
in no case造句

in no case造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:59


in no case造句

  • 1、in no case can we go against the law of nature or we'll meet endless suffering.(我們絕不能違背自然法則,否則我們將會遇到無止境的苦難。)
  • 2、Butin no case has it been legally proven-for example, with DNA evidence-that an innocent person has been executed.(但在法律上還沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)——比方說,通過DNA證據(jù)——某個(gè)無辜的人被處死。)
  • 3、in no case can we cheapen the quality of products.(在任何情況下我們都不能降低產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。)
  • 4、Anybody shouldin no case be allowed to stay here.(決不許任何人在這里停留。)
  • 5、in no case should we give up learning English.(我們決不放棄學(xué)習(xí)英語。)
  • 6、Tom said that such case wouldin no case happen again and determined to be devoted to study.(湯姆說這種情況再也不會發(fā)生了,并決心全身心的投入到學(xué)習(xí)中。)
  • 7、in no case, does the ASP.NET runtime remove these files while serving the next request.(在任何情況下,ASP.NET運(yùn)行時(shí)在服務(wù)下一個(gè)請求時(shí)不會移除這些文件。)
  • 8、in no case will they look on passively.(他們決不會在一邊看熱鬧。)
  • 9、in no case can we forget our country.(我們絕不能忘記祖國。)
  • 10、With out his permission, I go outin no case!(沒有他的允許,我絕不出去!)
  • 11、in no case must force be resorted to.(決不準(zhǔn)許訴諸武力。)
  • 12、in no case put your neck under a yoke that will be galling all your life.(決不要將你的頸項(xiàng)負(fù)在一個(gè)會使你終身懊惱為難的軛下。)
  • 13、The star mountain wasin no case in silence, instead, there a fascinating symphony orchestra was playing.(那一座星的山并不是沉默的,在那里正奏著出色的交響樂。) Hao86.com
  • 14、in no case should the shipping marks be misprinted.(以防萬一運(yùn)送標(biāo)志不應(yīng)該被印錯嗎。)
  • 15、in no case are you to break your word to us.(無論在什么情況下,您對我們也不能食言。)
  • 16、in no case should you give in.(任何情況下你都不要屈服。)
  • 17、in no case should you leave your post.(在任何情況下你都不能離開崗位。)
  • 18、in no case may you leave the baby alone at home.(你決不能把孩子一個(gè)人留在家里。)
  • 19、in no case should we lose he art.(在任何情況下我們都決不能灰心。)
  • 20、Butin no case is this information ever exposed to us, for our own use.(而這些信息卻從來沒有為我們自己所用。)
  • 21、in no case should we prevent the students from exploring new ideas.(我們決不能阻止學(xué)生對新思想進(jìn)行探索。)
  • 22、in no case should you give up learning English.(你決不要放棄學(xué)習(xí)英語。)
  • 23、But the difference in price should,in no case, be as big as 100%.(但價(jià)格方面的差異無論如何也不能大到100%。)
  • 24、in no case do we say, 'no, this is the only way you can do it.'(我們從未說過‘不,只能這樣做?!?
  • 25、in no case should we give up hope.(我們絕不能放棄希望。)
  • 26、in no case should you leave your parents.(無論如何都不應(yīng)該離開你的父母。)
  • 27、Butin no case would it take longer than 6 months.(但是在沒有情況它會比較久拿嗎比較6個(gè)月。)
  • 28、in no case submit a bid, or proceed on any work with uncertainty.(在任何時(shí)候都不應(yīng)該在有疑問的情況下遞交投標(biāo)書或繼續(xù)下面的工作。)

in no case基本釋義

in no case

[in n?u keis] 
決不; 在任何情況下都不