in sight of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:47


in sight of造句

  • 1、The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest.(獵人在森林里跟丟了獵物。)
  • 2、Not a human creature was to be caught sight of in the paths they took.(在他們走的路上,一個(gè)人也看不見(jiàn)。)
  • 3、The red in his eye had caught sight of Peter's medicine standing on a ledge within easy reach.(他眼睛里的紅暈看見(jiàn)彼得的藥站在伸手可及的窗臺(tái)上。)
  • 4、They camein sight of the school building.(他們來(lái)到看得見(jiàn)學(xué)校建筑物的地方。)
  • 5、Why, we'll bein sight of the Northern mountains then.(晤,然后我們就會(huì)望見(jiàn)北方的崇山峻嶺。)
  • 6、In spite of that, there are still some people smoking cigarettesin sight of "NO smoking".(盡管如此,仍有一些人看著“禁止吸煙”的牌子在抽煙。)
  • 7、When the cave door was unlocked, a sorrowful sight presented itself in the dim twilight of the place.(當(dāng)洞口的門被打開時(shí),昏暗的暮色中出現(xiàn)了一幅令人悲傷的景象。)
  • 8、When he gotin sight of the homestead, the land leveled out but the ground grew soggier.(當(dāng)宅基地進(jìn)入他的視線,地面變得平坦。但是地面濕透了。)
  • 9、She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider.(看到一只巨大的蜘蛛,她嚇得直退。)
  • 10、He had placed himself directly in my line of sight.(當(dāng)時(shí)他恰好出現(xiàn)在我的視線中。)
  • 11、We arein sight of the island.(我們看見(jiàn)那個(gè)島了。)
  • 12、He followed it until he wasin sight of the homestead.(他順著路一直走,直到看見(jiàn)宅基地。)
  • 13、Presently they camein sight of land; she saw lofty blue mountains, on which the white snow rested as if a flock of swans were lying upon them.(現(xiàn)在她看見(jiàn)她前面展開一片陸地和一群蔚藍(lán)色的高山,山頂上閃耀著的白雪看起來(lái)像睡著的天鵝。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、There is no prospect of compromise in sight.(目前還沒(méi)有和解的希望。)
  • 15、There was a column directly in my line of sight, so I could only see half the stage.(有一根柱子正擋著我的視線,所以我只能看見(jiàn)舞臺(tái)的一半。)
  • 16、Occasionally it was at a hillside we could bein sight of the yellow weasel-like beasts rushing quickly to pass through the narrow pathway. The mountain wind sent out gust and gust of dismal sound.(偶爾在山坡路邊看到有一條類似黃鼠狼似的走獸疾奔而過(guò),山風(fēng)還一陣陣發(fā)出一種凄涼的聲響。)
  • 17、The sailors camein sight of land.(水手們已經(jīng)駛近看見(jiàn)陸地的地方了。)
  • 18、At last we camein sight of a few houses.(最后,我們看到了幾座房屋。)
  • 19、A small flotilla of rafts fashioned from trailer tyres and stacked with sacks of corn floats by,in sight of customs officials.(一支由拖車輪胎捆扎而成并鋪上谷物袋的木筏船隊(duì)在河上載浮載沈,就在海關(guān)人員的視線內(nèi)。)
  • 20、We are all equal in the sight of God.(在上帝眼里我們都是平等的。)
  • 21、We camein sight of the shore at midday.(中午時(shí)分,我們見(jiàn)到了海岸。)
  • 22、As she went up the garden-path she heard her mother singing by the back door, comingin sight of which she perceived Mrs Durbeyfield on the doorstep in the act of wringing a sheet.(在她走進(jìn)花園小徑的時(shí)候,她聽(tīng)見(jiàn)了她的母親在后門邊唱歌,接著就看見(jiàn)德北菲爾德太太站在門口,正在擰一床剛洗的床單。)
  • 23、We werein sight of land after three days' voyage.(經(jīng)過(guò)三天的航行,我們已看見(jiàn)陸地。)
  • 24、Wendy and John and Michael stood on tip-toe in the air to get their first sight of the island.(溫迪、約翰和邁克爾在空中踮起腳尖,想第一次觀看這個(gè)島。)
  • 25、He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse.(他一見(jiàn)到尸體就嚇得往后縮了。)
  • 26、She caught sight of a car in the distance.(她瞥見(jiàn)遠(yuǎn)處有一輛車。)
  • 27、Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd.(隨后他突然看見(jiàn)她的黑色絲絨小帽在人群中閃過(guò)。)
  • 28、in sight of the wound, sooner or later, it will heal.(看得見(jiàn)的傷口,遲早有一天會(huì)痊愈的。)

in sight of基本釋義

in sight of

英 [in sait ?v] 美 [?n sa?t ?v] 
