
in common造句

in common造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:22


in common造句

  • 1、In fact, to be honest, I struggle even now to think of things we havein common, but maybe that's what makes us enjoy each other's company so much.(事實上,說實話,即使現(xiàn)在我也很難想到我們有什么共同之處,但也許這就是為什么我們?nèi)绱讼硎鼙舜说呐惆椤?
  • 2、They hold the property as tenantsin common.(作為共同租賃人,他們共同占用這份房地產(chǎn)。) Hao86.com
  • 3、The oboe and the clarinet have certain featuresin common.(雙簧管和單簧管有某些共同特點。)
  • 4、I had been impressed by what cheese and stinky soya products hadin common.(我一直對奶酪和臭烘烘豆制品的共同之處印象深刻。)
  • 5、Britain,in common with many other industrialized countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.(與許多其他工業(yè)化國家一樣,英國在過去100年里經(jīng)歷了重大的變化。)
  • 6、House cats still have a lotin common with their wild relatives.(家貓和它們的野生親戚仍然有很多共同點。)
  • 7、We have the same barber, but not much elsein common.(我們有相同的理發(fā)師,但再無其他共同點。)
  • 8、The ocean, surprisingly enough, has many thingsin common with space.(足以令人驚訝的是,海洋與太空有許多共同之處。)
  • 9、The great oral works transmitted a shared cultural heritage, heldin common not on bookshelves, but in brains.(偉大的口述作品傳遞了一種共有的文化遺產(chǎn),這些作品留存在我們的大腦中,而不應(yīng)只存放在書架上。)
  • 10、It's not a wordin common usage.(這不是一個常用詞。)
  • 11、The only thing neighbors havein common, to begin with, is proximity and unless something more develops that isn't reason enough to be best friends.(首先,鄰居間唯一的共同點就是距離近,除非有進一步的發(fā)展,否則不足以成為最好的朋友。)
  • 12、He had very littlein common with his sister.(他和他姐姐幾乎沒有相同之處。)
  • 13、What do a hummingbird, a moth, and a maple tree havein common?(蜂鳥、蛾子和楓樹之間有什么共同之處呢?)
  • 14、Electronic computers are nowin common use all over the world.(電子計算機已在世界各地普遍使用。)
  • 15、There's one thing that all New Year's Eve parties havein common: the countdown to midnight.(所有的除夕夜派對都有一個共同點:午夜倒計時。)
  • 16、Introduce yourself and start a conversation about something you havein common.(介紹你自己,然后開始談?wù)撃銈兊墓餐c。)
  • 17、You know, in the other European reports I've read, there's one thing they havein common when they talk about carbon dioxide emissions.(你知道,在我讀過的其他歐洲報告中,他們在談?wù)摱趸寂欧艜r有一個共同點。)
  • 18、We had a surprising amountin common.(我們共同之處出奇地多。)
  • 19、They havein common only one thing that they tend to annoy or threaten those who regard themselves as more enlightened expenses.(它們只有一個共同點,那就是它們往往會惹惱或威脅那些自認為更開明的人。)
  • 20、Each large firm will also act with full consideration of the needs that it hasin common with the other large firms competing for the same customers.(每個大公司也會充分考慮它與其他大公司為同一客戶而競爭的共同需求。)
  • 21、Plants are grouped into botanical "families" that have certain characteristicsin common.(具有某些共同特點的植物被歸為植物學(xué)的科。)
  • 22、But I think successful negotiators have several thingsin common.(但我認為成功的談判者有幾個共同點。)
  • 23、We happened to discover we had a friendin common.(我們碰巧發(fā)現(xiàn)我們有個共同的朋友。)
  • 24、These men who were thrown together willy-nilly by the Army had nothingin common.(這些無可奈何被軍方強湊在一起的男人之間沒有任何共同之處。)
  • 25、The two cultures have a lotin common.(這兩種文化具有許多相同之處。)
  • 26、We have lots of thingsin common besides music.(除了音樂,我們還有很多共通點。)
  • 27、I found a very mixed group of individuals, some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very littlein common.(我碰到了一群形形色色的人,其中一些人能和我合得來,而其他的則和我根本合不來。)
  • 28、What do a peckish bee-eater, two shaggy bisons going head-to-head in snow, and pelicans dancing in a pristine lake all havein common?(一只饑腸轆轆的食蜂鳥,兩頭在雪地里相互抵角的長毛野牛,以及在一片原始湖泊中翩翩起舞的鵜鶘們,它們有什么共同點嗎?)
  • 29、So all communication systems, language included, have certain featuresin common.(所有的通信系統(tǒng),包括語言,都有一些共同的特征。)
  • 30、It encourages people worldwide to focus on what we havein common, rather than what divides us.(它鼓勵世界各地的人們關(guān)注我們的共同點,而不是我們的分歧。)

in common基本釋義

in common

英 [in ?k?m?n] 美 [?n ?kɑm?n] 