
in high spirits造句

in high spirits造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:06


in high spirits造句

  • 1、Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday. Just before the dawn, we set out on footin high spirits.(昨天我和李明參加了一個(gè)野外生存訓(xùn)練。就在黎明前,我們興高采烈地步行出發(fā)了。)
  • 2、I am glad to always find herin high spirits.(我對(duì)經(jīng)常看到她情緒高漲感到很高興。)
  • 3、Mother wasin high spirits and seemed strong; she just wanted to check in and tell me she loved me.(她興致很高,好像身體也很好;她只是想打個(gè)電話給我報(bào)平安,告訴我,她愛(ài)我。)
  • 4、People werein high spirits because victory was the corner.(人們都興高采烈,因?yàn)閯倮苌夏荞R上就要到來(lái)。)
  • 5、You seemin high spirits.(你好像情緒很高漲。)
  • 6、It was the last day of the semester and everyone wasin high spirits.(那時(shí)那學(xué)期最后一天了,每個(gè)人都興致勃勃。)
  • 7、Although Jimmy was very weak in his last days, he was stillin high spirits.(6在他最后的日子里,吉米雖然很虛弱,但依舊情緒飽滿。)
  • 8、Moreover, whenin high spirits, I'll sing several folk songs.(而且,興致高昂時(shí),我會(huì)唱幾首民謠。)
  • 9、John isin high spirits at the prospect.(約翰對(duì)前景充滿希望。)
  • 10、At supper, everyone wasin high spirits.(晚飯時(shí)每個(gè)人都情緒高昂。)
  • 11、He isin high spirits today.(他今天情緒高漲。)
  • 12、This is because one is alwaysin high spirits, he would like to do everything helpful.(這是因?yàn)槟憧偸桥d高采烈,他想做的一切幫助。)
  • 13、On entering the room, he found his friends dancingin high spirits.(一進(jìn)屋,他就發(fā)現(xiàn)他的朋友們?cè)谟淇斓靥琛?
  • 14、They all set off from Acre once again,in high spirits.(他們又一次從阿克里出發(fā),這次,眾人情緒高漲。)
  • 15、Everyone isin high spirits now.(現(xiàn)在大家都情緒高漲。)
  • 16、Wendy, you seem to bein high spirits today.(溫蒂,你今天似乎心情很好。)
  • 17、I'min high spirits at the thought of a vacation on Italy next month.(一想到下個(gè)月要去意大利度假,我就興奮不已。)
  • 18、Carrie reached homein high spirits, which she could scarcely conceal.(嘉莉興高采烈地回到家,她那股高興勁想掩飾也掩飾不住。)
  • 19、Two hours ago you went to attend the class partyin high spirits.(兩個(gè)小時(shí)之前你歡歡喜喜的出去參加同學(xué)聚會(huì)了啊。)
  • 20、We sent them offin high spirits.(我們興高采烈地給他們送別。)
  • 21、The girl seemsin high spirits today.(這女孩今天看起來(lái)情緒高昂。)
  • 22、Everybody seemsin high spirits.(人人似乎都是興高采烈的。)
  • 23、Although they are very old, they arein high spirits in public affairs.(雖然他們都很老了,但是做起公共事務(wù)來(lái)卻是精神飽滿。) haO86.com
  • 24、The young woman wore a fine bunch of violets and seemedin high spirits.(這個(gè)年輕的姑娘佩戴著一束精美的紫羅蘭,看上去情緒高漲。)
  • 25、One evening her husband came homein high spirits.(一天晚上她的丈夫興沖沖的回到家。)
  • 26、They all look like they'rein high spirits.(我看他們的樣子,一個(gè)個(gè)都是精神抖擻的。)
  • 27、Everybody wasin high spirits at the party last night.(昨天晚上大家在派對(duì)上玩的都很高興。)

in high spirits基本釋義

in high spirits

