
in dispute造句

in dispute造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:14


in dispute造句

  • 1、Problemsin dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes.(參加者不需要離開家就可以使存在爭議的問題得以解決。)
  • 2、Estimates vary of how many millions of men and women were transported. What is notin dispute is the legacy of this vile traffic.(到底有幾百萬男女給運走,估計數(shù)字不盡相同,但毫無爭議的,是這種卑劣販運遺留的后果。)
  • 3、The facts could not have been simpler and were notin dispute.(事實再簡單不能了,雙方也沒有什么爭議。)
  • 4、Society, in this sense, is God (with one difference: the existence of society is notin dispute and is supported by observable evidence). You are created in your society's image.(從這個意義上說,社會就是上帝(有一點不同:社會的存在是毫無爭議的,也是被可見的證據(jù)支持的),你創(chuàng)造了你的社會形象。)
  • 5、What is notin dispute: the iPhone 4 antenna has a weak spot in the lower-left corner of the frame, marked by the black line in the frame.(毫無爭議的是:iPhone4的天線在金屬框的左下角有一個弱點,就在框上的黑線處。)
  • 6、All points or games which the players agree on stand and only thosein dispute should be replayed.(所有雙方球員同意的分?jǐn)?shù)或者局?jǐn)?shù)將保持下去只有有爭議的部分將會重賽。)
  • 7、The facts werein dispute and, in any case, should not have diminished his standing after a long career marked by devotion, stellar service, and evident courage.(這個情況還沒有經(jīng)證實,但不管怎樣,這件事都不應(yīng)該會降低他的聲望,因為他的聲望來自長期以來對這份職業(yè)的投入,來自出色的服役和顯而易見的勇氣。)
  • 8、France has been the holdout in trying to negotiate an end to the dispute.(法國在解決這次爭端的談判中拒不讓步。)
  • 9、The other two cases remainin dispute.(其他兩起死亡事件仍在調(diào)查中。)
  • 10、More than ten years on, the wisdom of the fund's strategy is stillin dispute.(快過去十年了,IMF的戰(zhàn)略智慧仍然受到爭議。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 11、The matterin dispute over trifles is the ownership of the house.(眼下扯皮的事是這所房子該歸誰。)
  • 12、The two countries arein dispute over the boundaries of their coastal waters.(兩國對它們沿海海域的邊界是有爭議的。)
  • 13、The two sides in the dispute say they are ready to talk.(爭執(zhí)雙方說他們愿意商談。)
  • 14、Your sincerity is notin dispute.(你的誠懇是無可置辯的。。)
  • 15、Whether the prices of real estate are reasonable is stillin dispute.(對于房地產(chǎn)價格的合理與否,目前仍然存在著爭議。)
  • 16、But what's notin dispute are the visible facts; out of 577 members of the National Assembly, there are no black or brown faces other than those representing the overseas territories.(但明顯的事實不容質(zhì)疑,在法國國民議會577名成員中,除去海外殖民地代表,沒有一名黑人或棕色人種。)
  • 17、Because let's face it, the Premier League is where Bellamy belongs, and it's a criminal waste to see him sitting on the sidelinesin dispute with Manchester City.(我們一起來想象一下,貝拉米是屬于超級聯(lián)賽的,但是看他坐在曼徹斯特城隊替補(bǔ)席和隊友爭吵簡直就是一種罪惡的浪費。)
  • 18、Mexico's ports and border-crossings have always beenin dispute among the big players in the drugs business.(墨西哥的港口與邊境口岸一直是大毒梟間的必爭之地。)
  • 19、The matterin dispute is the ownership of the house.(眼下的糾紛是這所房子的所有權(quán)問題。)
  • 20、He was arrested by the Russians in January 1945 and was reported to have died two months later, although the circumstances of his death have long beenin dispute.(不幸的是,1945年1月瓦盧堡被蘇軍逮捕,而且有報告說他在被捕兩個月后死亡。但是關(guān)于他死亡真相眾說紛紜。)
  • 21、The reason or reasons why people hoard arein dispute.(對人們?yōu)槭裁炊诜e的原因還有爭議。)
  • 22、They have to hold a meeting to settle the issuein dispute.(他們得舉行一個會議來解決爭議中的問題。)
  • 23、The schedule for the talks has been agreed, but the location is stillin dispute.(會談的時間表已經(jīng)達(dá)成一致,但地點尚有爭議。)
  • 24、Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration.(爭執(zhí)雙方已同意提請仲裁。)

in dispute基本釋義

in dispute

英 [in dis?pju:t] 美 [?n d??spjut] 
