
in question造句

in question造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:39:52


in question造句

  • 1、Because if we aren't, we won't be providing much value in future ecosystems, and that may putin question the foundation for our existence.(因為如果我們不是(最具有創(chuàng)造力的生物),我們將無法在未來的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中提供多少價值,這可能會使我們存在的基礎(chǔ)受到質(zhì)疑。)
  • 2、In the case of Facebook, the company says data may hang around until the URLin question is reused, which is usually "after a short period of time", though obviously that time can vary considerably.(以Facebook為例,該公司表示,在該鏈接被重用之前,數(shù)據(jù)可能會一直存在,通常是“在很短的時間之后”,不過很明顯,這段時間的長度可能很不確定。)
  • 3、The noisein question is ultrasound.(此處所提及的噪聲就是超聲波。)
  • 4、What got Dr. Clark and his colleagues excited is that, if their calculations are correct, the magnetarin question should have been a black hole.(克拉克博士和他的同事們興奮的是,如果他們的計算正確的話,那么討論中的磁星應(yīng)該是一個黑洞。)
  • 5、His honesty is notin question.(他的誠實是毋庸置疑的。)
  • 6、Look at the information that precedes the paragraphin question.(請看所談這一段之前的信息。)
  • 7、The threatsin question are quite real.(這里所說的威脅是真實存在的。)
  • 8、I need factors for the numberin question.(我需要所求數(shù)字的因子。)
  • 9、A century ago, the resourcein question was oil.(一個世紀(jì)以前,石油資源是一大問題。)
  • 10、What isin question is not the retrieval of an absolute, fixed or "true" meaning that can be read off and checked for accuracy, or some timeless relation of the text to the world.(需要思考的東西不在于從文章中能讀出來并且能檢驗其準(zhǔn)確性的那些絕對的、固定的以及所謂“真實”的含義,也不是那些文章中和世界經(jīng)久不變的聯(lián)系。)
  • 11、As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the FBI access to the iPhonein question would establish an unsettling precedent.(正如蘋果公司和幾位安全專家所主張的,強(qiáng)迫蘋果公司編寫軟件來讓聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局訪問某iPhone的指令,將樹立起一個令人不安的先例。)
  • 12、This is the serverin question.(這就是我們討論的服務(wù)器。)
  • 13、Add up all the income you've received over the periodin question.(把相關(guān)時期內(nèi)你獲得的所有收入加起來。)
  • 14、The powerin question was generated by osmosis.(這股電力是靠滲透產(chǎn)生的。)
  • 15、This shows that the planetsin question are, indeed, real.(兩份權(quán)威性的報道顯示了觀測到的確實是行星。)
  • 16、Then you have to discover whether the paintingin question has those characteristics.(然后你必須看這幅有爭議的畫是否具有那些特征。)
  • 17、Something had indeed happened in the periodin question.(在問題中提到的年代,確實發(fā)生了一些事情。)
  • 18、The future of public transport is notin question.(公共交通的未來發(fā)展是不容置疑的。)
  • 19、The traditional bias towards exporters is alsoin question.(日本一直以來對對出口商的偏向也受到了質(zhì)疑。)
  • 20、As to intelligence, in our opinion, the more we know about any child's intellectual level, the better for the childin question.(至于智力方面,在我們看來,我們對任何一個孩子的智力水平了解越多,對這個孩子好處越大。)
  • 21、The team behind the article and videoin question make no mention of the system, or whether or not it detected them.(這些正被談?wù)摰牡奈恼潞鸵曨l背后的制作團(tuán)隊并沒有提到這個系統(tǒng),也沒有提到它是否檢測到了它們的漏洞。)
  • 22、The garbagein question is abnormally folded proteins.(問題出就出在這些異常折疊的蛋白質(zhì)。)
  • 23、One post said: "I hope the peoplein question are well."(一個帖子說:“我希望我們在談?wù)撝娜藭]事?!?
  • 24、On the dayin question we were in Cardiff.(在所說的那一天,我們在加的夫。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 25、Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the itemin question.(投訴時語氣禮貌且態(tài)度堅決通常是最有效的,尤其是當(dāng)消費者能說明這個物品哪里出了問題時,更加如此。)
  • 26、The determinist doctrinesin question maintained that certain people were born to be slaves.(上述的決定論信條堅信某些人生來就是奴隸。)
  • 27、The black holesin question are at the centres of quasars.(我們所討論的黑洞位于類星體的中心。)

in question基本釋義

in question

英 [in ?kwest??n] 美 [?n ?kw?st??n] 
