
in different ways造句

in different ways造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:40:15


in different ways造句

  • 1、The agents' questions compel student tutors to think and explain the materialsin different ways, and watching the agent solve problems allows them to see their knowledge put into action.(教學(xué)對象的問題迫使學(xué)生導(dǎo)師以不同的方式思考、解釋材料,而觀察他們解決問題的過程能讓導(dǎo)師們看到自己的知識付諸到了實踐中。)
  • 2、Projects consume resourcesin different ways.(項目用不同的方法消耗資源。)
  • 3、Moreover, payouts on the swaps are triggeredin different ways.(此外兩種掉期的償付有著不同的觸發(fā)方式。)
  • 4、You might think of topics as types of containers for preparing foodin different ways, such as a basic frying pan, blender, and baking dish.(您可以將主題看作以不同方式準(zhǔn)備食物的各種類型的容器,例如,最常用的平底鍋、攪拌器和烘焙碟。)
  • 5、You probably have noticed that people express similar ideasin different ways, depending on the situations they are in.(你可能已經(jīng)注意到,人們表達(dá)相似想法的方式的不同取決于他們所處的環(huán)境。)
  • 6、You can arrange the layoutin different ways according to Fibonacci Numbers.(你可以根據(jù)斐波那契序列的數(shù)字來安排不同的頁面布局方式。)
  • 7、Imber-Black says that secrets can cause troublein different ways.(埃文·布萊克說秘密會以不同方式引起麻煩。)
  • 8、Genetic factors exert their influencein different ways.(基因以不同的方式產(chǎn)生影響。)
  • 9、Can't you all be successes, butin different ways?(為什么大家不能一起取得成功,但是用不同的方式呢?)
  • 10、So far these attempts have,in different ways, failed.(迄今為止的這些嘗試,都以不同的方式失敗告終了。)
  • 11、Law firms are respondingin different ways.(不同的律師事務(wù)所對此反應(yīng)不同。)
  • 12、Miriam: Look, Gerald, men and women simply communicatein different ways.(米麗·亞姆:聽著,杰拉爾德,男人和女人只不過溝通的方式不同。)
  • 13、Pirates were punishedin different ways depending on which rule was broken.(海盜根據(jù)所犯的規(guī)則接受不同的懲罰。)
  • 14、There is a biological rhythm for learning, though it affects different peoplein different ways.(學(xué)習(xí)是有生物節(jié)律的,盡管它對不同的人造成影響的方式不同。)
  • 15、XHR is implementedin different ways in different versions of IE.(在IE的不同版本中,以不同方式實現(xiàn)XHR。)
  • 16、We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around usin different ways.(我們還可以發(fā)展我們的分析技能,學(xué)習(xí)如何以不同的方式看待和解釋我們周圍的世界。)
  • 17、Also, various releases emit the script tagsin different ways.(另外,不同版本以不同方式發(fā)出腳本標(biāo)簽。)
  • 18、Different BCI frameworks accomplish this goalin different ways.(不同的BCI框架可以以不同的方式達(dá)到這個目的。)
  • 19、It is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern themin different ways.(給別人說話的權(quán)利和機會是必要的,因為問題可能以不同的方式影響到他們。)
  • 20、Coaching their teams to constantly learnin different ways.(輔導(dǎo)他們的團(tuán)隊從而不斷地以各種方式學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 21、Different languages handle abstractionsin different ways.(不同的語言以不同的方式處理抽象。)
  • 22、I've enjoyed all of themin different ways.(我每一部都喜歡,只是從不同方面。)
  • 23、The key lies in the fact that the units of meaning, words, can be strung togetherin different ways, according to rules, to communicate different meanings.(關(guān)鍵在于表意的單位——詞語可以按規(guī)則以不同的方式串連在一起,來傳達(dá)不同的意思。)
  • 24、Anhydrovinblastine was extracted from catharanthus roseus fresh leavesin different ways.(從長春花新鮮葉子中提取脫水長春堿有不同的方法。)
  • 25、Other experiments confirmed the findingin different ways.(其他實驗以不同的方式確認(rèn)發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 26、Most of the remaining XML compressors simulated this ideain different ways.(其他大多數(shù)XML壓縮器以不同的方式模擬這種思路。) Hao86.com
  • 27、Different UNIX variants use their swap spacein different ways.(不同的UNIX變體以不同的方式使用它們的交換空間。)

in different ways基本釋義