
in short order造句

in short order造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:48


in short order造句

  • 1、Some might say that Ruby's syntax is terse, and it's that way with a purpose: this language lets you create concise working codein short order.(有人可能會(huì)說(shuō)Ruby的語(yǔ)法很簡(jiǎn)潔,這正是它的意圖:這種語(yǔ)言使開(kāi)發(fā)人員可以迅速編寫(xiě)簡(jiǎn)潔的代碼。)
  • 2、The cohesiveness that the Tea Party was able to buildin short order led to a number of key electoral victories in 2010, including.(茶黨在短時(shí)間內(nèi)就提出了明確的主張,為其在2010年選舉中帶來(lái)了許多重大勝利,其中包括。)
  • 3、Bills to reorder the nation's agriculture, housing and mortgage markets followedin short order.(緊隨其后的是重組國(guó)家農(nóng)業(yè)、住房和按揭抵押貸款市場(chǎng)的各項(xiàng)法案。)
  • 4、in short order Gil is transported in a magic cab to a smoky, underlit Paris where it is always just past midnight, some time in the 1920s.(緊接著,蓋爾被一輛出租車奇跡般地送回了二十年代的巴黎,來(lái)到了一個(gè)昏暗朦朧的午夜。)
  • 5、The police dispersed the crowdin short order.(警察迅速地疏散了人群。)
  • 6、This week has gonein short order but what I had done was so little .(一個(gè)禮拜很快過(guò)去了,但我所做的卻如此地少。)
  • 7、You can probably reduce your list to a few of the better underwritersin short order.(你或許可以減輕你的名單,以少數(shù)越好承銷商在短期秩序。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 8、Start making a conscious effort to develop these elements, though, and I bet you'll start engaging with your world more creativelyin short order.(開(kāi)始有意地去努力培養(yǎng)這些素質(zhì),我敢說(shuō)你將會(huì)在短期內(nèi)更加有創(chuàng)造性地投身于周圍的世界。)
  • 9、Up to 187.5 billion yuan ($28 billion) should be raisedin short order, with much of the demand coming from China’s state-controlled companies.(這些債券將主要出售給國(guó)家控股的公司,迅速籌資1875億元(280億美元)。)
  • 10、The walls come back upin short order, but again fade in the final moments.(回來(lái)的墻壁在很短的時(shí)間,但再次消失在最后時(shí)刻。)
  • 11、AI and machine learning could become a boardroom issuein short order.(人工智能和機(jī)器學(xué)習(xí)可能會(huì)成為董事會(huì)問(wèn)題在短期內(nèi)。)
  • 12、Digitisation may have came late to book publishing, but it is transforming the businessin short order.(圖書(shū)出版業(yè)的數(shù)字化也許來(lái)得晚了點(diǎn),但是卻手腳麻利地改變了這個(gè)行業(yè)。)
  • 13、He hurried away and returnedin short order.(他匆匆離去,又迅速地回來(lái)。)
  • 14、I headed out and arrived at the roadin short order.(我出了門(mén)很快就開(kāi)到了那條路上。)
  • 15、Virtually every argument against the need for high-priced cables has ever been raised seemed to surfacein short order.(幾乎每一個(gè)論點(diǎn),對(duì)需要高價(jià)位的電纜已被提出,似乎表面總之秩序。)
  • 16、If it ever happened, a formal announcement will be madein short order.(如果它發(fā)生,正式宣布將在短期內(nèi)。)
  • 17、Several factors have rocketed the price of cheese higherin short order.(多種因素已造成奶酪價(jià)格在短期內(nèi)進(jìn)一步飆升。)
  • 18、It expected to make a fortune in the long run but it was destroyedin short order.(它希望最后能賺一大筆,卻很快遭到了毀滅。)
  • 19、You can earn one of those onlinein short order and get yourself going.(你可以通過(guò)短期在線培訓(xùn)或自學(xué)獲得其中一項(xiàng)資質(zhì)。)
  • 20、Nature takes care of this,in short order, within months, through bacteria and bugs.(大自然會(huì)讓細(xì)菌和蟲(chóng)子在短短的幾個(gè)月里料理這一切的。)
  • 21、in short order, they made European clothes for him, even finding him awide-awake hat.(他們沒(méi)花多少時(shí)間就給他找來(lái)了歐洲式樣的衣服,甚至還有一頂闊邊呢帽(就是常見(jiàn)的那種圓筒形有圓邊的帽子,譯注)。)
  • 22、Greece will be back for additional bailoutsin short order, since under a bailout it will not fix its underlying problems.(既然金援并不能解決深層問(wèn)題,希臘將會(huì)需索無(wú)度。)
  • 23、Butin short order, scientists worldwide would be utterly depressed.(但是很快的,全世界的科學(xué)家會(huì)徹底絕望。)
  • 24、in short order Aspin's aides were pleading with Nunn's staffers to "tell us precisely what the senator wants."(總之秩序的Aspin助手們被懇求南都企業(yè)職員的“告訴我們正好參議員希望。”)
  • 25、She was in complete disagreement, and signified this factin short order.(她完全不同意,并且立即表明了這一事實(shí)。)
  • 26、in short order, a Dutch fellow was on the line.(過(guò)了一會(huì)兒,一位荷蘭人接聽(tīng)了電話。)
  • 27、One panellist even drew a parallel with Drexel Burnham Lambert, an investment bank that went from best to bustin short order 20 years ago.(一個(gè)研究小組甚至畫(huà)了一幅同德崇證劵,一個(gè)在過(guò)去20年里從最好走到最破產(chǎn)的投資銀行的平行對(duì)比。)

in short order基本釋義

in short order

英 [in ??:t ??:d?] 美 [?n ??rt ??rd?] 
立即; 在很短的時(shí)間內(nèi)