
in season造句

in season造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:49


in season造句

  • 1、Don Draper romanced Bethany at Barbetta (much to Betty's dismay)in season Four of Mad Men.(《廣告狂人》第四季里,唐。德雷帕就是在此和貝瑟尼談情說愛的(這讓貝蒂傷心不已)。)
  • 2、In Sugarcandy Mountain it was Sunday seven days a week, clover wasin season all the year round, and lump sugar and linseed cake grew on the hedges.(在糖果山,一周七天都是星期天,全年都生長著苜蓿,籬笆上盡長著糖塊和亞麻仁餅。)
  • 3、Transporting fruits and vegetables by air enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety of fresh farm products that arein season from all over the world.(空運(yùn)果蔬可以讓消費(fèi)者享受更多的來自世界各地的新鮮的當(dāng)季農(nóng)產(chǎn)品。)
  • 4、We have selected foods that are not only familiar and available, but also affordable, especially if you purchase them locally andin season.(我們選取的食物不單是常見和易于購買的,它們還都是買得起的食物。特別是在當(dāng)?shù)貞?yīng)季的時(shí)候購買這些食物。)
  • 5、Strawberries are cheaper when they'rein season.(草莓在上市季節(jié)很便宜。)
  • 6、Fruit - whatever isin season, for example whole fruits like oranges or peaches, or a fruit salad.(水果,無論什么時(shí)令水果都可以。例如,類似橘子或桃子這些整個(gè)的水果,或者蔬菜沙拉。)
  • 7、Watermelons arein season in July.(七月是西瓜上市的節(jié)令。)
  • 8、They are notin season.(還不是上市的季節(jié)。)
  • 9、You can buy many green vegetables in summer easily, because they arein season.(在夏天你很容易能買到綠色蔬菜,因?yàn)樗鼈兪菚r(shí)令蔬菜。)
  • 10、Eat what'sin season - it's less expensive and the flavor and aroma of a fresh tomato is worth the wait.(吃些時(shí)令的瓜果蔬菜-又便宜又好吃又新鮮的西紅柿難道不值得等待么?)
  • 11、Peaches aren'tin season.(桃子還不到季節(jié)呢。)
  • 12、Are orangesin season?(橙子現(xiàn)在應(yīng)時(shí)嗎?)
  • 13、Add to whole oats a good mixture of berriesin season—especially blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. As another option, try apples or mandarin oranges.(在整個(gè)燕麥中加入一些當(dāng)季的漿果,特別是藍(lán)莓、覆盆子和黑莓。另外也可以選擇蘋果和柑橘。)
  • 14、Locavore lets you know what'sin season and where the closest farmers market is. Then the Harvest app can help you choose what's freshest and ripest.(本地膳食者讓你懂得在什么季節(jié)吃什么食物和在哪里有最近的農(nóng)貿(mào)市場。然后,這款豐收應(yīng)用軟件會(huì)幫助你選擇最新鮮和已熟透的食材。)
  • 15、These are the dog days; watermelons are justin season.(現(xiàn)在是伏天,西瓜正當(dāng)令。)
  • 16、It was here that Dean rebuilt the Impala after it was destroyedin season 2.(Dean就是在這里修好了第2季中被撞壞的Impala。)
  • 17、Those who moved first into a new region lived for months at a time on wild meat, Indian maize, and native fruitsin season.(那些新到一個(gè)地區(qū)的人們一連數(shù)月靠野味、印第安玉米和季節(jié)性野果維持生活。)
  • 18、There are a few ideas around on how to treat fillies and maresin season.(關(guān)于如何對待發(fā)情期的小母馬和母馬有幾種觀點(diǎn)。) haO86.com
  • 19、Plums are nowin season.(現(xiàn)在李子上市了。)
  • 20、in season Two, it appears in flames and the "a" becomes a pentagram.(第二季的時(shí)候,Supernatural這些字從火焰中出現(xiàn),而且其中的“a”還變成了五角星形。)
  • 21、Studies demonstrate that vegetables grownin season and ripened on the tree are far higher in essential nutrients than those grown in greenhouses and ripened by laser.(研究表明,在當(dāng)季生長并在樹上成熟的蔬菜比那些在溫室里生長并在激光刺激下成熟的蔬菜所含的必需營養(yǎng)要高得多。)
  • 22、The blue crab isin season.(藍(lán)蟹上市了。)
  • 23、Tim Gunn once again will act as mentor to the designers of "Project Runway"in season four.(第四季里TimGunn再次擔(dān)任設(shè)計(jì)師們的的導(dǎo)師。)
  • 24、Finally seen close upin season 4, the knife resembles an antler handled K-Bar with runes etched into the blade.(這把刀最后一次出現(xiàn)是在第4季中的一個(gè)特寫鏡頭:刀看起來像是用k-Bar牌子的刀,以鹿角作刀柄,刀身上刻有古代北歐文字。)
  • 25、Whenin season, key technology services must be mobilized on a large scale to ensure high rate of technology utilization.(關(guān)鍵農(nóng)時(shí)季節(jié)組織開展大規(guī)??萍挤?wù),提高技術(shù)入戶率和到位率。)
  • 26、In September, the millet is ripe. It is regarded as the food justin season, which is offered to ancestors as sacrifices.(在九月,栗米成熟,是當(dāng)季的食物,通常會(huì)獻(xiàn)給祖先作為祭品。)
  • 27、As far as I know there wasn't a menu. Rather, the family worked at their convenience, with whatever was handy orin season.(這兒沒有菜單,農(nóng)家什么方便做什么,用手邊現(xiàn)成或應(yīng)季的材料。)
  • 28、Locavore lets you know what'sin season and where the closest farmers market is.(本地膳食者讓你懂得在什么季節(jié)吃什么食物和在哪里有最近的農(nóng)貿(mào)市場。)
  • 29、Local is best when products arein season as greenhouses may be more energy-intensive than some transportation.(當(dāng)產(chǎn)品像溫室種植一樣入季時(shí),在當(dāng)?shù)厥亲詈玫模蛟S比一些通過運(yùn)輸更能源密集。)

in season基本釋義

in season

英 [in ?si:z?n] 美 [?n ?siz?n] 
正當(dāng)時(shí); 在旺季