
in confidence造句

in confidence造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:21


in confidence造句

  • 1、First, the subject of discussion was the wobblein confidence that has taken place over the past year.(首先,大會(huì)討論的主題是過(guò)去一年內(nèi)商界信心的搖擺不定。)
  • 2、Don’t pass on things which they have told youin confidence, either.(也不要宣揚(yáng)他們私下里告訴你的事情。)
  • 3、Although there was a record plungein confidence in April, the "Golden Week" holiday in early May produced an unexpected flurry of tourism.(盡管4月的信心指數(shù)創(chuàng)下新低,5月初的“黃金周”假日帶來(lái)了意料之外的旅游熱。)
  • 4、Wrong, because in the depths of the crisis the share prices and borrowing costs of all Banks indicated an almost complete collapsein confidence.(錯(cuò)誤,是因?yàn)樯钕菸C(jī)中所有銀行的股票價(jià)格和借貸成本都顯示了幾乎完全崩潰的信心。)
  • 5、Or if he had told me the storyin confidence, filled with still painful emotion.(抑或他是私底下告訴我這個(gè)故事,用痛苦的方式回憶這個(gè)故事。)
  • 6、Firms from those countries were growingin confidence.(這些國(guó)家的企業(yè)日益自信。)
  • 7、Well we certainly aren't seeing the stereotypical gender differencein confidence here!(當(dāng)然我們說(shuō)的不是私底下那種老一套的性別差異!)
  • 8、I have confidencein confidence alone, besides which you see, I have confidence in me!(我真的對(duì)未來(lái)充滿信心,除此之外,你還會(huì)看到,我對(duì)自己充滿信心!)
  • 9、Even if unjustified, such a reductionin confidence might lead to an undesired increase in inflation expectations.(即使這種擔(dān)心并沒有什么道理,市場(chǎng)信心的下降可能導(dǎo)致通脹預(yù)期的意外上升。)
  • 10、I feel I'm buildingin confidence and hopefully we can do something similar in the next race.(我感覺我建立了自信心,我也希望下戰(zhàn)比賽我們能做的同樣出色。)
  • 11、She said: "These results are a clear indication that British women today are severely lackingin confidence.(她說(shuō):“從這些調(diào)查結(jié)果可以清楚地看出,如今的英國(guó)女性嚴(yán)重缺乏自信心?!?
  • 12、We told you all these thingsin confidence.(我們告訴你的這些事情都是保密的。)
  • 13、Eva told me about their relationshipin confidence.(伊娃對(duì)我透露了他們倆的關(guān)系這個(gè)秘密。)
  • 14、Another key benefit of WTO entry will be a boostin confidence.(另一項(xiàng)重要的加入WTO帶來(lái)的好處是對(duì)信心的大幅提升。)
  • 15、She's not usually lackingin confidence.(她平時(shí)并不缺乏自信心。) hao86.com
  • 16、The car is much improved and so that makes me more optimistic and has seen the whole team growin confidence.(我們的賽車已經(jīng)進(jìn)步了很多,這讓我更加的樂(lè)觀而且對(duì)于車隊(duì)里建立起了極大的信心。)
  • 17、As she grew older she gainedin confidence.(隨著年齡的增長(zhǎng)她的信心增強(qiáng)了。)
  • 18、There is a third scenario: the collapsein confidence reverses as rapidly as it occurred.(還有第三道景觀:就是信心崩潰能迅速朝反向扭轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 19、The two-month consecutive decline follows an upswingin confidence in the spring, fueled by a stock market rally.(在股市回升刺激下春季消費(fèi)者信心出現(xiàn)了上升,隨后又出現(xiàn)了連續(xù)兩個(gè)月的下降。)
  • 20、She felt nervous, increasingly lackingin confidence about herself.(她感到緊張,對(duì)自己越來(lái)越缺乏信心。)
  • 21、This needs to be someone you can trust and someone who you can speak freely toin confidence.(這個(gè)人必須是你信任的人,一個(gè)你可以自在講知心話的人。)
  • 22、The downward spiralin confidence is likely to depress growth even further.(市場(chǎng)信心的下滑可能會(huì)進(jìn)一步拖累經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)。)
  • 23、She is growingin confidence all the time.(她的信心在不斷增強(qiáng)。)
  • 24、But with each passing year, she grewin confidence and self-esteem.(然而在過(guò)去的幾年中,她的自信心和自尊心都得到了很好的成長(zhǎng)。)
  • 25、The fall is a sign of a slight increasein confidence in Greece's ability to pay back its loans.(這個(gè)跌落也是表明希臘還貸款的信心有了些許增加。)
  • 26、And "right now we have a crisisin confidence in the banking system," he says.(“現(xiàn)在我們對(duì)銀行體系的信心產(chǎn)生了危機(jī)”,他說(shuō)。)
  • 27、No wonder generics firms are growingin confidence.(難怪仿制藥公司越來(lái)越有信心。)

in confidence基本釋義

in confidence

英 [in ?k?nfid?ns] 美 [?n ?kɑnf?d?ns] 
