購買它。)
  • 28、You required your payin advance, and I've paid you.(你要求提前付款,我已經(jīng)付過了。)
  • 29、We require the student's full flight details at least 4 weeksin advance.(我們要求學(xué)生至少提前4周提供完整的航班信息。)

in advance基本釋義

in advance

英 [in ?d?vɑ:ns] 美 [?n ?d?v?ns] 