
in large quantities造句

in large quantities造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:03


in large quantities造句

  • 1、Do you usually buyin large quantities?(你們的訂購(gòu)量通常都很大嗎?)
  • 2、This medicine is toxic if takenin large quantities.(這種藥若服用過量是有毒的。)
  • 3、Potential methane release (s)in large quantities represents one of those great unknowns in climate change.(潛在的甲烷大量釋放(s)代表氣候變化中的一大未知數(shù)。)
  • 4、Many of the subcompacts on our list have been soldin large quantities to fleets, which immediately diminishes their value.(被列入名單的許多超小型汽車都大量賣給車隊(duì),這就讓它們馬上掉價(jià)。)
  • 5、Do you give a discount if we buy itin large quantities?(如果我們購(gòu)買的數(shù)量多,你能不能給打折扣?)
  • 6、His paper was outin large quantities.(他的票據(jù)大量地流在外面。)
  • 7、But carbon nanotubes are very expensive to make, especiallyin large quantities.(但是(尤其是大規(guī)模)制造碳納米管是非常昂貴的。)
  • 8、You can find elsewhere in the solar system, very rare metals and mineralsin large quantities.(你可以在太陽系的其它地方找到大量的極其稀有的礦物和金屬。)
  • 9、It is usually economical to buy washing powderin large quantities.(大量購(gòu)買洗衣粉通常要省錢些。)
  • 10、One of the downsides of the drug is finding enough supplies of blood to manufacture itin large quantities.(而這種藥物的一個(gè)限制是,需要尋找足夠多的血液供應(yīng)來進(jìn)行大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)。)
  • 11、They always buyin large quantities.(他們總是大量購(gòu)買。)
  • 12、Alcohol can also damage the liver and do great harm if consumedin large quantities.(酒會(huì)損害肝臟,如果大量飲用會(huì)造成很大的傷害。)
  • 13、Roman pottery was transported not onlyin large quantities but also over substantial distances.(羅馬的陶器不僅運(yùn)輸量大,運(yùn)輸距離也很遙遠(yuǎn)。)
  • 14、Huangyan is currently the most important local mandarin base in China and is exported to the worldin large quantities every year.(黃巖是目前中國(guó)最重要的本地造蜜橘基地,每年大量出口全球。)
  • 15、Most products are cheaper when they are producedin large quantities; costs typically drop as production volumes increase.(大部分的產(chǎn)品在大量生產(chǎn)的情況下會(huì)更便宜,產(chǎn)量上升,成本就下降。)
  • 16、You know that some countries are selling this kind of products at cheap pricesin large quantities.(您知道有的國(guó)家對(duì)這種商品正在削價(jià)拋售。)
  • 17、You should never use any over-the-counter drug on a regular, continued basis orin large quantities, except on your doctor's advice.(除了醫(yī)生的建議,你不應(yīng)該定期、持續(xù)或大量使用任何非處方藥物。)
  • 18、The liquidity explosion has helped us all by putting easy moneyin large quantities into our customers' pockets...(流動(dòng)性爆發(fā)讓我們的客戶口袋里有了大量的錢,這間接地幫助了我們。)
  • 19、The reason for constructing the buildings from wood is probably that ideally proportioned straight and slender timber was availablein large quantities in Scandinavia's vast pine forests.(用木材建造建筑的原因可能是,比例理想、筆直、纖細(xì)的木材在斯堪的納維亞廣闊的松林中大量存在。)
  • 20、She said the instant products were not importedin large quantities.(不過她最后說,KingCar公司并沒有大量進(jìn)口上述產(chǎn)品。)
  • 21、Wholesale eis the sale of goodsin large quantities for resale.(批發(fā)就是為轉(zhuǎn)賣而進(jìn)行的大量貨物銷售。)
  • 22、How can you best convey data, usually expressedin large quantities, intended for reading online?(如何最好地傳遞數(shù)據(jù)?這通常是大批量在線閱覽。)
  • 23、Nuts and seeds are high in calories, however, so don't eat themin large quantities.(然而,它們的卡路里很高,所以不要大量進(jìn)食。)
  • 24、Inorganic arsenic, on the other hand, can prove deadly if ingestedin large quantities.(另一方面,如果攝取大量的無機(jī)砷則有可能致死。)
  • 25、They always purchasein large quantities.(他們老是大量采辦。)
  • 26、Next, you infect the tobacco plant with the bacterium. Inside the plant, the protein is producedin large quantities.(接著,用這種細(xì)菌來感染煙草葉,這種蛋白在煙草葉中就會(huì)大量的合成。) Hao86.com
  • 27、Producedin large quantities it can harm among other things the brain and the immune system.(然而過多數(shù)量就會(huì)對(duì)大腦、免疫系統(tǒng)和其它部位產(chǎn)生壞處。)
  • 28、Yet consider the phrase "sugaring the pill" : pills are medicine and as such are poisonousin large quantities.(然而,考慮“給藥片加上糖衣”的說法:藥片是藥,并且其本身在大劑量下是有毒的。)

in large quantities基本釋義

in large quantities

