
in character造句

in character造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:24


in character造句

  • 1、Machines will become more biologicalin character.(機械將變得更具生物特性。)
  • 2、He's a good boy, but very light and volatilein character, and simply cannot hold his tongue.(他是個好孩子,可是性格很輕浮,反復(fù)無常,簡直控制不住自己的舌頭。)
  • 3、You've also done security for Sacha Baron Cohen. Is hein character or out?(你還負(fù)責(zé)了薩夏男爵科恩的安全。他是否與他身份相符呢?)
  • 4、He is identicalin character to his wife.(他的品性和他的夫人相同。)
  • 5、All these are globalin character. Small countries cannot deal with them alone.(這些問題都具有全球性,小國無力獨自解決。)
  • 6、Direct your actors to stayin character. Ask them to study their characters.(指導(dǎo)你的演員入戲,要他們研究角色。)
  • 7、The goal is to growin character, in Christ likeness.(目的是讓個性長成基督的樣子。)
  • 8、All whitespacein character content is retained (excluding characters removed during line feed normalization).(保留字符內(nèi)容中的所有空白(不包括換行規(guī)范化過程中刪除的字符)。)
  • 9、Backin character, Colbert asked Assange: "What is the purpose of letting the public know?(咱們再回到前面的談話,科爾伯特這樣問阿桑格:“讓公眾知道真相的目的是什么?)
  • 10、The program will loop continuously until a valid passwordin character matching and total time of entry is entered.(程序?qū)⒉粩嘌h(huán),直至輸入匹配字符的有效密碼和總輸入時間。)
  • 11、But the suitor must also measure upin character and honor and local reputation.(但求婚者還必須在品格、信用以及在當(dāng)?shù)氐穆曌u上符合要求。)
  • 12、This too isin character.(有此一舉也是他性格使然。)
  • 13、You had to put yourselfin character, and seeing your brother lying there, pale, was quite hard.(你必須把自己帶入角色,看著自己的兄弟躺在那里,面無血色,靜靜地一動不動。)
  • 14、Be not content with the commonplacein character.(不要滿足于普通的共性。)
  • 15、The new wing of the museum was not reallyin character with the rest of the building.(博物館新建的側(cè)翼樓與大樓其他部分的風(fēng)格有些不一樣。)
  • 16、She is weakin character.(她性格懦弱。)
  • 17、She resembles her sister in appearance but notin character.(她外貌上和姐姐很像,但性格上卻不同。)
  • 18、History is richin character, incident, and salutary lesson.(歷史中充滿著各種人物,事件和對人有益的教訓(xùn)。)
  • 19、They are much alikein character.(他們的性格很相似。)
  • 20、Men are turned on visually, while women are more interestedin character.(男性容易被視覺所刺激,而女性則對性格更感興趣。)
  • 21、Such behavior is notin character for him.(這樣的行為和他的性格不符。)
  • 22、in character by character alignment, HATS creates a table cell for each character of text.(在characterbycharacter對齊方式下,HATS會為文本中的每個字符創(chuàng)建一個單元格。)
  • 23、They were much alikein character.(他們在性格方面非常相像。)
  • 24、He is lowin character.(他品格卑鄙。)
  • 25、She differs from her brotherin character.(她與她哥哥性格不同。)
  • 26、The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatlyin character.(這對雙胞胎兄弟外表長得相似,但是性格很不一樣。) haO86.com
  • 27、These two girls are very much alikein character.(這兩個姑娘的性格相仿佛。)

in character基本釋義

in character

英 [in ?k?rikt?] 美 [?n ?k?r?kt?] 
