in search of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:48


in search of造句

  • 1、The word "serendipity" was coined by Horace Walpole in an 1854 letter, from a tale of three princes who "were always making discoveries, by accident, of things they were notin search of".(“Serendipity”這個(gè)詞是由霍勒斯·沃波爾在1854年的一封信中創(chuàng)造出來(lái)的,源于一個(gè)關(guān)于三個(gè)王子的故事,這三個(gè)王子“總是意外地發(fā)現(xiàn)那些他們并沒有在尋找的東西。”) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 2、In addition, there were other immigrants who migrated westin search of new homes, material success, and better lives.(此外,還有其他移民為了尋找新的家園、物質(zhì)上的成功和更好的生活而移居西部。)
  • 3、Instead of flying thousands of milesin search of food, they make the waste sites their winter feeding grounds.(它們不是為了尋找食物而飛行數(shù)千英里,而是把這些垃圾場(chǎng)作為冬季覓食的場(chǎng)所。)
  • 4、They trekked from shop to shopin search of white knee-high socks.(他們疲憊地奔波于一家又一家商店,尋找高到膝蓋的白色長(zhǎng)筒襪。)
  • 5、Refugees run hither and thitherin search of safety.(難民為尋找安全四處逃奔。)
  • 6、It was a place to which genteel families camein search of health and quiet.(這是一個(gè)上流社會(huì)家庭尋找健康和寧?kù)o的場(chǎng)所。)
  • 7、Migrant workers move from city to cityin search of work.(農(nóng)民工為了尋找工作從一個(gè)城市移居到另一個(gè)城市。)
  • 8、Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their landin search of water.(水庫(kù)正在干涸,農(nóng)民開始離開田地去尋找水源。)
  • 9、Reinhard's specialty is scaling the Andesin search of sacrificial remains.(萊因哈德的專長(zhǎng)是攀登安第斯山脈尋找祭祀遺骸。)
  • 10、Pirandello titled his play "Six Charactersin search of an Author."(皮蘭德婁將其戲劇命名為《六個(gè)尋找作者的劇中人》。)
  • 11、Foreign students also comein search of choices.(外國(guó)學(xué)生也來(lái)這里尋找選擇。)
  • 12、People migrate to cities like Jakartain search of work.(人們移居到雅加達(dá)這樣的城市找工作。)
  • 13、The racoons knock over the rubbish binsin search of food, and strew the contents all over the ground.(浣熊為了找吃的弄翻了垃圾箱,垃圾撒的到處都是。)
  • 14、He ranges far and widein search of inspiration for his paintings.(他四處漫步,尋找繪畫的靈感。)
  • 15、Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areasin search of work.(成千上萬(wàn)的人為了尋找工作被迫從農(nóng)村涌進(jìn)城市。)
  • 16、He set outin search of ideas for starting a company of his own.(他開始著手想辦法創(chuàng)辦屬于自己的一家公司。)
  • 17、I abandoned the New York tollway south of Albanyin search of roads less costly.(我不走阿爾巴尼南面的紐約收費(fèi)公路,而去找一些收費(fèi)不高的道路。)
  • 18、Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she wentin search of Jean-Paul.(由于痛苦和突如其來(lái)的孤獨(dú),她去找讓–保羅了。)
  • 19、Many young people gravitate to the citiesin search of work.(許多年輕人被吸引到城里找工作。)
  • 20、Both humans and animals were constantly on the move,in search of food and reliable water supplies.(人類和野生動(dòng)物都在不停地遷徙,以尋找食物和可靠的水源。)
  • 21、This winter they'll interact with an expedition exploring Central Americain search of the classic Maya culture.(今年冬天,他們將與探索中美洲以尋找經(jīng)典瑪雅文化的探險(xiǎn)隊(duì)進(jìn)行交流。)
  • 22、She went to Hollywoodin search of fame and fortune.(她為追逐名利去了好萊塢。)
  • 23、In the game, players navigate photos of Cambodian jungle landscapesin search of photos for several adorable cartoon pets.(在游戲中,玩家瀏覽柬埔寨叢林的照片,尋找?guī)字豢蓯鄣目ㄍ▽櫸锏恼掌?
  • 24、A department store has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store's windows to smell books, pots and drawers,in search of their perfect scent.(一家百貨公司甚至開設(shè)了一個(gè)新的實(shí)驗(yàn)室,邀請(qǐng)顧客到商店的櫥窗去聞書、鍋碗瓢盆,尋找他們喜歡的氣味。)
  • 25、These workers migrate from country to countryin search of work.(這些工人為尋找工作從一個(gè)國(guó)家遷移到另一個(gè)國(guó)家。)
  • 26、In 982, a Viking called Eric the Red sailed westin search of new land.(982年,一個(gè)名叫埃里克的維京人向西航行,以期尋找新大陸。)
  • 27、We no longer have to squint or click aroundin search of the feature we're trying to access. The button is right there in that simple interface for us to tap.(我們不再需要瞇著眼睛或四處點(diǎn)擊來(lái)尋找我們想要訪問的功能。按鈕就在這個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的界面中,我們可以點(diǎn)擊它。)
  • 28、Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processesin search of potential vulnerabilities.(今年幾起嚴(yán)重的客戶和雇員資料泄漏事件使得管理者們匆忙仔細(xì)檢查他們復(fù)雜的信息系統(tǒng)和業(yè)務(wù)流程,以尋找可能存在的安全隱患。)

in search of基本釋義

in search of

英 [in s?:t? ?v] 美 [?n s?t? ?v] 
尋找; 尋求