
in front of造句

in front of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:40:09


in front of造句

  • 1、He was standingin front of me in the line.(在隊(duì)列中他站在我的前面。)
  • 2、A car suddenly pulled outin front of me.(一輛汽車突然由路邊沖到我前面。)
  • 3、He is sparkling and versatilein front of the camera.(他在攝影機(jī)前聰穎機(jī)智、多才多藝。)
  • 4、She dozed offin front of the fire.(她在爐火前打起盹兒來。)
  • 5、She bawled at himin front of everyone.(她當(dāng)著大家的面沖他大喊大叫。)
  • 6、A red van was parkedin front of the house.(一輛紅色面包車停在房前。)
  • 7、The crowd partedin front of them.(人群在他們面前分開了。)
  • 8、They made out a shadowy formin front of them.(他們隱約認(rèn)出了前面的模糊人影。)
  • 9、She pirouettedin front of the glass.(她在鏡子前立腳尖旋轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 10、Suddenly the womanin front of me fainted.(我面前的女人突然昏倒了。)
  • 11、We had our picture takenin front of the hotel.(我們在旅館前照了相。)
  • 12、Someone's been and parkedin front of the entrance!(有人居然把車停在大門口前!)
  • 13、Mark snoozedin front of the television.(馬克在電視機(jī)前打起盹兒來。)
  • 14、I stared blankly at the paperin front of me.(我茫然地看著面前這張紙。)
  • 15、A crowd began to collectin front of the embassy.(人群開始聚集在大使館的前面。)
  • 16、He was dozingin front of the TV.(他在電視機(jī)前打瞌睡。)
  • 17、We went home and chilledin front of the TV.(我們回家坐在電視機(jī)前放松。)
  • 18、The bus stops rightin front of our house.(公共汽車就停在我們的房子前面。) haO86.com
  • 19、We satin front of a roaring fire.(我們坐在熊熊的爐火面前。)
  • 20、A dog darted across the roadin front of me.(一條狗突然在我面前竄過馬路。)
  • 21、He tipped the table overin front of him.(他打翻了他前面的那張桌子。)
  • 22、Two very small children scuttled awayin front of them.(兩個(gè)很小的孩子在他們面前邁著又碎又快的步子跑開了。)
  • 23、A lot of them diedin front of our eyes.(他們中有很多死在我們眼前。)
  • 24、He planted himself squarelyin front of us.(他穩(wěn)穩(wěn)地站在我們面前。)
  • 25、He genuflectedin front of the altar.(他在祭壇前屈膝施禮。)
  • 26、He pulled into the drivewayin front of her garage.(他把車開進(jìn)她家車庫前的車道上停在那里。)
  • 27、She twirled aroundin front of the mirror.(她對著鏡子轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)身子。)
  • 28、He sat noddingin front of the fire.(他坐在火爐前打盹兒。)
  • 29、It's there, rightin front of you!(在那兒,就在你前面!)

in front of基本釋義

in front of

英 [in fr?nt ?v] 美 [?n fr?nt ?v] 

面前; 在…前面; 當(dāng)著…的面