ID card造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:52


ID card造句

  • 1、Please show me yourID card.(請給我出示你的身份證。)
  • 2、YourID card is expired and can not be used to book a ticket.(你的身份證過期,不能用來預(yù)訂車票。)
  • 3、ID card with with your name and photo.(名牌上有個人的照片和姓名。)
  • 4、Imagine theID card as the body of an animal, the pencil its long neck, and the eraser its head.(把身份證想象成一個動物的身體,鉛筆是它的長脖子,橡皮擦是它的頭。)
  • 5、A: Here's the form, myID card and the money.(給您表格,我的身份證,還有錢。)
  • 6、Please take your room key andID card, close and lock the door to your room.(請帶上您的房間鑰匙和身份證,關(guān)好并鎖上您房間的門。)
  • 7、Would you please give me yourID card?(請把身份證給我好嗎?)
  • 8、To complicate matters further, I lost myID card.(使得事情變得更復(fù)雜的是,我丟了身份證。)
  • 9、His wallet, mobile phone andID card stolen, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.(他的錢包、手機(jī)和身份證都被偷了。警察正在調(diào)查,準(zhǔn)備將送他到社會救助站。)
  • 10、Please line up and take photos, then make yourID card with the form in your hand.(請依次排隊照相,然后拿著各人的登記表辦理身份卡。)
  • 11、Please bring youID card. If you don't haveID card.(帶上你的身份證,如果你沒有身份證。)
  • 12、He gave me a West GermanID card and put me on a plane to West Germany.(他給我了一份西德局民身份證,并安排我乘飛機(jī)去了西德。)
  • 13、You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas, such as a TexasID card.(你必須有在德克薩斯州的居住證明,例如一張得克薩斯州的身份證。)
  • 14、CIAID card for Allen W. Dulles.(艾倫·杜勒斯的中情局身份證。)
  • 15、Have you got yourID card with you?(你帶身份證了嗎?)
  • 16、This is the parcel arrival notice and myID card.(這是我保裹通知單和我的身份證。)
  • 17、For example, you need to take a pencil, an eraser, yourID card and chips to your next exam.(例如,下一次考試時,你需要帶一支鉛筆、一塊橡皮、身份證和薯片。)
  • 18、You don't know where yourID card is.(你不知道你的身份證放在哪兒。)
  • 19、I'm afraid I left my StudentID card in the dorm.(恐怕我把學(xué)生證落在宿舍了。)
  • 20、My failure is due to the fact that I don't hold a localID card.(我的失敗就是由于我沒有當(dāng)?shù)氐纳矸葑C。)
  • 21、Write yourID card number clearly.(把身份證號碼寫清楚。)

ID card基本釋義

ID card

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