in truth造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:19


in truth造句

  • 1、I like thy spirit, I doin truth; but I do not admire thy judgment.(我喜歡你的精神,真的喜歡;但我不佩服你的判斷力。)
  • 2、He believedin truth, and had dared to speak up.(他相信真理,并且有勇氣站出來說話。)
  • 3、This is the hard part,in truth.(事實(shí)上這是最難的一部分。)
  • 4、in truth an insolvency was never really on the CARDS.(事實(shí)上,破產(chǎn)還從未真正出現(xiàn)過。)
  • 5、Butin truth the relationship has never been happy.(但實(shí)際上它們的關(guān)系從未另人滿意過。)
  • 6、in truth, there are many causes.(事實(shí)上,這次火災(zāi)有許多原因。)
  • 7、in truth, I was more than ready.(事實(shí)上,我已經(jīng)做好充分準(zhǔn)備了。)
  • 8、in truth he had nowish to challenge her.(事實(shí)上,他壓根沒想跟她搶,他們還得要在一起合作呢。)
  • 9、If often exaggerated, these tales are rootedin truth.(這些故事常常被夸大,不過事實(shí)卻不容質(zhì)疑。)
  • 10、Am Iin truth gone mad, or is it thou?(到底是我真的瘋了,還是你瘋了?)
  • 11、But,in truth, he was in exactly the right position.(不過,說實(shí)話,他的觀點(diǎn)是完全正確的。)
  • 12、in truth, the crisis will make models more useful.(實(shí)際上,這場(chǎng)危機(jī)會(huì)讓模型更加實(shí)用了。)
  • 13、in truth, we'll be in worse shape if we don't.(事實(shí)是假如我們不這樣做,我們會(huì)陷入更糟糕的境地。)
  • 14、in truth, he's only one of many influences.(事實(shí)上,有許多有影響的人,他僅僅是其中的一個(gè)。)
  • 15、Instead, kids believein truth.(相反,孩子們篤信真理。)
  • 16、in truth, the angel of healing is always near you.(事實(shí)上,療愈天使始終在你附近。)
  • 17、in truth Darwin was a prolific author.(實(shí)際上,達(dá)爾文是一位多產(chǎn)的作家。)
  • 18、in truth, the EU had no choice.(事實(shí)上,歐盟沒有選擇。)
  • 19、"Each of us isin truth an idea of the Great Gull, an unlimited idea of freedom," Jonathan would say in the evenings on the beach.(“事實(shí)上,我們每個(gè)人都有偉大海鷗的概念,一個(gè)關(guān)于自由的無限概念,”每天晚上,喬納森在海灘上總是這么說。)
  • 20、in truth, the result is not that surprising.(實(shí)際上,這一結(jié)果并不奇怪。)
  • 21、He was not,in truth, a scientist at all.(事實(shí)上,他并不能算是一個(gè)真正的科學(xué)家。)
  • 22、Butin truth, people are healthier today than at any time in history.(但事實(shí)上,今天的人們比歷史上任何時(shí)候都更健康。)
  • 23、Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, thoughin truth it was nothing more than a large farm.(露西爾的家美其名曰稱為城堡,盡管實(shí)際上跟一個(gè)大農(nóng)場(chǎng)沒什么區(qū)別。)
  • 24、She laughed and chatted but was,in truth, not having much fun.(她雖然又是笑又是侃,但實(shí)際上玩得并不開心。)
  • 25、in truth, it is a human phenomenon.(實(shí)際上,它是一種人類社會(huì)的現(xiàn)象。)
  • 26、in truth the opposition were anaemic.(事實(shí)上我們的對(duì)手顯得很疲軟。)
  • 27、For there arein truth two Sarkozys.(因?yàn)槭聦?shí)上存在著兩個(gè)薩科奇。)
  • 28、in truth there are no Davids in this fight.(事實(shí)上,在這場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)斗中根本沒有什么大衛(wèi)王。)

in truth基本釋義

in truth

英 [in tru:θ] 美 [?n truθ] 
