I see造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:56


I see造句

  • 1、I usually put it in my diary whenI see the wild flowers coming out.(我看到野花盛開時,通常會記在日記本里。)
  • 2、Oh,I see what you're saying.(哦,我明白你說的了。)
  • 3、I see you've had a haircut.(我看得出你理發(fā)了。)
  • 4、I see her quite often.(我常常見到她。)
  • 5、AsI see it, we have two options...(據(jù)我看,我們有兩種選擇…)
  • 6、She gave a nod and said, "I see."(她點了一下頭說:“我明白了?!?
  • 7、"I see you know how to swim very well," she said, watching him do the backstroke.(“看來你很會游泳啊”,她一邊說一邊看他仰泳。)
  • 8、Sally said, "I see."(薩莉說:“我明白了?!?
  • 9、I see no use arguing with fate.(我認為與命運抗爭沒有什么用。)
  • 10、I see he's become a family man.(我發(fā)覺他已變得很戀家。)
  • 11、I think I'd have to reserve judgment on whether it'll make any difference untilI see some of those key details.(至于它是否會有影響,我想在我看到一些關(guān)鍵細節(jié)之前我會保留看法。)
  • 12、CanI see your authorization?(我能看你的授權(quán)書嗎?)
  • 13、Hmm,I see.(嗯,我明白了。)
  • 14、When canI see you?(我什么時候可以見你?)
  • 15、I'd like to reserve judgement untilI see the report.(我還是想看到報告后再發(fā)表意見。) Hao86.com
  • 16、I see things differently now.(現(xiàn)在,我看問題的方法不一樣了。)
  • 17、CouldI see you for a minute?(我能見你一下嗎?)
  • 18、I see crabs.(我看見螃蟹了。)
  • 19、'I see you read a lot,' he said, gesturing at the wall of books.(“看來你讀了很多書?!彼钢且粔Φ臅f道。)
  • 20、I see growth slightly up, but nothing to write home about.(我看到稍有增長,但也沒什么令人激動的。)
  • 21、Didn'tI see you at the party last week?(難道我在上周的聚會上沒見到你嗎?)
  • 22、When you've finished with the book, canI see it?(這本書你看完以后我能看嗎?)
  • 23、I see I was mistaken about you.(我明白我錯看了你。)
  • 24、It is not an idea around which the community can unite. On the contrary,I see it as one that will divide us.(這不是一個可以讓我們的組織團結(jié)起來的主意。恰恰相反,我看它會分裂我們。)
  • 25、I cannot tell you what pain I feel whenI see how much my mother is under my father's thumb.(我無法向你形容,當我看到母親完全在父親的控制之下時我有多么痛苦。)
  • 26、I see her most weekends but not very often in between.(我周末大多都能見到她,但平時不常見到。)
  • 27、I see.(我明白了。)
  • 28、CouldI see you when you've got an odd moment ?(你有空時,我能不能見見你?)
  • 29、When willI see you again?(我何時能再見到你?)

I see基本釋義