
in my opinion造句

in my opinion造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:00


in my opinion造句

  • 1、in my opinion, good handwriting not only leaves a good impression on other people but also help you apply for a job and get promoted.(在我看來,字跡漂亮不僅能給別人留下好的印象,還能幫助你申請工作并獲得晉升。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 2、in my opinion, we work not only for making a living, but also for a sense of achievement.(在我看來,工作的目的不僅是為了謀生,也是為了獲得一種成就感。)
  • 3、in my opinion, Hirst's work has been vastly overrated.(依我看赫斯特的作品被大大地高估了。)
  • 4、The technology,in my opinion, could have applications in such fields as military, medicine and public safety.(在我看來,這項技術(shù)可以應(yīng)用于軍事、醫(yī)藥和公共安全等領(lǐng)域。)
  • 5、in my opinion, anyone who takes another person's life intentionally is insane; however, that does not mean that the person isn't guilty of the crime or that he shouldn't pay society the debt he owes.(在我看來,任何故意奪走他人生命的人都是瘋子;然而,這并不意味著這個人沒有犯罪,或者不應(yīng)該向社會償還債務(wù)。)
  • 6、in my opinion , it's a very sound investment.(依我看,這是十分可靠的投資。)
  • 7、in my opinion, this is a mistake.(依我之見,這是一個錯誤。)
  • 8、in my opinion, wearing comfort clothes is much more important than being in fashion.(在我看來,穿著舒服比流行更重要。)
  • 9、in my opinion, the most important thing in life is our family.(在我看來,生命中最重要的事物是家庭。)
  • 10、Not a huge differencein my opinion.(在我看來,二者并無太大差異。)
  • 11、Anyway the syllabus was way too ambitiousin my opinion.(不管怎樣,我認(rèn)為教學(xué)大綱的目標(biāo)定得太高了。)
  • 12、in my opinion, motivation, rather than intelligence, often decides how far a person can go in his career.(在我看來,決定一個人在事業(yè)上能走多遠(yuǎn)的往往是動機,而不是智力。)
  • 13、in my opinion, the most important thing when choosing a hotel for an international conference is the meeting room or rooms.(在我看來,選擇舉辦國際會議的酒店時最重要的是會議室。)
  • 14、in my opinion, in the appraisal of migrant workers, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything.(在我看來,對農(nóng)民工的評價中,肯定一切或否定一切都是片面的。)
  • 15、in my opinion, physical fitness and mental attitude are overriding factors to drive athletes to succeed in their particular sports.(在我看來,身體健康和心態(tài)是驅(qū)動運動員在其特定的運動項目中取得成功的首要因素。)
  • 16、in my opinion, transplanting coral should only be used as a last resort.(在我看來,移植珊瑚只能作為最后的手段。)
  • 17、in my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work.(在我看來,這是倫勃朗最偉大的作品。)
  • 18、in my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.(在我看來,這個決定是完全合理的。)
  • 19、While athletes' attitudes play a important role in sports events, their fitnesss is the overriding factorin my opinion.(雖然運動員的態(tài)度在體育比賽中起著重要的作用,但在我看來,他們的健康是最重要的因素。)
  • 20、in my opinion, it's helpful to share school life with her.(在我看來,與她分享學(xué)校生活是有幫助的。)
  • 21、in my opinion, the knowledge acquired from travel, as you will find in your life, is more valuable than that from any influential reference book.(我認(rèn)為,在旅途中獲得的知識,正如在生活中所學(xué)到的一樣,比在任何一本參考書中學(xué)到的都更寶貴。)
  • 22、in my opinion, most of those conflicts result from misunderstanding and lacking of communication.(在我看來,這些沖突大多源于誤解和缺乏溝通。)
  • 23、in my opinion, animals shouldn't be kept for fun.(在我看來,不應(yīng)該為了取樂而養(yǎng)動物。)
  • 24、in my opinion, athelets' fitness and attitudes are the overriding factors to make them succeed in their particular sports.(在我看來,運動員的健康和態(tài)度是使其在特定運動中取得成功的首要因素。)
  • 25、I have personally never done such a complete turnaroundin my opinion of a person.(我個人在對一個人的評價上從沒有過如此徹底的轉(zhuǎn)變。)
  • 26、He seemed a bit biased against womenin my opinion.(我認(rèn)為他好像對婦女有點偏見。)
  • 27、in my opinion, watching the news on TV is a good way to learn English.(在我看來,看電視新聞是學(xué)習(xí)英語的好方法。)
  • 28、in my opinion, kids don't have to wear uniforms.(在我看來,孩子們不必穿校服。)
  • 29、in my opinion, though online communication develops rapidly, it is still not the most effective channel of communication.(我認(rèn)為,盡管線上溝通發(fā)展迅速,它仍不是最有效的溝通方式。)

in my opinion基本釋義

in my opinion

英 [in mai ??pinj?n] 美 [?n ma? ??p?nj?n] 


