in order造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:58


in order造句

  • 1、I go swimming every dayin order to keep fit.(我每天游泳以保持健康。)
  • 2、I think a drink would bein order.(我想可以喝杯飲料了吧。)
  • 3、Now he has a chance to put his life backin order.(現(xiàn)在,他有機(jī)會(huì)使自己的生活重新走上正軌。)
  • 4、She wanted to put her affairsin order before she died.(她想在去世前把自己的事務(wù)安排妥當(dāng)。)
  • 5、We stood upin order to get a better view.(我們站起身來(lái)以便看得更清楚。)
  • 6、Both sides metin order to try to resolve their differences.(雙方會(huì)晤以努力解決分歧。)
  • 7、She arrived earlyin order to get a good seat.(她早早到場(chǎng),好找個(gè)好位置。)
  • 8、She wanted to take a career breakin order to have children.(她想暫時(shí)放下工作,去生孩子。)
  • 9、I had to dismantle the enginein order to repair it.(我得把發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)拆開來(lái)修理。)
  • 10、She's thirdin order of succession to the throne.(她在王位繼承人順位中排第三。)
  • 11、He only gave his consentin order to gratify her wishes.(他只是為滿足她的愿望才同意的。)
  • 12、My friends endured tremendous dangerin order to help me.(為了幫助我,我的朋友們經(jīng)歷了巨大的危險(xiǎn)。)
  • 13、in order to take that job, you must have left another job.(為了去做那份工作,你肯定已經(jīng)辭去了另一份工。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 14、She may have farmed the child outin order to remarry.(她為了再婚可能已經(jīng)把孩子寄養(yǎng)出去了。)
  • 15、I'd taken my phone off the hookin order to get some sleep.(我把電話聽筒拿了下來(lái),以便可以睡會(huì)兒覺。)
  • 16、We needed the breakin order to recharge.(我們需要休息一下以恢復(fù)體力。)
  • 17、in order to be successful he would have to exert himself.(他必須努力才能成功。)
  • 18、Is everythingin order, sir?(一切都正常嗎,先生?)
  • 19、The organisms were forced to adaptin order to survive.(生物被迫適應(yīng),以求生存。)
  • 20、He arranged the accidentin order to fake his own death.(他策劃了這次事故以便造成他自己死亡的假象。)
  • 21、It was time she put her lifein order.(她到了該好好安排自己生活的時(shí)候了。)
  • 22、Is your work permitin order?(你的工作許可證有效嗎?)
  • 23、Reforms are clearlyin order.(改革顯然是順理成章的。)
  • 24、I must put my affairsin order.(我必須整理整理我的事務(wù)。)
  • 25、The tasks have been rankedin order of difficulty.(按照困難程度對(duì)工作進(jìn)行了分類。)
  • 26、Is itin order to speak now?(依規(guī)定現(xiàn)在可以發(fā)言了嗎?)
  • 27、They were forced to practise cannibalismin order to survive.(為了生存,他們被迫同類相食。)

in order基本釋義

in order

英 [in ??:d?] 美 [?n ??rd?] 