
in this way造句

in this way造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:39:20


in this way造句

  • 1、Onlyin this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.(只有這樣才能湊足參加人數(shù)。)
  • 2、in this way, they are bound to lead more meaningful and successful lives.(這樣,他們一定會過上更有意義、更成功的生活。)
  • 3、Each year, hundreds of animals are killedin this way.(每年,數(shù)百只動物就是這樣被殺死的。)
  • 4、Now, there are some very good reasons to approach the materialin this way.(現(xiàn)在,有一些很好的理由來用這種方式處理材料。)
  • 5、He pulled my sleeve, attracted my attentionin this way.(他扯了扯我的衣袖,用這種方式引起了我的注意。)
  • 6、in this way, they grew stronger and stronger.(就這樣,他們長得越來越強壯。)
  • 7、in this way, you don`t have to review all the material again.(這樣,你就不必再復(fù)習所有的材料了。)
  • 8、in this way, you will have chances to be close to nature.(這樣,你就有機會接近大自然。)
  • 9、in this way, they provided credit.(通過這種方式,他們提供了貸款。)
  • 10、in this way, his students learned more than seven hundred words.(他的學生就這樣學會了700多個單詞。)
  • 11、Onlyin this way, can they have a fruitful and successful study life abroad.(只有這樣,他們才能在國外有充實而成功的學習生活。)
  • 12、Seals do not clickin this way, but they do have remarkable whiskers.(海豹不會以這種方式叫喚,但它們確實有不尋常的胡須。)
  • 13、To be clear, people can't keep away from all the risksin this way, but it's the best choice.(需要明確的是,人們不能以這種方式遠離所有的風險,但這是最好的選擇。)
  • 14、in this way, it learned to paint.(就這樣,它學會了畫畫。)
  • 15、He reads the texts every morning.in this way, he is able to recite them.(他每天早上讀課文。這樣,他就能背會了。)
  • 16、in this way, kids can learn by themselves.(這樣孩子們就可以自學了。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 17、Many linguists have looked at languagein this way.(許多語言學家就是這樣看待語言的。)
  • 18、in this way, you actually have a plan you can remember easily.(這樣,你就有了一個容易記住的計劃。)
  • 19、Chinese doctors believe that they can control the body's natural forcesin this way.(中國醫(yī)生相信他們可以通過這種方式控制人體的自然力量。)
  • 20、I couldn't believe these people were behavingin this way.(我無法相信這些人竟這樣行事。)
  • 21、in this way the body cures itself.(就這樣,身體自我治愈了。)
  • 22、in this way, you can increase the number of words and know the dialogues better.(這樣,你可以增加單詞量,更好地理解對話。)
  • 23、Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have sufferedin this way.(為使受這種苦的病人康復(fù)已經(jīng)付出了相當大的努力。)
  • 24、in this way, they broke off pieces from one of the stones.(就這樣,他們把其中一塊石頭敲碎了。)
  • 25、They share their notes to help students prepare for High School Entrance Examsin this way.(他們以這種方式分享筆記,幫助學生準備高考。)
  • 26、Onlyin this way can the experiment succeed.(只有用這種方法,試驗才能成功。)
  • 27、Is it dangerous to move around the worldin this way?(這樣在世界各地走動危險嗎?)
  • 28、in this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world.(這樣,人們可以更好地了解和欣賞世界各地的人民。)
  • 29、Disney now has ten "franchises" that it treatsin this way, from Mickey Mouse to Disney Fairies.(目前迪斯尼現(xiàn)在有十項這樣的“專營權(quán)”,從米老鼠到迪斯尼精靈。)
  • 30、Only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preservedin this way.(死去的生物中也只有一小部分被這樣保存下來。)

in this way基本釋義

in this way

英 [in eis wei] 美 [?n e?s we] 
用這種方法; 這樣; 因此