in disbelief造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:14


in disbelief造句

  • 1、"I just don't get why women do that," he exclaimed to me, shaking his headin disbelief.(“我不明白,她怎么成了這樣,”他向我控訴道,難以置信地?fù)u著他的頭。)
  • 2、I stand shivering in my thin rags, stillin disbelief that this nightmare is happening.(我穿著單薄的衣服,打著寒顫站立著,仍然不相信這場(chǎng)噩夢(mèng)的降臨。)
  • 3、"Are you joking?" she askedin disbelief.(“你在開(kāi)玩笑嗎?”她表示不相信。)
  • 4、I stared at my friendin disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.(我不敢置信地望著我的朋友,他講的就是我們第一天相遇的故事。)
  • 5、I am utterly outraged andin disbelief.(我相信我是有點(diǎn)義憤填膺了。)
  • 6、She shook her headin disbelief.(她搖搖頭,不相信。)
  • 7、When the good burghers of Amsterdam were first presented with a rhinoceros, spectators shook their headsin disbelief.(當(dāng)善良的阿姆斯特丹市民第一次看到犀牛時(shí),他們都難以置信地?fù)u了搖頭。)
  • 8、Audrey looked at mein disbelief.(奧德麗懷疑地看著我。)
  • 9、He shook his headin disbelief.(他搖頭表示不信。)
  • 10、She gazed at mein disbelief when I told her the news.(我告訴她這消息時(shí),她以懷疑的目光注視著我。)
  • 11、He stared at mein disbelief.(他滿腹疑惑地盯著我。)
  • 12、She picks up the detached power and phone cordsin disbelief.(她無(wú)法相信地?fù)炱鸨话蔚舻碾娫淳€和電話線。)
  • 13、He looked at mein disbelief.(他看著我,無(wú)法置信。)
  • 14、She looked at himin disbelief.(她懷疑地看著他。)
  • 15、Vegetable sellers mulled around the scene of the explosion in its aftermath, looking dazed andin disbelief.(爆炸發(fā)生后,蔬菜小販們看著爆炸現(xiàn)場(chǎng),臉上露出深思、不解和難以置信的表情。)
  • 16、"You what?" asked Maxin disbelief.(“你什么?”麥克斯難以置信。)
  • 17、Many Zimbabweans, grown sceptical over the years, shake their headsin disbelief.(許多津巴布韋人多年來(lái)已經(jīng)變得疑心重重,都遙頭不信。)
  • 18、Tamara stared at himin disbelief, shaking her head.(塔瑪拉搖著頭不相信地盯著他看。)
  • 19、"Lucky coin!" His colleague looked at mein disbelief.(“幸運(yùn)硬幣!”他的同事不可置信的看著我。)
  • 20、If you'rein disbelief at this point, you're reading the right article.(如果您還不相信這一點(diǎn),那么閱讀這篇文章算對(duì)了。)
  • 21、The French players collapsedin disbelief, Bulgarians rejoiced and Houllier sought a scapegoat.(難以置信的法國(guó)球員陷入崩潰,保加利亞人肆意慶祝,霍利爾則抓了只替罪羊。)
  • 22、He looked at his handin disbelief.(他難以置信的望著他的手。)
  • 23、Honestly, I was in shock,in disbelief.(老實(shí)說(shuō),我很震驚,難以置信。)
  • 24、Thee Crane can't stop shaking his headin disbelief.(鶴不停地?fù)u著頭,他不相信這一切是真的。)
  • 25、“What?” roared the big manin disbelief.“What in the hell kind of dog do you have?”(“什么?”大個(gè)子一臉難以置信的表情,大吼道:“你養(yǎng)的到底是什么狗???”)
  • 26、When the suggestion came up, my new congressional liaison, Howard Paster, shook his headin disbelief.(這個(gè)建議提出后,我的新任國(guó)會(huì)聯(lián)絡(luò)員霍華德·帕斯特?fù)u了搖頭,不敢相信這是真的。)

in disbelief基本釋義